Doreen transitioned from programming to consulting because she found the work in healthcare data analysis unfulfilling and repetitive. She was drawn to the dynamic and creative nature of consumer goods and market research, which she found more interesting and engaging.
BrandZ is a globally recognized brand ranking that influences the stock prices of listed companies and is used by Fortune 500 companies as a key performance indicator for their marketing departments. It is considered a benchmark for brand value and is highly respected in the industry.
In 2023, Chinese brands are experiencing a significant decline in brand value, with an overall drop of around 20%. This is attributed to a combination of factors including a challenging capital market and a lack of focus on meaningful differentiation and brand activity.
Doreen advises Chinese brands to focus on creating meaningful, differentiated, and active brand experiences. She emphasizes the importance of understanding local consumer insights and avoiding the trap of competing solely on price, which can lead to a race to the bottom.
Doreen highlights that brand value constitutes 53% of a company's intangible assets, according to recent data. She stresses the importance of not underestimating the value of a brand and the need for companies to invest in building and maintaining strong brand equity.
看到这句话,你大概和我一样惊讶。这句话是凯度大中华区CEO Doreen(简称D姐)告诉我的。D姐是我非常尊敬的前辈,对外她为人熟知的身份是企业CEO、是品牌营销行业专家,但其实她的个人经历非常丰富:
03:29 从程序员转型全球顶级咨询CEO,我的折腾人生
07:15 西班牙人和黑人是怎么开始用牙膏的?
17:42 登上英国议会演讲背后:我准备了100遍
27:00 被500强企业当作考核成绩单,BrandZ榜单怎么做到的?
37:33 CMO都说不清的品牌价值,该如何准确评估?
43:33 2023年开始,中国品牌整体价值正在以20%左右幅度下滑
49:14 “卷价格死、卷价值活”
53:18 中国品牌有效出海,避坑这3点
57:15 “任何市场品牌建设窗口期只有两三年,没有回头路”
1:06:00 “品牌占企业无形资产53%,请坚信品牌的价值”
主播:刀姐doris(刀法 Digipont 创始人兼CEO)
前互联网平台衣二三 CMO、北美支付宝市场运营负责人、纽约 MK 传播经理、北美联合利华护肤品类品牌经理。同时也是一个营销圈和消费圈的头部 KOL,全网百万粉丝。
片头:中国雅痞-CEM records/By.L
片尾:Hypotheticals-Lake Street Dive