The instant retail sector grew by 26.2% from January to August 2024, significantly outpacing the overall retail growth rate of 3.4% and the online retail growth rate of 8.9%.
40% of Meituan's orders for Vivo come from users who have never purchased Vivo products before, indicating a significant influx of new customers.
The average order value for Vivo is highest on instant retail platforms, followed by offline stores, and then online e-commerce platforms.
The main challenges include adapting internal organizational structures, enhancing digital capabilities, and ensuring seamless integration of supply chains to meet the demands of instant retail.
The most active demographic on Meituan's instant retail platform is the younger generation, particularly those born after 2000, who are accustomed to the convenience and speed of instant services.
Vivo has tailored its product offerings and marketing strategies to suit the instant retail environment, including developing products specifically for delivery personnel and leveraging Meituan's platform for new product launches and promotions.
Future trends in instant retail include expansion into lower-tier cities, extension of service hours to 24/7, and broadening the range of products available, from daily necessities to more specialized items like electronics and outdoor gear.
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主播:刀姐doris(刀法 Digipont 创始人兼CEO)
前互联网平台衣二三 CMO、北美支付宝市场运营负责人、纽约 MK 传播经理、北美联合利华护肤品类品牌经理。同时也是一个营销圈和消费圈的头部 KOL,全网百万粉丝。
片头:中国雅痞-CEM records/By.L
片尾: APT.-ROSÉ & Bruno Mars