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M-1二十年见证日本喜剧盛世 漫才兄弟夺冠中国喜剧走向更多元?

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@梵一如 :观看M1大赛决赛后,我对日本和中国的喜剧环境进行了对比,并分享了自己的感受。日本漫才环境更具包容性和开拓性,而中国喜剧环境则更复杂,既有传统电视媒体,也有网络平台和自媒体。 此外,我还对M1大赛的评选机制和观众构成进行了分析,认为年轻女性观众在现场观众投票中占据主导地位,这会影响到节目内容的选择。 最后,我对M1大赛二十年的发展历程进行了回顾,认为它见证了日本娱乐圈的地壳变动,也反映了日本社会的变化。 @穷小疯 :我主要关注令和罗曼的表演,认为成熟的喜剧演员需要不断接触新的刺激来打开思路。令和罗曼的成功在于其精准的选题和大胆的尝试,他们善于将小众梗融入表演,并巧妙地利用现场气氛影响评委。 此外,我还对M1大赛的赛制进行了分析,认为第一段和第二段的段子安排策略至关重要,需要根据自身实力和对比赛的把握进行选择。 @乔易 :我从内容创作的角度出发,分析了中国和日本喜剧综艺的差异。中国喜剧综艺更强调演员的创作能力和内容的独特性,而日本漫才则更注重设定和角色扮演。 此外,我还谈到了荒岛人气王组合的创作瓶颈,以及如何平衡个人表达和观众接受度的问题。 @帼蕾 :我从日本综艺节目的角度出发,分析了M1大赛的评选机制和观众构成,认为年轻女性观众是影响节目内容的重要因素。 此外,我还对中国喜剧综艺的评审机制和观众构成进行了分析,认为现场观众投票会受到多种因素的影响,例如观众的年龄层、对节目的预期以及演员的个人魅力等。 最后,我还对漫才兄弟的表演进行了评价,认为他们的成功在于其表演的代入感和节奏感,以及对生活细节的精准把握。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the M-1 Grand Prix become a significant event in Japanese comedy?

The M-1 Grand Prix became significant because it provided a platform for young comedians to showcase their talent and achieve fame. Over its 20-year history, it has grown into a national event, with thousands of participants and a strong cultural impact, elevating the status of comedians in Japan.

What is the structure of the M-1 Grand Prix competition?

The M-1 Grand Prix consists of multiple stages, starting with a selection of 10 participants, narrowing down to 3 finalists, and then choosing the ultimate winner. Each participant performs two segments, and the decision on which segment to perform first or second is a strategic choice for competitors.

How has the M-1 Grand Prix influenced the career of comedians in Japan?

Winning the M-1 Grand Prix can significantly boost a comedian's career, providing financial rewards, increased exposure, and opportunities to host TV shows. It has become a pathway for comedians to achieve national recognition and success in the entertainment industry.

What are the key differences between Japanese and Chinese comedy environments?

Japanese comedy, particularly through events like M-1, allows comedians to explore diverse styles and transition into mainstream entertainment. In contrast, Chinese comedy often focuses on self-expression and personal stories, with comedians leveraging platforms like social media to build their careers.

What challenges do Chinese comedians face in creating content for comedy shows?

Chinese comedians face the challenge of constantly producing new material, as audiences expect fresh content with each performance. This contrasts with Japanese comedians, who can refine and reuse their best material across multiple stages of a competition like M-1.

How do Japanese and Chinese audiences differ in their reception of comedy?

Japanese audiences are more accustomed to comedic performances that rely on well-established character archetypes and routines, while Chinese audiences prefer comedy that offers personal insights or educational value. This cultural difference shapes the types of comedy that succeed in each country.

What role does gender play in the M-1 Grand Prix?

Gender plays a significant role in the M-1 Grand Prix, as the competition has historically been dominated by male comedians. There is a separate competition, W1, for female comedians, but their performances often receive less attention and recognition compared to their male counterparts in M-1.

How has the M-1 Grand Prix evolved over its 20-year history?

The M-1 Grand Prix has evolved from a competition focused on selecting the best comedians to a platform that emphasizes dreams and aspirations. It has become a cultural phenomenon, encouraging young people to pursue comedy as a viable and respected career path.

What impact did the M-1 Grand Prix have on the Japanese comedy industry?

The M-1 Grand Prix revitalized the Japanese comedy industry by reintroducing manzai (a traditional form of comedy) to mainstream audiences. It also elevated the status of comedians, making them prominent figures in television and entertainment.

How do Chinese comedians leverage social media to build their careers?

Chinese comedians use social media platforms like Weibo, Douyin, and Bilibili to share their performances, interact with fans, and build a following. This allows them to bypass traditional media channels and directly engage with their audience, increasing their visibility and opportunities.

  • 令和浪漫组合连续两年夺冠
  • M-1大赛评选机制
  • 令和浪漫的成功策略:选题精准,表演风格独特,对观众的精准把握
  • M-1大赛对参赛选手的要求:段子质量,对时事的把握,对观众的理解

Shownotes Transcript


穷小疯 & 乔易(漫才组合“荒岛人气王”成员、喜剧编剧)





05:20 日本漫才大奖赛(M1)20周年创造神回

15:00 令和罗曼成为漫才新世代大魔王

19:30 M-1如何成为日本喜剧圈的“有梦想大赛”

2023年&2024年 M-1 冠军组合“令和罗曼”(左:高比良车、右:松井烟)

26:45 中国新世代喜剧演员的“自媒体—平台”路径

31:00 喜剧综艺的观众构成与评审机制

39:00 喜剧舞台上到底可不可以“深刻”?

46:00 中国喜剧综艺要求演员“强创作”

49:40 荒岛人气王的特质和创作“瓶颈”

56:40 中日观众对于喜剧设定和自我表达的不同接受程度

1:06:00 同台竞技的对手和节目编导怎么评价漫才兄弟?

1:16:00 漫才兄弟鼓励一大批新组合涌现


1:30:00 二十年的M-1大赛见证娱乐圈的地壳变动

1:43:15 短剧播客大喜利,好多好笑的东西我想话你知





浜田雅功 - チキンライス








番薯剥壳工作室(Yakimo Studio)