cover of episode 073.沟通中的阴阳怪气和心机重重,我又气又恨


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竹子:在与邻居朱某的日常对话中,我感受到明显的被轻视和打压。他并没有直接表达关心,而是用含沙射影的方式指出我的不足,例如说我跑步导致抽筋是因为‘缺美’,并以此来抬高自己。这种沟通方式让我感到非常不舒服,也让我反思日常生活中类似的‘阴阳怪气’现象。 我与朱某的对话从跑步、服装行业、投资等多个话题展开,看似轻松随意,实则暗藏着一种价值观冲突。他通过贬低我的生活方式和职业选择,来强调自己眼中的‘正确’生活方式和成功标准。这种行为让我意识到,有些人会通过打压他人来确立自身优越感,而这种行为的根本原因在于其内心深处的不自信。 与朱某的冲突让我联想到之前母亲与他的冲突,母亲直接回怼的方式与我的方式截然不同,也引发了我对不同沟通方式的思考。 在与朋友的相处中,我也曾遇到过类似的情况。我与一位朋友的交往中,从未感受到轻松和被认可,这种不被认可的感觉最终导致了友谊的破裂。他从不认可我的创作,甚至用轻蔑的语气评价我的生活方式,让我感到深深的被伤害。 在与朋友相处中,我更看重的是双向奔赴,是彼此真诚的分享和认可。真朋友应该能够分享彼此的喜悦和成就,并且在未来很长时间内仍然想与之相处。阶段性友谊的结束是人生的必经之路,不必为此感到自责。 在商业合作中,我也遇到过类似的情况。有些人会绕弯子,通过工作人员来进行合作洽谈,最终目的只是为了利益交换,而忽略了人情味和真诚的沟通。这种行为让我感到不舒服,因为他们把我当成一个IP而不是一个朋友。 我更倾向于直接、坦诚的沟通,不喜欢那些带着目的性、充满算计的交往方式。向上社交是一个伪命题,真正的友谊应该是平等、真诚的。 韩夏:在与人的沟通中,我不害怕直接的愤怒,但我害怕冷嘲热讽、轻蔑和情绪霸凌。这种轻飘飘的、用自己的世界观覆盖他人世界观的做法,让我感到不舒服,这是一种情绪上的霸凌。 我曾经与一位反对型人格的摄影师合作,他总是否定我的想法,却不提供建设性意见,这种行为让我感到沮丧和无力。 在与晚辈沟通时,我更倾向于引导和鼓励,而不是直接否定。我会先完成最安全的部分,如果时间允许,再尝试新的想法,避免扼杀他们的创造力和热情。 区分客观表达和主观表达很重要。客观表达是基于事实的,而主观表达是基于个人观点的,处理方式也应有所不同。 在与朋友的交往中,我也曾感受到不被认可和轻视。朋友的评价让我怀疑这段友谊的真实性,因为他不了解我,也不认可我的想法和生活方式。 真朋友的标准:可以分享喜悦和成就,并且在未来很长时间内仍然想与之相处。我会想象65岁时是否还愿意与这个人相处,以此来判断友谊的真挚程度。 在商业合作中,我更看重的是作品本身,而不是对方的名气或地位。如果对方只是想利用我,而没有真诚的沟通和尊重,我会感到不舒服。 自嘲和他嘲的区别在于,自嘲是自己主动发起,而他嘲是带有攻击性和轻蔑意味的。 在人际交往中,要警惕那些嘲笑他人、否定他人的人,他们往往内心缺乏自信。真正自信的人不需要通过贬低他人来抬高自己。 要关注自己内心的感受,不要忽视那些微小的不舒服的情绪。这些情绪是真实的,值得我们去反思和处理。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Bamboo feel uncomfortable after her conversation with her neighbor Zhu?

Bamboo felt uncomfortable because Zhu’s comments were subtly judgmental and condescending. For instance, when Bamboo mentioned she had a cramp after running, Zhu implied she lacked magnesium and made remarks that suggested Bamboo didn’t take care of her body. Additionally, Zhu compared Bamboo’s clothing business to pitiful young girls working early mornings, which felt dismissive and belittling.

What does Bamboo’s interaction with Zhu reveal about communication dynamics?

Bamboo’s interaction with Zhu highlights how subtle, judgmental remarks can create discomfort in conversations. Zhu’s comments, though not overtly hostile, carried an undertone of superiority and dismissal, which made Bamboo feel undervalued. This reflects how people sometimes assert their own beliefs by subtly undermining others, leading to a one-sided dynamic where one person feels diminished.

How does Han Xia describe her discomfort with certain types of communication?

Han Xia expresses discomfort with indirect, passive-aggressive communication, particularly the use of the “crying face” emoji or sarcastic tones. She finds these forms of expression more unsettling than direct anger because they carry a sense of mockery or condescension, which feels like a subtle form of emotional bullying.

What is the difference between self-deprecation and being mocked by others, according to Han Xia?

Han Xia distinguishes self-deprecation as something one initiates themselves, often as a form of humor or humility, while being mocked by others feels invasive and disrespectful. Self-deprecation is acceptable because it’s controlled by the individual, but when others join in or use it to belittle, it crosses a line and becomes hurtful.

How do Bamboo and Han Xia define a true friend?

Bamboo defines a true friend as someone who can genuinely share in your joys and successes without jealousy, while Han Xia adds that a true friend is someone she would still want to spend time with at 65. Both emphasize the importance of mutual respect, emotional support, and the ability to celebrate each other’s achievements without resentment.

Why does Bamboo feel disappointed in her interaction with S-Jie?

Bamboo feels disappointed because S-Jie approached their potential collaboration in a purely transactional manner, bypassing personal interaction and relying on intermediaries. Despite Bamboo’s admiration for S-Jie’s work, the lack of direct communication and the focus on leveraging each other’s platforms for mutual benefit made the interaction feel cold and impersonal, leaving Bamboo feeling undervalued.

What does Han Xia suggest about the importance of acknowledging small emotional discomforts?

Han Xia suggests that even small emotional discomforts, such as subtle judgments or passive-aggressive remarks, are worth examining. Ignoring these feelings can lead to a buildup of resentment or self-doubt. She encourages people to be sensitive to these moments and address them rather than striving for emotional detachment, as acknowledging discomfort is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and self-awareness.

  • 与邻居朱某的对话从跑步开始,涉及到工作、投资等多个话题。
  • 朱某的言辞看似不经意,却处处透露出对竹子生活方式和价值观的否定。
  • 竹子最终感到被冒犯和不适,引发了对日常沟通中如何应对阴阳怪气的思考。

Shownotes Transcript


韩夏和竹子总结了一下日常生活中这些微小的令人不适的瞬间,很多时候,那些话,如此的微小,却能让我们记很久。到底是为什么?以及未来... 该如何应对?


01:22 竹子与邻居朱某的一次“冲突”引发的思考

09:32 竹子跟马女士面对邻居的态度大不相同?直接回怼是唯一的解吗?

10:46 阴阳怪气,是在日常沟通中,最常发生、也最让我们感受别扭和难受的。

12:53 总有人通过打压,否定对方来确立自己的世界观是正确的。

14:00 反对性人格,是一种怎样的表现形式?

16:57 如何用不打压的方式与人沟通?

21:09 被否定,分清对方是客观表达还是主观表达。

22:49 韩夏:我不怕直接的愤怒,但我害怕“捂脸哭”的emoji——冷嘲热讽,轻易不屑和情绪霸凌。

26:11 我失恋了——我觉得我们是亲密的朋友,但对方从未认可过我。

33:22 什么是真朋友?竹子:可以分享喜悦成就的朋友。韩夏:我65岁的时候还想跟ta一起玩。

40:34 阶段性友谊的结束,不是错误,它是人生阶段的必经之路。

42:41 你巴结过朋友吗?向上社交是不是一个伪命题?

47:16 竹子:我想跟你当朋友,但你只想白嫖我?我对你来说,只是一个IP?

55:34 对方带着目的来接近你,是一件不可接受的事吗?

1:01:18 自嘲和他嘲的区别是什么?

1:11:28 我们在日常沟通中感到不适的时候,是否还要追求“钝感力”?


Francis Lai - Homme et une Femme




