This is tech lunch. This episode is brought you by Better help. This month is all about the gratitude and someone who I have tons of gratitude.
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Want to learn how you can make smarter decisions with your money? Well, i've got the podcast for you. I'm shown piles and I host nerd wallets smart money podcast.
Our show features our team of nerds, personal finance experts in credit cards, banking, investing and more, and they'll help you make the most of your money while cutting through the clutter and misinformation. In today's world of personal finance, you'll get clarity on strategies to help you build your wealth, invest wisely, shot for financial products and plan for major life events. Listen to nerve wallets, smart money podcasts wherever you .
get your podcasts, what are the top apps jensie Young adults downloaded this year? This is a tech lunch daily crunch special. It's clear that Jenny has an influence on APP consumption, known as the mobile first generation make up about forty percent of all mobile users worldwide.
Curious about their preferences, we recently contacted the apple intelligence firm APP figures, which provided an overview of the fifty most downloaded apps by Jenny this year. Now due to privacy rules, we were unable to obtain data for users aged thirteen to 10。 The firm only shared total download numbers for users aged eighteen and twenty four, and data is limited to users in the U.
S. O. IT doesn't provide a complete picture. Even so, this gives us an idea of the preferences among the older segments of this generation, from popular e commerce and social media platforms to photo editing tools.
Let's take a closer look at the apps that have resonated with this demographic in twenty twenty four. Based on data from IOS and android users in the U. S. The most downloaded APP from january to october was drum roll please, a team of the popular online marketplace that offers nearly every type of product do you can think of at heavily discounted rates. Jene Young adults have downadup the APP forty one point nine eight million times, indicating that the vast selection of affordable items is highly appealing to this particularly group.
Despite their dedication to sustainability and the ongoing debates around fast fashion, timo also bets on game of fictional strategies to motivate shoppers such as coupons, rewards and free gifts. Not surprisingly, gool tiktok is in second place next to timo with thirty three point two three million downloads. The short form video that is popular among users aged eighteen to twenty four four several reasons, the most obvious being that IT serves as I go to source for a fast paste, easily digestible content.
Interestingly enough, the jensie dominated APP is also preferred as a search engine over google. Another major video platform, a youtube remains popular among gene Young adults over a span of around ten months. The mobile APP a asked fourteen point zero three million new installs, figures noted.
Well, this number is not as high as tiktok. IT still indicate significant engagement among this group. They also seem to to be driving growth in the short trauma APP industry. One of the latest stamps gaining attention is short max, which features about one thousand short films across the various stratas, including drama, romance and mysteries. Data shows that eighteen to twenty four year old have installed the APP over ten million times so far in twenty twenty four.
In addition to their spending and streaming habits, jensie Young adults have also been downloading matters family of apps threads tops the list that thirty two point three two million installs, followed by what's up pad, twenty eight point for two million instagram, mar, twenty six point to nine million, facebook at two point five eight million, and messenger at seventeen point six three million. Since threats was the most recent to launch, IT makes sense that IT has more new downloads. Additionally, there seems to be renewed interest in facebook following the redesign aimed at engaging the social media savy generation.
While we cannot definitively determine whether the update directly influence the Spike and downloads, worth noting the potential correlation. Another not so shocking discovery was that OpenAI ChatGPT continues to be favoured among eighteen twenty four year old, gaining twenty four point six three million APP installs with many gensec Young adults are starting college or entering the early stages of their careers. ChatGPT has emerged as a favored resource for educational purposes, and career guidance survey conducted by best colleges revealed that forty three percent of college students have admitted to using ChatGPT or similar A I tools. In addition to threads and instagram ranking highly bite dances, cap cut is another platform favorite by janee Young adults. The video editing APP is known for its range of effects and filters, making IT easy to upload, edit content to tiktok and other compatible platforms, and data indicates that the apps are twenty one point seven two million new downloads.
Want to learn how you can make smarter decisions with your money? Well, I ve got the podcast for you. I'm shot piles, and I host nerd wallets smart money podcast.
Our show features our team of nerds, personal finance experts and credit cards, banking, investing and more. And you'll help you make the most of your money while cutting through the clutter and misinformation. In today's world of personal finance, you'll get clarity on strategies to help you build your wealth, invest wisely, shot for financial products and plan for major life events. Listen to nerve wallets, smart money podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.
Another APP from by dance, lemon eight, has also gained some traction among this age group with seven point seven million downadup. Although this instagram copycat has been slow to grow in the U. S, IT seems to be making progress with its target audience.
Others on the list include snaps chat with nineteen point one six million installs followed by telegram with thirteen point one two million, pictures at eight point two three million, read at eight point zero six million and x at seven point five eight years. So far this year, netlist has been the top streaming to attract the most eighteen, twenty 4, fifteen point six seven million installs. Prime video and disney plus are not far behind with twelve point eight six million and eleven point six eight million downloads respectively.
Max peacock to be each have around seven million downloads or more, and IT appears the music streaming APP, capturing a lots of interest among the Young than the platform spotify. This APP has attracted ten point four five million downadup, highlighting its significant appeal to this age group. Lastly, we take a look at download data for payment apps to determine which platforms are most popular among Young for making purchases, splitting bills and sending tips.
Paypal and establish player in the market experiences to jump in new downloads totalling thirteen point nine two million vmu followed with seven point eight million downadup while cash up recorded six point nine million downloads. And that your deadly crunch today stories were reported by law n first and produce spice spoke on air. We ll see you tomorrow same tech time, same crunch channel, and until then, find us that tech runge 点 com。