Ningbo has historically been a crucial trade hub due to its strategic location connecting the Grand Canal and maritime routes. It served as a key node in the East-West trade, linking the Silk Road with maritime trade routes. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Ningbo was a major port for trade with Japan and Southeast Asia, and it continued to play a vital role in maritime trade even after the Grand Canal's importance shifted.
Ningbo merchants were instrumental in shaping Shanghai's economic landscape, particularly in finance, commerce, and transportation. By the 1920s, Ningbo migrants constituted one-sixth of Shanghai's population, and by 1948, they made up one-fifth. They dominated key industries, including banking and trade, and established strong self-organized communities and guilds, which significantly influenced Shanghai's cultural and economic development.
The Zhejiang School of Thought, particularly through figures like Wang Yangming, provided a philosophical foundation that reconciled Confucian ethics with commercial pursuits. Wang Yangming's emphasis on 'innate knowledge' and 'the unity of knowledge and action' allowed merchants to justify their business activities as morally legitimate. This intellectual shift helped Ningbo merchants navigate the tension between traditional moral values and the demands of a burgeoning commercial society.
Ningbo's cuisine is characterized by its unique blend of sweet and salty flavors, setting it apart from the predominantly sweet dishes of other Jiangnan regions. Signature dishes include salted duck eggs, pickled mustard greens (雪里蕻), and wine-soaked chicken (醉鸡). This culinary tradition reflects Ningbo's cultural identity, combining softness with a touch of boldness, much like the city's character.
Ningbo is compared to Florence and Genoa due to its role as a hub of commerce, culture, and intellectual innovation. Like Florence during the Renaissance, Ningbo was a center of thought and trade, fostering significant cultural and economic transformations. Similarly, Genoa's expertise in finance and trade parallels Ningbo's historical prominence in maritime commerce and its influence on regional and international trade networks.
The phrase '知行合一' encapsulates Ningbo's cultural ethos, emphasizing the integration of knowledge and practice. This principle, rooted in Wang Yangming's philosophy, reflects Ningbo's approach to commerce and life, where ethical conduct and practical action are harmonized. It underscores the city's ability to balance tradition with innovation, making it a model of sustainable cultural and economic development.
02:07 宁波印象:天一阁、浙东学派、在沪宁波人
07:24 在“读书无用论”的年代,仍有读书至上的家庭氛围
10:52 宁波味道:咸鸭蛋、雪里蕻、酒糟、醉鸡……
13:33 “洋泾浜”英语:来叫come,去叫go,进门就叫open door
18:28 宁波特质:甜中带咸的饮食、柔中带刚的语调
21:44 同中有异:宁波与绍兴的相互影响与相互塑造
24:58 运河、船舶与港口,作为贸易枢纽的宁波
31:31 对比晋商、粤商、闽商、徽商,看近代甬商的转型
37:34 宁波商帮摆脱了传统社会“道德-商业”的张力与撕裂
44:54 阳明心学的思想革命与浙东学派的突破口
48:08 由“绍兴出师爷,宁波出商人”引发的猜想
50:36 类比佛罗伦萨、热那亚、荷兰:思想与地理上的相似性
55:50 张弛有度,知行合一,中国的“苏格兰启蒙运动”
01:01:36 宁波的城市腔调:在传承中创新,沉稳而不失时尚
01 本期提到的与宁波相关的历史人物:王阳明、朱舜水、黄宗羲、章学诚、全祖望、万斯同、万斯大、严信厚(中国第一家民营银行总经理)、叶澄衷(五金大王)、虞洽卿(“阿德哥”)、朱葆三(清末首富)、方液仙(国货大王、轻工大王)、刘鸿生(火柴大王)、任士刚(汗衫大王)、张啸林(“上海三大亨”之一)、应桂馨(青帮“大”字辈,宋教仁案嫌疑人)。
02 阳明学,通常又称作王学、心学,是由明代大儒王守仁(号“阳明子”,人称王阳明)发展的儒家理学。元代至明初以来流行的程颐朱熹一派的理学强调格物以穷理,王阳明则继承宋代陆九渊强调“心即是理”,即最高的道理不需外求,而从自己心里即可得到。王阳明的主张为其学生继承发扬,并以讲会的形式传播到民间,成为“阳明学派”,亦称“姚江学派”。
03 载入《教育大辞典》的中国第一所女子中学——宁波甬江女中,其前身为宁波女塾,1844年由英国东方女子教育协会会员、基督教会传教士爱尔德赛女士创办,选址在宁波城西祝都桥(今中山西路182弄36号附近),1857年发展为崇德女校。此后,一位美国女士也在宁波开办了圣模女校。1958年,女子中学改名为宁波六中,并开始实行男女同校。1995年,易名为宁波市甬江职业高级中学。
04 中国第一位女留学生:金韵梅(Dr.Yamei Kin,1864-1934),又译名金雅梅、金雅妹,是中国第一位女留学生,医学家、教育家、营养师。金韵梅生于浙江宁波一个长老会牧师家庭,毕业于美国纽约医学院附属女子医科大学,创办了我国第一所公立护士学校天津北洋女医学堂。金韵梅也是浙江省第一位女留学生,第一位女大学毕业生。金韵梅开中国女性海外留学之先河,学成之后对我国医学和护理教育事业的发展做出贡献。1908年8月,由直隶总督袁世凯拨银2万两,金韵梅在天津东门外水阁大街创办了一所公立护士学校,亲任校长,始称天津公立女医局附设女医学堂,(亦称北洋女医学堂、长芦女医学堂),开近代中国公立护理教育之先河。《纽约时报》曾赞其为“一位典型的中国进步女性”、“当世最古老帝国中的新女性”和“当今世界最杰出的女性之一”。