cover of episode Inflation, Rate Fears Send Stocks Lower for Week

Inflation, Rate Fears Send Stocks Lower for Week

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Schwab Market Update Audio

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Cappy Jones
Key Landfill D
Key Landfill D 指出,由于强劲的经济数据,尤其是零售销售数据,以及美联储对未来利率走向的谨慎态度,导致投资者担忧通胀,市场出现避险情绪,股市在本周下跌。尽管盘尾出现逢低买入迹象,但三大股指均收跌,其中标准普尔500指数跌幅最大,为1.32%。科技股受美元走强、利率攀升以及对中美关系的担忧等多重因素影响,跌幅明显。此外,市场对特朗普政府的政策也存在担忧。Cappy Jones 认为,目前市场进入了一个“经济利好即市场利空”的阶段。 Cappy Jones 补充说,由于经济数据强劲,市场对美联储降息的预期降低,利好经济数据反而加剧了市场担忧。

Deep Dive

The stock market experienced a decline due to hot economic data and cautious signals from the Federal Reserve, leading to inflation fears and risk-off trading.
  • The S&P 500 index slipped to levels last seen before the election.
  • Strong retail sales data and Fed Chair Jerome Powell's warning about not rushing to trim rates contributed to the market's weakness.
  • The S&P 500 closed the week down 2.08%, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1.24%.

Shownotes Transcript

The SPX fell and is now down three weeks out of four. A cautious Fed and hot retail sales data that stirred inflation fear caused risk-off trading. Nvidia and retail earnings loom.

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