cover of episode Do I Really Want To Be a C-Suite Leader?

Do I Really Want To Be a C-Suite Leader?

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Coaching Real Leaders

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
个人财务专家,广播主持人和畅销书作者,通过“Baby Steps”计划帮助数百万人管理财务和摆脱债务。
Sarah感到自己正处于职业生涯的十字路口。她拥有十年工作经验,并已准备好担任C级高管等更高职位。然而,她并不确定自己是否真的渴望这样的职位,她感到自己被外在的期望和自身的能力所推动,而非内心的渴望。她回顾了自己在公司工作的三个阶段,并意识到自己目前的工作状态停滞不前,缺乏学习和成长的机会。她渴望改变,但又享受着现状的舒适和安逸,因此感到矛盾。她担心改变职业发展道路会带来风险,因为她之前的职业规划非常谨慎和稳步推进。她不清楚自己应该继续追求更高的职位和更大的影响力,还是应该探索其他更符合内心渴望的职业方向。 Muriel Wilkins作为一名高管教练,引导Sarah思考她对成功的定义,以及她内在的职业目标和外在的职业潜能之间的关系。她鼓励Sarah将内在目标作为职业发展的驱动力,并思考如何在追求目标的同时,兼顾外在潜能的实现。她建议Sarah将自己的想法和目标写下来,并比较以潜能和目标为主导的两种不同职业发展路径,从而找到更适合自己的方向。

Deep Dive

Sarah is uncertain about her next career move, feeling conflicted about whether to pursue a C-suite level job despite being well-positioned for it.
  • Sarah has been in her current organization for a decade.
  • She feels uncertain about the next logical step in her career.
  • There is a compulsion to do what's next rather than a natural ambition or desire.

Shownotes Transcript

She’s put in the hard work and might be next in line for an important, C-suite level job. But she’s not sure if that role is something she really wants. Host Muriel Wilkins coaches this leader to help her discover what she really wants to do next.

Further reading: