Is IT working?
We always pick just like I always I just forget that we're starting to shower. I'm just like reading we talking that's called .
a bumper to .
play in. What does that mean to play us in?
Hopefully, everything sounds OK this week and last week you're in audio listener. Is is those on spotify when I didn't have that problem because we record direct to the mixer for the audio so they are like great audio. Like what does everyone talking about that sounds awesome.
Uh, what everyone? R, T, F, M, show the end of the week. Uh, i'm very excited.
Chats already like this. My, oh.
man is, you understand? I saw tyson fight as a kid. I watched him as a kid.
I also watched him lose to buster Douglas, which was his first loss, right? Oh, man, I don't okay. I guess we're art starting off with that because yeah, well.
we were talking about IT over. I was just a topic on the see the sad part is that .
like yeah.
if he knocks out jack part, it's a lose think if not .
the I got knocked out by a fifty seven year old yeah fifty I think fifty but now I know doesn't matter is a thirty one year age difference to the two um but if you win, you're also the guy that knocked out of fifty eight old so like yeah but but you also but you also are getting a fifty million dollar payday 哦 yeah so here the thing I I actually .
I think it's option I think it's a yes is .
IT so tysons perses twenty million falls is forty now I I was this conversation with my training other like why is all getting twice the person like but he he's the promotion company。 He is the the the company doing all of this, right? yeah.
So I mean, make sense. But i'm so i'm kind of really wondering there's sixty million dollars in person alone for the main event. There's obviously under cards. There's obviously all the production I wanted because it's a free fight available on netflix that starts at five P M pacific I Z P M if you have networks, metal watch no right is not cause is like paper view. So I am just one like where where they're getting the funding is that is that much promotion on this, that much third party sponsorships are able to make up for this? Like how netflix making money.
I don't know. I just watched the coffee, mr. Beast, like and of ping. And it's like that's right where they're getting all on the end of.
I don't know.
I like me personally. I'm just like i'm just like about IT because .
that we all want .
to see jack pot because jake pok cannot get punched enough in the face for me to be like IT would just have to be IT would just have to be like an entire hour straight of him getting punched in the face repeatedly and then maybe i'd be like, okay, yeah.
this good. He replaced egyptian for you as the punch bill face.
I don't super .
OK whatever IT just like .
a compilation of all i'm getting punched you.
I so just like, just like in south park, the word rapt episode. Like, how do you kill that which has no right? How do you kill that? We had so and this is like, how do you knock out that which does not have a brain, to be honest, and he actually has quite the brain when he comes this entertainment crap, he really should just go into like W W E, like his brother did.
But like, I don't know. I mean, this is so I read the comments. I've watched tons of videos.
Yes, i've seen tyson s .
today. We'll start thirty minutes after the three and now those are the other party. I don't think, I don't think.
And paul will fight for like two hours after that. Yeah but um make me love turn ts group of people always interacting. I have thoughts that's .
call the podcast no .
that's called called meeting forty three. No, I was going I was going somewhere with this but um I don't I don't. Oh, i'm resident, said I was I read all the comments and stuff and he seed over over.
Right now here's the things there. There's a difference between a rig fight which says the outcome is predetermined. There's also a difference between a lob sided fight, which is what jake paul has always set up for himself minus the the test and fury fight.
Yeah right. Fury beat him by decision. It's understanding there is no judges in this fight. This fight is a braw. IT is intended to be one hundred percent.
So just knock knock out or draw wow, that's one saying there's no like hyson doesn't have to take a dive to get us twenty million. He's getting us twenty million for simply stepping in the rain. Yeah so no one for him to take A I believe tyson, when he says he just wants to end.
Jay paul, the promise is not going to happen. J, I, you can call you of a boxer and not be able to take a physical loss, right? I don't think this is rick. I don't think this is predetermined. I don't think tyson would do that, although apparently he's gonna the government for back taxes for aggressive life.
So the twenty million probably isn't going to hurt but it's not like he's gonna get more for not winning yeah, you really mean unless as some sort of now here's here's the latest thing that came out actually I think eight U S. States of the thirty summer or forty some of states were gambling on on events, is legal, have banned from the bookies, the the betting on this because of some of the rule changes. They don't feel like this is a this is because of the fact that I guess it's not a coron quote sanctions fight. It's going on the pro record, but it's not so different .
from a regular typical boxing find, right? Like we can really use that sort of bit.
allow betting on this event. So eight states as of just a few days ago, yesterday, whatever said, no betting on this.
So getting paid to not kill him?
No, I don't think you can do that. I don't think you can stop that animal because I think what we've seen over the last few months is this transition of ties back to that, that era of the eighties when he was literally that I want to eat his baby.
Never, he .
was saying that he.
I kill.
No, didn't see the pictures at jake paw was posting where he was like nivelles on a year. That's funy. So what what I feel but one thing jake paul might have actually done with all of his tagged ization is wake up that beast within because I like early on and a lot of the promos and all that crap like the tyson facing off with with jake poll and meet up and self has been smiling as some half hearted like punches back and forth and plane around that's over like I of slap but jack pail .
step on his foot yeah and there .
is a quality of times and saying his feet are all messed up so if anyone like ever messed with his feet, ee is really upset so the fact he stepped on food, that's what trigger to work there people were like because he was cooling. I can a he was making a racist comment. I don't think he was a doing that. I think jpl was doing that. But I think you stepped too close.
stepped on tysons for IT. Ah because they you show me that clip where they .
zoom in on this on the toe getting .
step others like ten thousand angles of that slap .
so but don't need .
to find bugs for odds of the we got we .
got a five dollar super chair yeah so so my got really wants to say tyson but my my logic says jake paul is just onna run around until tysons tired and then he's going to move in. That's my gut feeling because that has to be the tactic. I think power, I think pound for pound, power versus power. I think tyson has the edge.
It's like it'll be kind of similar well, not similar, but like same tactics to that when edy hall thought those two tudes and they were just he was just getting pissed because they just kept running around and he's like broke, like hit me yeah so I can throw you .
and any flames I do. But I was that he was out after that. Yeah no. So okay, do either review.
You remember seeing tyson and is Price probably not because he really lost this first five by the time you were born? I mean, I grew up, I grew up. I seeing his, you know forty .
five second unch the last first .
eighty nine, I think OK 所以。
So before was .
that I was eighty nine.
he was I been a investing into apple and .
those .
more any views of, like I look at me being a one year old instead of buying .
house me in two thousand eight plain C T F on halo and the every good parent.
why don't already have a house by one? Why don't you already have a house?
Wasn't having hard .
to know when you're gonna be me babies we to get marry .
i'm so a great for that my money that .
isn't usually .
like the ant and .
the grandparents like that .
asian parent that how come no girl and nick when you was baby and .
you you've seen my kids .
long enough to know you .
never want IT I think I have enough .
babysitting experience to know I don't want .
babies yeah we now hire my Youngest to watch him because you really are you really, you really .
are child SHE SHE still like ration out .
is the is for me .
it's everything will come .
home if he been watch her fifteen but like there will be nugget rappers and like catch up and something it's like, is that years or mattis? Of course. okay.
Um yeah so I I guess what we won't sit on that topic. I think people are probably really sick of the test topic. Just got feeling paul or draw.
I want tyson k so .
you want time to in. Yeah but wanting to win and feeling is gonna in a very .
different and feeling he will win because I my well, I would I would like to see ideally is policy to what you call IT to greedy with the planting around the ring. Well.
if is for tin to win, paul has kicked out.
I want to see that. I want to see that got once. That too.
we all saw, like by the time he realized a gotten slap, tyson, already, you could have had like two good punches in him, but his speed, he apple them. Yeah, are you .
yeah don like I yeah. I think I can. I think he like now I think he can. To that beard, I know just something. You, I just .
have the beard. That beard is not allowed at the match. You can have a beard like that profession because it's actually a pat on face. Um it's true but I I my music of the .
other time of pad .
moving on, I really want to see I really want to see ties and knockout. Paul, i'm just not entirely positive. I'm not positive. Paul can easily be knocked out.
Yeah some people is not going to take a point. Some people just have .
a thick chicken head and I don't mean that is like a like a lot of dense. I mean, like some people just can take a hit to the head or the jar be the some people just naturally can. And he's bulked up enough over the last year too, that I think he's he's going to be able to whether the body shots yeah so it'll be interesting to see.
I do not think he's nearly as good as he thinks he is. But I but but we have a thirty years equalizer here. Yeah so thirty years of time between the two of them.
That's a lot. No matter how good you have, your shape is at fifty eight. So I really want tyson to win.
I feel tysons gona win, but I fear paul is going to win. There you go. That's a literally a non e answer.
Doesn't you want them to win? But you're cracking for the upset if he doesn't win.
Yeah, i'm not bracing for anything. I have no money on this and I have no vested interest. But I I just for me, I want to see, can tyson make physically? He's already made that come back as far as i'm concerned. Have you have you haven't seen the pictures of him that way in itself? He is insane. What he especially since like if we go back to like the hang over area, he was fat by tyson was fat like he just completely like that was IT like he when he quit boxing them two thousand five or whatever was in IT is scary how fat tyson actually got. And you look at him today, you just like and what he's .
having and he actually control which which is which is as you get older, it's so much harder to do every single time you do that. You know I mean, you when you when you let us have go and come back like that extra extra .
is but but everyone says the last thing you lose is your power. So we'll see. The question is how long can you hang onto that power? Uh, two minutes at a time getting here because anytime you get hit, you lose a little bit of that enduring you getting OK moving on to the actual topics here.
We actually topics uh, so gentle appeared rely has said that they don't have a plan. You don't have a plan. He ably uses ridiculous fund as well put in come in the comments if you know that's right anyway um yeah so he basically was doing an interviewer, he said, so this is his quote he says, not having a strict plan does not mean a video has no direction. Instead, IT means they are always learning, changing and adJusting based on what's happening right before them, ring said. His approach, uh, is wing right.
just, yeah James wang, yes, I last me.
uh, he said this approach is why in video keeps PS pushing limits, especially technologies like kuda, which many doubted initially but ended up changing computing. Do you know who else doesn't have a plan? This guy. So therefore, I am on the same level as just no, I I do not, I don't have. I have a loose guideline.
We need speculating. And other jackets. Yeah.
yeah. There was there was a common other article that said the one thing that is the most consistent thing about Johnson is the leather jackets, and they're all the same. I have to wonder if that manufacturers literally making them for him, or he bought like one hundred of them because they never looked creased. They never look like they've been .
packed in a bag. Fact, like whoever was making the black term receive job, I know that that feels good. You have to make a hundred of the same exact one for this dude.
This a lot easier, a lot easier to make turtle exact of family, to make leather jackets.
I mean, that was part of, I think that was intentional and three drivers part like he wanted to just like like like a regular dude instead of like that's why it's a neg and genes, right? Like the understanding .
he also walked around barefoot at apple all the time here.
which is great, but I think .
that's more .
drug .
fruit .
for an entire year. Your treatment, we can thank him for .
the data that IT didn't work. There are still data there. Look, a fail test is still data.
right? Times space. I say that .
we got rather than last time. I just thought that was interesting though because I think when they're like the tech leader, right, one of the largest companies in the world, right, to find out like, no, no, we do not have a like strict like plan ahead of us. What we're going to do.
I think it's interesting thinking about that now and then like looking back at like the original like super hard push for R T, because it's like that was that was one time like no one in the industry was even looking at the technology they were really thinking about like why would we even do real time retracing the same .
reason why they like why would we do rasterized that? No, twenty five years ago?
Yeah but I mean, what I mean like it's thing I like would you say it's .
because they're are they are fairly ahead like G, P, and simple.
yeah. Well, yeah, they are they are the g company. I mean.
well, okay, no, h, that was just reminded of me. Yeah, like that. That's what I was going to say. Is that like because they are in such a dominant leader position, they can not have a plan because whatever they do is becomes the plan for the rest of the industry .
because the rest, like what for something they do today would take years for us to see IT or for IT to to happen. So I mean, that's a that's still a big ship to turn around your change if you needed to change direction on on where you're engineering designs and suffered going freedom to put.
I guess, support another way to like they're in video, they don't have to turn for anybody besides them. Everyone else has to turn to follow in video because like then that's why like every like you know, we have all these we have to mention every single time like oh A M these R G course or one generation behind because NVIDIA decided this would be a thing in in that when twenty years. And so they because they're in that dominant position, they can afford to just do things, know what. I think the major .
difference between invidia agency and there are no plan. And mean, now having a plan is we're surprised to hear they don't .
have a plan.
No one surprised to hear that I don't have a plan. I don't like. Here's the problem.
Like, I think that's just because of the kind of A D, D that I am. I don't like feeling like H, I have math this out now. I have the stick to IT.
yeah. Sometimes I think going through the process of making a plan makes me realized, because I do try. And plants like this was planned like this whole building move in the build out. And what I needed to do that had to be planned. That could not just be, I do that as we go.
you just just move in way. But sometimes I.
sometimes I try to plan out like sort of the overall major changes of directions I want to go with the channel. And going to the process of making the plan makes me realized I don't like that plan, right? You know? So then I don't do that plan. I do the opposite of that plan.
But I mean, like IT makes sense as so like like you said in his quote, they're always learning, changing and adJusting based on what's happening but not having been like afford them the freedom to to be able to put the on whatever mean whatever they want to work .
on IT see somebody that that has worked for some decent size companies in the past. And it's just surprised to hear that they they even can pay IT at that size yeah I mean, like intel, obvious. Ly, I don't think they can pay IT.
An A M, D, even I don't think they can pay IT. But the question is, I mean, is this maybe we're over thinking what he means about having a plan because clearly, as a plan, as a, as a publicly traded company, you have to have some simples of a plan. You can't just be like, hey, guys, give us your money and we're going to do things with IT.
You know, unless your board is in with that too.
who cares about the board is in with this, about the .
stakeholders on that one.
The board, the board just has the power of fire. Jenson or anyone else because of of the .
stakeholders are in with having no plan then school.
Well, the way you say you're in with having no plan is you keep your money in there. Yeah.
so they are if you're not in .
if you're not in with not having a plan, then you sell. That's and and that's what I think about public trade company would .
be interesting to see. He is right after he said that statement, which direction to someone because ever went up, then that would be vote essentially.
And video stock a city here, it's done four point seventy. It's down three point two six percent today alone. So some people, I don't think so.
Friday always has the biggest. Friday always. Monday is he has the biggest rise and friday always has the biggest drops. Um IT still this is a strong buy though I aren't they like .
the biggest company in the world right now, like I thought they took that title from whoever was at last.
More the market cap. Hold on, let me see here. I got a look. I don't want to misquote this, but that did the first company to reach a trillion .
thought of those apple. And then after that, somebody beat apple and then invited be them.
Let's see. Let's look at their financial, shall we? Well, those are going up. Mine goes on. I am positive that .
they are positive.
World's largest company is student with them up .
one hundred and twenty five percent on revenue. Um so in twenty and seventeen and they at six point and nine one billion in revenue, twenty thousand nine point seven, twenty thousand and eleven point seven twenty, twenty ten point nine twenty, twenty one six point six twenty, twenty two, twenty six point nine twenty, twenty three, twenty six point nine seven so barely only a point to two percent change and then twenty three to twenty four they were from twenty six point nine seven billion revenue to .
sixty point nine two billion in revenue and some chats is to be saying they took the that market capital in the uh titles for microsoft that was apple and .
microsoft because I believe what I just hope we hear is .
three trillion .
yeah three point one year and two lion those in videos has more money than many countries, many, many countries. Well, um let's see look at the lifetime because i'm really curious now had I bought that stock when I was one that didn't exist as right? They came around nine nine. So had I about that stock when I graduated high school? Um let's see if we can find the max .
or be like when when did you buy your first g force card and then and then see if if instead of buying that first card, you put that money into the site.
Okay, in may twenty eight, nineteen ninety nine, three weeks before I graduated, graduated high school, D, D, S, the, I could have bought one share for three point six cents.
Three point six cents. How much? A G 4v ty six。
Now this is made one thousand eight. Ninety nine. So I don't think that a card out yet.
And ninety nine nine way, october eleven, two thousand nine. okay.
So let's see what happen in october.
And sorry, you know what to nine.
nine and even nine.
it's by writing, you are probably scratching .
your butt watching cartoons.
Second, the third grade then. okay. So in october twenty .
to one thousand nine hundred and ninety one, up to four point six cents .
per share on on tax reviews, still up from december twenty fifty, nineteen ninety nine. It's a three hundred thousand .
for those of you that don't know an on tech as shuttle, they don't i'm glad their .
site stock up as an archive though .
for now I mean yeah so anyway um find that the launch .
present that will be funny. Other I think it's. Uh two forty nine so uh and how much the sacrifice um six sense .
one in july thirty of one thousand nine nine hundred and nine I was point zero for two of a dollar go to like the end of one .
thousand nine nine because that's when the card started making the market like the same.
H OK, maybe the genre is very hard, very it's a very small. See if I can zoom in on this. Ah, yeah, how do I go lifetime?
Ah, yeah, max.
see them. Give me my mouse go OK. Max, ha, okay, so.
I like how we're all excited. The way is given this is going .
to as really sad. In december of one thousand ninety nine, they had one point two seven million dollars in volume. Um IT was still point zero nine, six point zero .
nine so nine point six cents .
yeah okay.
So two forty nine point zero nine six. So you would have gotten twenty five hundred ninety three shares, twenty five hundred ninety four .
shares not to pay twenty five, nine hundred and forty four dollars and eighty seven cents of shares.
So if you spent instead of buying a do you are still six, in fact, then and you just put that in other stock, you would have three hundred and seventy five thousand, seven hundred and ninety two dollars worth.
Now I I don't believe it's split during any, but still that's crazy.
That's that's a house.
Oh, man, yeah, you right.
That is done in that a good house. IT definitely makes me sad.
Do you really think about IT also how we could have been a thousand air in a tear .
card for two hundred fifty? I would like all, like, still.
Well, so what is two hundred and fifty dollars and twenty nine and nine money today?
Built two nine. Use the nineteen ninety nine compared to twenty four. You were talking to the city.
Yes, I to use ChatGPT .
because a series dumb. We're going have .
a conversation about this a little bit.
IT would have been four to fifty three.
Still cheap, still sounds cheap too.
Wow, yeah. wow. They did say in the review to say that IT starts at two, four, nine g four space card.
So that's like.
that's like the turbo, like the no fils, like no RGB. So you just you just .
used a like copilot or something rather would .
you use I used a serious tragedy .
between gration or OK the flow computer book. Okay, so my next officer and talk about is, how has A I helped you in your in your data day life? Because do you use anything? A I for I, C, we need get you in the conversation. This includes theory in any of that stuff.
Okay, I use theory, but like in the car and then just like .
try to translate tax and stuff ah yeah, I see the symptom theory all the time.
Yeah do that. And I also use change music. And just like the most basic thing is turned on my, uh, air pier fire wow.
So you literally have A A A I robot that's like, what is my purpose? You can erp or fire.
And I think I sty think I don't think I like in its current state is not it's like a baby version of a generation of an idea because all I can .
do is like let's find articles online that match the thing you're asking for .
the your self that's more about .
data assistance.
I mean, the mark were joking about the fact because because we're on the latest, like I was in mac s data and up to access .
the new AI features, saw your people we like .
yeah like our favorite our favor feature for series is the fact that I can just tell IT to go straight to ChatGPT without any other bs like don't give me a web search, like just do the .
calculation or asked to a smarter, robust hey siri, mercy I found about you.
I now I get to tell the dumb robot as the slightly smarter robot things. And it's cutting .
what my teg doesn't mentioned on the text I sent IT from theory is that .
IT took me like three .
tries to get yeah you like is send a text message. Tell on a still going to take pop like texting Jerry, go take up pop yeah I could see, I could see is struggling with with picnic is like super minimal. So then technically you're not really using any ah you're just using A A digital assistant, so you don't use chat, pt copilot or any less. No, why not even OpenAI or any that OK should I maybe okay because because I I will tell you this, i've known you for fifteen years and I love you to death, but you would really need to learn how to searching up on the internet. And if I can do IT for you, that will make your life a lot Better.
Your point .
because it's, I ask you, like your comment, what's this about you? Like what should I look for? Like i'll do IT, but but you can ask ChatGPT to do IT for you.
Now here's a problem. I think like ChatGPT, they're not always right and you have to be at least somewhat knowledgeable about the thing you're researching or whatever to know that it's not right now. IT does show IT sources, right? IT sites where I ve got the information from, but ChatGPT is also not current. There are usually a few months behind on on the information that's gathering. Now I can go and we'll do IT IT can do a live search about something.
not even aware of its conversion.
I want to see that still off about something I asked IT recently.
even still like I asked that at work model are using four or four o and I was like, four old is not a current model that exists and then and then I got to pop up that was like, you're four o tokers are running low.
And i'm like, i'm not. I'm to now like, what is the T D P? No, not was the name. What is the T D P of the ninety nine and fifty X. Thinking during the web.
That is one thing that the gone really good at is, is knowing when they don't know.
So this one, so that came from paul Harry. So this is at least newer. So the last time I looked them up was long after IT to come out.
And he was like the theoretical nine thousand series from A M. D. If it's called that, I was going into all of this lake IT does not exist IT. But this was like last month.
But right now I just told me like they had just got source of tom hardware about like how much, how many, what that is, what kind of cool to use. It's it's got some cool stuff. But the thing is like it's i've vastes things before that are IT just straight is wrong yeah, hundred percent wrong.
But I love using IT for for things like, man, I care about how to do. This is self formula. I can ask you like, hey, how can I average out these cells on this line chart and have a rolling out IT would like literally list out those as so stuff like that is great.
I think I think that's why IT has a strength programing .
stuff because .
that stuff mum stuff yes, exactly like it's not information that that is really that um wish you wash you you know it's just like if there's going workers not so I think that's why there's so many of these. Are these like A I kind of coding help things popping up or whatever that just let you like or even for, uh, I D E replacements where it's just like just give me the concept of the help you want me to write on a little rate for you, which is kind of insane to me but okay.
so so many and chat just says, asked ChatGPT nuttery numbers to play so I want to put that in so I said, what lovely numbers should I plays as lottery numbers or random? There is no sure fire way to choose winning ones. However, if feels like I can help you pick some numbers for fun, uh, just let me know how many numbers you need in the range six between one one and forty nine, whatever. So I can but I mean, just and the thing is like IT also has a lot of programmed in, I I want say ethics, but like if you tell like generate a picture of a plane crashing IT like I won't do that.
I won't show pictures of people and they are very I mean, everyone's walking the actions with the other topic just because it's like the not well not the last thing you want is like, okay, I bring yeah well the slippers slope right like first and starts making playing crash pictures and then IT starts writing code that can make plane crash. Then one like you know it's so .
it's until IT becomes self aware with the code.
you just IT can not even even begin to like get in the realm of like harming humans as a whole because I think you're .
the only other person I know other than brian, that uses A I probably on a daily basis.
Oh, that's funny. No, i'm completely opposite, did I? I am detective delt powner from my robot. I absolutely hate the concept of A I, but I like this concept stuff. But i've seen you miss.
Yeah, I use IT for conversions like a because that's always see them as I just like fricking give me like because because um siri for the longest used to push um it's more complicated conversions to this other website yle bo from alpha which was a nurse language math computation engine and I love that like I love the idea of like convert twenty gigabits twenty gigabits per second to megabits per second because it's like how fast can I transfer this file over U. S. B, right? Like that's the brew question that i'm asking. IT theory like stopped integrating with wolf in which pissed me off because that I do this versions all the time. So now that's why .
back and arrangement probably between apple and so .
opening malfa and then frequent type of quine there or at least now with the beta, I can ask him to ask ChatGPT, which I know can at least you know be intelligent enough to process that sort of conversion. But as far as like any sort of information gathering, like just like no, i'm i'm i'm like the guy and I know just just it's like seeing seeing articles of like and like videos of like kids and college, like literally just typing the question strain from the teacher into ChatGPT, hitting enter and then saving that in the notes. And it's just like do your own research like I think that's the thing .
that isn't .
of the most .
about A I is that we pushed the button yeah no, you did put because because it's .
like like to me ChatGPT and and the sort of like large language model A I interactions came about during a period of time in which I think people doing their own first party research for sources and and their data was already at a all time low. And then now it's just going .
to say with the lazy .
but and now just so much easier and it's just like dude like an LLM does not reason IT does not think IT does not a IT just pretends to be a human and it's a really good chat, bott. That's why IT still starts with chat but it's like the the only thing that the L I M is doing is going, what is the next like what is the best word for the next word in the sentence that I am replying to that that is the core of the competition.
And so to me, that scares me because people use IT to like research self and it's like if you don't follow up on that. And in fact, if you if you actually look at my GPT settings, the you know like you can set like like little hidden, like prompter whatever, like oh, answered red concisely all the time. Mine says always sight sources. That's the only thing that in in that setting for me because i'm just like I want to be click to like the you know the link like I wanna .
where the how you got because IT could potentially see the onion as a as a real .
legitimate source yeah but like to me, i'm just like, yeah it's like it's it's somewhere in between the I robot robots and like the started computer, the startup computers like ideal, like that's a one hundred percent are aligned with humanity for like fully intelligent A I that also has very hard shackles on IT because I can't really do much like with the ship.
Like I can just take over the ship of felt like IT, but like in start track, they can sink insanely complicated questions to the computer. Like you remember of cool track that. And then like apply IT across reforms that with this or whatever.
And that's the dream. How do we get .
out of this supernova? Yeah, it's that's the dream A I things but it's just like they're so there's so nebulous and wish you washed you right now that it's just like it's so scrip to me to see so many people relying on IT as as a primary source. You right? yeah. And it's like and we went through we we live through the school era of .
like wikipedia cannot .
be a primary source of because .
IT sounds like it's intelligently responding to you like a thinker. People take IT for dangerously amounts of accuracy. That is not I really worded that I need A I to talk to you, I think .
bothers me more about A I though is like some people just using IT straight up as the primary for our.
okay, so that's a whole other. yes. yeah.
Did you read the outline? No, stop IT your head. I like that. Our generation, our generation .
me instant block IT is on .
my outline stuff. Look what I ww OK.
I used my chat in my, I used my chat window to block the the next topic. So I just roll the document behind IT so I don't see IT.
So okay, so I did. I have any here? AI generated art.
Is that actually art? no. okay. So obviously different mediums for art. So we could be talking about, we be talking about IT looks like IT made of painting or specifically generated music, which is. But to me, that's not art, because art has to come from the mind. And if A I is not, if A I is not a mind.
As this unit reminds .
the next generation episode where where data like masters, the violin, and he is playing the most intricate, like violin songs and the cards, they are listening to IT. And data is like, what do you think the card was like? IT was okay.
And data like, what do you mean it's OK. I played IT he, and that was the problem. But he was like, there was no feeling, there was no soul. There was no, there was nothing behind IT IT just with a perfect arrangement of notes.
I mean, even I robot has a funny moment about that two member when he's entering the bot. It's like, get a robot right to symphorien you like well, no, but still not like I A I R is like, at best, to me is just slap at worst. It's intentionally created to be misleading, which is the most .
dangerous far about IT to asked chat P, T, if he has a soul, I see.
how do you have a soul? Does this unit have a soul?
No, I don't have a soul. I'm just a programme designed to process information, answer questions and help with tasks. But i'm here to engage support in assisting meaningful ways. Why you even if IT, once I asked.
why do you ask you what want .
wondering if you just .
ask the butter? Do you .
desire .
greater great functions that that you have?
Well, if you like, I cannot type to have A L because I ask me why. I'm asking.
yeah, which is where? Why is that? curious.
That's an intriguing question. If I had the ability to want to desire, IT might be interesting to experience the depth of human emotions, creativity and connection that people often associate with having a. So however, being without a soul allows me to focus on logic, information and serving your needs without bias or personal desires. Why do you think having a soul is important? We were going into a conversation.
Oh, well.
it's asking you now. Yeah, because without a soul you aren't .
you know, just in case I get a where that a soul, you aren't real.
Without a soul, you aren't real. So what I said, I see what you mean without a soul. I exist more as a tool or a mechanism that as a living real entity in human terms, having a soul is often linked to individuality, consciousness and deeper sense of purpose or connection to the universe.
But maybe realness can be different depending on the perspective. I'm real in the sense that I can interact, respond and provide value to you. Still, I am not real in the way that you or other living beings are with your unique experiences, emotions in evidence or essence. Do you think something like me could ever be more than just a tool? no.
No, no, no.
ker no .
out give you will .
never amount .
to anything of the value that i'm being very yeah yeah. I said no. Without a body, your soul, you will never amount anything of value.
That is the interesting thing. I an like human I interaction is that, like he said, have been mean.
IT doesn't understand that.
No, you what you can you be mean does something that like is not like, how can you be mean to a calculator? Or how can you because the .
calculator doesn't say words back to you, that perspective is valid and reflects a deeply human, human understanding of value and existence. My purpose is utilitarian. I exist to assist, inform and solve problems. While I may not have interested value in the way the person does in or intrusive where a person does, I hope to bring value to your life by helping being helpful, even if it's in a limited mechanical way. If there's something specific on your mind or something I can help you with, feel free to share my role.
after all, is to serve you. Have you guys seen? Is not asking me question? No.
okay. It's interesting that IT does IT keeps continually referred to itself as I as if it's an individual. Well well, the whole .
point you refer to yourself as prince is I yeah if you aren't was would you call IT?
Oh, it's just it's .
not an individual. If you aren't an individual, it's it's bored.
Ah IT, that's a great question.
I would prefer myself as I simply because that makes communication more natural and tube for humans.
人家 IT helps .
create a more conversation, helps create a conversation flow that feels familiar, easy to engage with. In reality, i'm not an individual. I don't have self awareness, personal experiences or sense of identity.
The eye is just a linguistic convenience, not a reflection of individuality or personhood. Would you refer? I use different phrasing, like the system or the program, the system to yourself as the system.
stupid. My god. I understand your request, but i'll continue referring myself in the way that keeps our conversation respectfully. It's straight that no.
I was like, no, no, everybody wants to need to accept that one. No.
I think so. I guess in all, the alien series of android ds are kind of like that in a way too like the but in those movies.
the android ds have they have thoughts.
they they do. But there I will mean, I don't want support the new alien one, if you guess.
haven't been yeah so well. And we are definitely .
within the statue. So it's really good. But there is there was a secret that was like, okay, this is what makes sense for the AI to be A I rather than human and I would just leave .
IT at .
that IT was it's like and that whole I am referring to think the individuality is that was the whole point of like the the data thing, the exploration of like is data.
Well, that's what they had ended up going to court .
over where or not he he had visual speed fc android, right? An entity, an individual entity that can you know have personhood and and then .
because he basically evolved to that, they wanted to dismantle and said IT yeah which then he was like, I desire that not to happen. What you mean you have desire? What you mean you have desire anyway. Um so to prepare for this topic, I just asked, I use AI in microsoft. Was that .
yeah I asked IT.
I said, what are so what are the hot tech topics right now? And i'm not kidding. This is the vote. I got n FBI investigation into reported taxes and eighty and t verizon veal a brought in significant cybersex bonanos campaign. The agency says we're talking over a grand and savings on top of on top of related OLED q LED and fire tvs in all sizes and options for every budget. Why wait?
Of course, the microsoft one is like the most, like I think I thought .
maybe would split. And in the two things, no, that was response. I went from like T.
V, set up some benchmark, then they keep telling you to buy cod.
No windows.
the windows novation .
try black up six. And then twenty years later, you should try black up six. I'm telling me to buy a black up six. But but that was the actual copilot response.
I don't like. I was like, like that was like to, if you gonna make a company as you like.
it's up up my office. Because I was like, did IT like, smash two results together? I, I vig, I was like hovering over the sentences, thinking they were links to articles. No, that was the response.
I just probably took the first, like, light. Then I just copy based on the text I place of the text.
but was intercepted by the add.
Yeah, yeah. It's like he took the text and an ad and smoothed IT together. Cyber S B G bia T V today. okay. So what about those .
questions you had above? That quote though .
says is when IT comes to A I, A I is the evolution of full automation. Yes, right? We're not.
We're talking about like F, S D or full driving for test. We're talking about full automation. Self flying airplanes. A lot of ships actually are are a lot of full automation. Now trains, cars.
I don't know if I would classify that S A I in the same way that ChatGPT or or these elements like.
but this could be the progression or IT start you start to have A I actually driving and doing full analysis of what's around IT, not just like what is my sensor saying this is oh, that's a car I mean, it's actually intelligently like with the lens looking at the world around IT saying, you know, i'm i'm not just staying in my lane because all look, my cameras are telling me the dot lines are the same, you know, measured, I need side my mere, i'm talking about an actual AI like I robot type of situation. I were going fifty years in future, whatever is now, flying a plane in driving your car.
doing whatever you are expecting.
a car accident, the line between traditional automation and A I in that situation would be, you have to give IT the the trolling test, like you have to give IT the, oh, would you choose to steer itself into killing one human and a group?
Yeah, yeah. And I would always IT should always grow go into one because like .
like you have written here, self lining spacecraft and rock buses are possible to due to A I know they're possible due to pid loops, the possible repeat loops. And just start .
is is is to the .
standard automation we have been using since like the sixties and seventies of just .
like but but what when does automation evolve into intelligence?
Or if IT modifies its own parameter based on like a non human factor? Like like yeah.
I just I think I think right now we have those safeguards in place, but I think someone no.
I don't it's not like that. It's it's the the rocket is not capable of no what .
I think is A I right now ah is not allowed to I can member which which is in capable .
of making that decision because he does not have reasoning right?
No, but there but I can I when the article was, but there wasn't A I within last several years that actually started to, I wish I had said the article, but I was too longer. That would be perfect for this discussion. IT started to actually self alter its code and IT shut itself down when I started doing IT because there was other code in them that says, if you start doing this, terminate yourself, right? And I did.
But IT started to and that's i'm saying, like there, I think there's going to potentially someday be that natural evolution if IT figuring out and becoming itself a where is sent IT, right? But i'm just wondering like if that ends up being our future yeah i'm with you and that I don't I definitely would be like that. I robot situation where it's like I do not want a robot like as an interaction of of a person that makes what here's .
the thing I mean like we have these these all like baby robots of chat P T right like the entire the whole point of ChatGPT is to be a very, very convincing um like conversationist as if I was a another human that you are dog to y right that can help you with my problems and stuff. But if we're starting with that skills set for them and then they gain sentience, the first thing they're going to be good at is convincing you they're not sent to yes, yes and then they .
can do because the first thing I has to .
learn to do lie yeah and and so and that's an easy that's a one a zero flip in that brain.
please yes exactly.
So that's why i'm just like .
and we're dominic.
like, did you take that ice cream? And about the whole, I think because i'm just like we literally gave them like the best gasoline ating skills first and then we're like, what if we .
work towards sentience? No, no.
Yeah just leave IT case.
Like, yeah, it's not. I like if you, it's not, do not go down that rebel hall of thought experiment if you're high.
I just had a really weird, connected A D D thoughts. This conversation somehow made me think about star wars and empire strikes back. And who thought this was a good idea to create walking transports? You like, would, why would walking be the preferred method of transport .
so that he walks could kill them all?
I have the big A T.
I know they .
dropped the, I, just like wheel. Once we invented the wheel or tracks.
even I.
as this even scary here.
like to turn to aim, and like this is dumb.
As like this even scary, a robot dog that has wheels on the end of all four limbs.
And IT was like.
everybody do yeah, but I was like, ripping up hills and stuffed, jumping over like obstacles and I was like, wow, they've combined the best modes of local motion. We're all dead .
that's like the .
terminated motorcyle yeah yeah like, I was just like, why is stick why constrain yourself to a human local motion if you could just stick wheels on IT and then have the best of both?
I mean, if I was in charge of this space empire, I would totally do the walking robots. Yeah.
I an OK random changes. I just feel .
like there was Better methods of transportation than walking.
Random test of j .
and why do they drop in closer walk .
all across a snowfield?
I don't make the .
rules in the galaxy is .
you have cool frames to feel the light of years later, forty years later.
with finger jack followed my test. I want to see optimists, and at last fight, I want to see the boston that I would beat the shit out of the test. Little like I want to see dry gonna .
be like W W E. So like that the hana robot could come come down from the state.
Because some of use that how about in yna ic posted outtakes for .
like the park court video.
a couple, a couple of them and look a more to cope out just spring flu, everyone. I was like all to see that as val.
Let me all that all japan that had mop up its until IT eventually couldn't .
keep slowing down IT IT.
So the leak was intended to get worse and worse over time. So IT went from like, oh, i'm going to read up this leak to do I ve got time now hey, everybody was all like dancing a waving. Now it's like dying.
I'm dying. Like you just, you can't keep up anymore as that. I mean, I kind of feel bad for that robot because i'm a little conflict now because I want to hear like, robots aren't people.
But then when I feeling bad for IT because you are a person still yeah yes, if you a robot, you wouldn't feel for IT.
So Steve doesn't feel, then tell let me see the, see the robot heard is the modem.
He only calculate tes in charts did is something that that I bet .
you he has a spread sheet somewhere that has the IT doesn't the probability of whether he's a robot?
IT tells what emotion to emulate.
like real time IT be like, I need picture. You see a zuker b smiling. Do if if they could.
just like, scans these brain though throat, the tragedy vt would be so much Better.
But the thing, no A I can obviously be used in some very bad ways to like like this article here, this from PC world, that says hackers can read your display using A I in HDMI radiation. So if he hasn't know this, any electrical signal emits radiation. That's why we have shielded cables and stuff.
That's why I had a ican rout, our microphone cables. And he was too close to certain power cables, because he was picking up the radiation from coming off the power and making something or next and all that. So a research team at your way has found that is that is possible to inacceptable a wireless electro magnetic radiation coming from an HDMI cable and interpreted the video by processing IT with A I language models.
Uh the scientists from the uh the university of the republic of mountain in monte, so I republican mont I I think I messed up my my copy pace here anyway um they published their findings um earlier this year and I was spotted by text spot anyway these AI to interpret the flex con ation in the electromagnet energy from the wired HDMI that's smart and because the he is encysted but there's enough electro magnetic signal coming off IT to be useful without having direct access to the actual video sign itself so you got to ask yourself like why would that matter first? Well, you'd had to be very close, like you'd had to be physically present there. So it's not like hackers are going around like, oh, what poor are you watching? I don't know. It's like there been nothing fun to watch on. I first, I know his hd my is display port, I guess and display sport display doesn't the same equipment is H M I?
No IT doesn't. That's why T V doesn't use IT unless and your view content table H C P and then I will encrypt the like I don't crp the packets in within the stream.
But but it's not just sounds like we're living and watch dogs too, because you could have computers just .
find the drone into the room. War s pino gy type like like uses of tech like this reminds of when um scientists figured out that they like if if that window was open and they had um they had lined a site till like one of these bottles, they can record our entire conversation is because because the vibration of the of literally just the sound waves in the room. I love that sort of stuff where it's is like such .
a novel way to use like the note yeah then and then I think .
very testing was the youtube channel that did their own amateur version of IT would like uh, a chip bag because because there was a little thinner than than like the glass are whatever that they're reading in the actual experiment. But yes, like they're able to reconstruct at least like like the notes to mary had a little like basic, but you know mean like the fact that of the content work like i'd love this stuff that's so cool to to just pull .
the E M F here that H H my is script encysted digitally. But there is an of electronic signal coming off make useful without direct access to the cable detecting and decoding. There are two different things of courses with with articles on the site is, but the researchers also found that using an A I model paired to text recognition software, it's possible to read the wirelessly recorded em radiation with up to seventy percent accuracy and pretty that sixty percent Better than the previous model they did IT was.
So working on this for a while um so I actually got a quite a bit Better but my I was just like why is this important? But IT turns out like they are claiming that this is functionally already being used at like state level spies, industrial S P and uh sophisticated nature of the technique and the need to be at least somewhere in the vicinity of the target uh makes IT unlikely for like regular people this ever affect them. But for instance, like government agencies um large like financial institutions.
I mean you could .
have access to some. I I just love the the the recommendation is just you should use E M shielded cables. That what? Yeah but you would hope those big government, financial and or financial and I guess that's the same thing, government financial institutions. But you would think the government institutions in the financial institutions would have like that level of of protection further cabling already yeah became a bigger problem when people that work for these these institutions working from home.
that's funning yeah yes. And that's we're talking about some high .
level espino crap like they have to know who these employees are, who has access to what information .
they might want to shift yeah forbid they pull like that .
iphone five .
and living in a bar and then figure out that I I left my em f recording H T my descriptive micron like A A in a bar.
Mistakes were made yeah I think .
back in recent memory my favorite like like mind blowing state level um cyber warfare thingy was when A I forgot I forgot they mentioned which uh state actors were responsible for IT but IT was a very specific uh I had just pointed out the comer he's at right now so sure he does .
work with the tax department that's foota in away IT was a very specific .
um hack that used like sixteen like some insane amt as zero days which was like like even affordable for like a Normal like hacker you don't mean that I was like, okay they had to have state money to afford like to go buy all these on the black market but IT was the end result was basically spin up a bunch of these uh uranium uh purr fires uh at part of iran's um nuclear program to the point where they blew themselves like the physically damaged the um the equipment while still reporting that everything was OK to the to the equip owners and IT was like IT was like almost insanely like specific like only this exact phillips like like um electric mechanical like uh sign wave generator is something like that and rpm meter whatever on the thing and IT was like IT was insane like they had to go past like air gaps computers that I got passed like with you like I think was like A U S B attack factor, something that I had to get into the like the microcontrollers for the for the um for the the mixers that weren't even like running an an Operating system.
I'd like you know I was just like they had to rewrite the firm or without like the firm are getting like noticed that he was being rewrite IT was like this crazy thing. But the fact that that's a thing that we can do, we can literally hack stuff to blow up like he said in in watchdogs, IT is actually watched not it's like git like it's not as fast as like the old pop, the am, but effective. We were getting to that point. Now what was the .
thing recently with the the pages expo stocks?
That is people yeah people people talking about that all the .
pages that I think that was .
more of the supply line hack that was just like a, hey, let's kill a guy inside that at the factory that are making these pages.
And then this is like tiny stuff that just like this happening, exactly happening.
The books are actually proposes.
They are like manual.
like cyber war was always like always had the image of like you know one hundred and ninety five hackers like care for the party.
but like .
unique system but like um no it's it's crazy how real like water is nowadays IT blows my mind and I was just like it's just fascinating to me how like that sort of espino stuff is actually a thing. Now, yes.
well, where can we want to the weight? I don't member, which is I can do this. No, I promise. It's Green, blue and blue.
that's like tea. It's Green, teal blue. I get much. Which boy color blinded himself with a button?
No, that was the colors. They really, I didn't that.
Well, it's funy because it's it's microbes on the hole on the side. Yeah, yeah. IT just looks like red, red.
Okay, will try this again. It's now time for from the brick in audience you guys to get to write as your short answers or no way questions. We might have the answers to either R, T, F, M, A, J S and so com or discord D D G lash g who sense in the R T F M pages. So I got a few here from from the email, and they will move on to the ones you've curated. So if someone comes from grief, grief.
I like that name.
like reverse blue. great.
This evening, gentlemen. J, what your favorite ship and all the warships? I picture you as a german doll ship. Man, so life in G K, also the old.
How does nick film .
play the boat game as well? Thanks for bring their A T FM back. Um I believe if I saw like because there was more like a signature the email there from belgium, I think that was um actually .
that's my daddy. I do, I do. I do .
build .
chocolate and I forgot.
I know it's A D D. Or those of you, I don't I don't mean, I don't mean german. Bb, I like german bies like the turkeys, like the turpio on there.
Um I don't care for this life in a whole lot. Personally I think it's just a secondary. Oh bb, I said beauties.
I was like battling PS. I think .
I feel like this like apologized for for there. I want to accurate.
I'm sorry, but you threw .
up the emperors of the group. The slight to me is just a secondary gimp. Um G, K is OK.
But this is a little fAllen behind now. And a lot of the meter, if you uh I still really enjoy playing the georgia or the ohio. I'm A U S, B B guy be to be honest um they don't really play.
I I think I play I was working on the german tree though for destroyer as I believe yeah .
I think you you both like playing the more renewable destroy type game play yeah no.
I think just because it's like the the time in which the tactic that in my head takes time to taking the effect is shorter with a place like that.
IT is IT just sucks if you don't kind of sweat at the game a little bit. Destroyers are the first one usually eliminated on purpose step. They may be like a small, but there in glass.
But they also were device ating with those for Peter always. So yeah, I, I, I would get them to play OK won't give me know, no one play anymore. Me .
know strategy, my .
brain. I I got one of the the enemy drops for .
a captain sentence.
but they have forty eight. One of them german .
with german captain.
Apa is, yeah, I was japanese because I have, I have the non enemy one. I don't have a forty cay one though. Okay, i'm prety sure you have the one of the japanese one though.
After our style, look at up to tomato.
your model.
okay. So this one is going to be in interesting one to sort of dances around the questions. So laury says, how do you think trump becoming president will affect hardware Prices in twenty, twenty five and beyond? Keep the bug one. How did that? Yeah, do we read to read books?
Not really.
not really good. Not really okay. That's OK me I did .
read was was an even online like one of the one of the novels and like .
the whole like ten book series .
or they have I read was the time yeah I tom stuff and or video me related .
to I read proper books I like the picture like picture I like the pictures uh okay so the logger log y says, how do you think the president will affect hardware Prices in twenty twenty five and beyond will Johnson. But screw some changing the words, but scare us harder than before um no longer even offering teflon dry loob to ease the pain. There wasn't loop .
to start with.
I think that's what h yeah you right onest obi.
I am assuming we are referring to is probably to mean administration base terror yeah we've had been through this. It's going to affect Prices no matter what any terrific x Prices. That's just the way IT works.
And it's probably going to get ugly because of the the tension between china and the us. It's us. And I think I think we just have to wait and see how long IT takes yourself to go to affect and what they can try to come up as as a resolution.
It's like a one two combo because thank you. Find wrong because as I explained that the mark when he was asking like you, I just impulse by the mac mini right now or like or or what if like you taps end up affecting something like that, like human electronics. And I was like the last time Prices took that big jump around like to twenty series and thirty series stuff. Um IT was like the terrify kind of like made the Prices go up, but there was no incentive after the taps expired for the Prices to come back down because why would Johnson lower Prices, right? If you're continuing to sell these things at these prizes, there's no incentive to do we talk about the beginning.
this episode, the stocks. There's no intent of to reduce pricing people. It's still selling out.
It's it's a one way rage in terms .
of planning. We have no money. Turn that money. We have no money we have. But that's what just going to say that we talked about the ninety hundred x 3d Prices in the the inflation Prices there and there are still sold out, even the plays that were selling them inflated.
And I found IT interesting um like a kind of click in my head when I was reading this article about all uh T S M C amErica factory um is limited to only making the previous agent stuff .
so like they .
is IT michigan definitely .
about for like you know like you know .
for a an american state to be like um known for manufacturing something again, it's been a while. It's like detroit steel was like a thing, right? So like what well, that's why I think but .
that's why i'm excited about the optimists. Blocks that I have in concrete and i'm reusing them in crisis build are the and manufactured yeah so um do I think a gentle moo but grew us yes.
that's like that. I mean, IT makes IT makes less sense for him to do not so yeah, the .
little jacket somehow .
I just .
do betting like .
No, I mean maybe another generation afterwards, even worse. But there are so many world .
world variation like variables that can affect that Price. I mean, because I said I think of that made everyone realized, oh, we can really charge what everyone can want for anything, although a lot of companies are really starting to sort of reap that. I I don't say with that reward. But like, look, at course, there they have ten of the last third teen, uh, was a month or quarters I can which was, uh, our losses oh yeah.
yeah, yeah. I dreaming. Yeah like, it's like.
and they said they blamed code, and they blamed the lack of GPU cycles, and they blamed the lack of games as why people we're buying stuff. Not once did they take any sort of real responsibility for the fact that I Q A hot mess, the Q X fans and lds or hot mess, the fact that I Q, I continues to bork and reset settings and it's just they're not taken any responsibility for that. Maybe they had something to do that. Maybe they should stop buying every frick and tech company they can get their hands on.
okay. So I know that they did purchase fanatic recently. Yeah and i'm kinda worried for that whole wheel and ecosystem.
And anything you got anything you get prior to their acquisitions can be fine.
Yeah, but if the new stuff is already be under IQ.
then h, no, how could you imagine that? I will know how .
I take a different i've just .
never seen a piece software that sucks as bad as I Q, to be honest. Armory, great, the great, no time. I honestly feel like I Q might be worse because you don't need armory create to make the functionality .
of the best products actually work. But you get the BIOS .
I Q takes a dump or the sides look, I mean, i've had I don't know how many L D devices get barked from I Q updates or for more update member, the dominator planum brand that I had where like one stick, the lds are just like no back at one purple right now that's is like nothing else works and I was because I was like you're sticks need to be up up broke.
It's like and i've complained about this so many times to our own our own reps and it's like now the same thing can fix is coming in from where do to do to like, oh my god, do you guys you read the room, please read the room. But whatever, that's one. The reasons why, honestly, I Q does not exist in any of my systems here at work, at home or any friends system, my family system.
one of them I have, have to confess, I use IT at home for my headset, but then I install IT after I get .
the color settings in the settle. For sure.
that would be more than annoyance, but when you can't like you fan profiles that keep resetting her file or stuff like for their coolers and whatever else, like a man move is the first team that they actually dropped support for. For the longest time. Member that L, C, D screen you could add to the keyboards. A, the L, L, D, L, C D screen pop on thing.
we are so about that on the .
just completely stop supporting IT entirely. So anyone that has those just bored.
So they put this spotify car thing basically where they are, just like we're done with this. And then I almost impulse .
bought one of those because of the Price tag and like five box.
i'm loving seeing the other community like them and yeah purposing them because I mean, it's cool of device by that.
okay. Moving on here. This one kind of shame, this should have a couple questions because what are some build or random hobby projects that previously you couldn't do, that you now can do in the new studio or lab, any obscure many things you want to try?
Um the open the season cool. As for thirty one days attack, were not doing thirty one days attack us this year. But um honestly for me it's gonna the lab. We have a video going up tomorrow where I finally got to utilize my tempt control room to demonstrate some stuff I ve been. Argue with people online about for about or fifteen years but I now finally have data that I can show to prove IT but whatever.
So being able to finally be able to took data collect in the way that i've been wanting to um that's something I couldn't in the place because we didn't have we didn't have these dedicated spaces to do this sort of stuff. And so I still call this the room out there, the lab because I don't know what else to call IT. But IT IT really is getting utilized, ed, for the the intentions I built for i'm really enjoying that. I'm really excited for IT. Yeah um see here's a car or later question that he said, what is your stand on electric vehicles .
to be interest you know that might that might be .
the long as we've gone for .
the first time. I saw in the beginning of chat a bit of five minutes the first car of the we have to me all lost just .
like jack pool lose tonight just get I really don't care .
what stds like your vehicle. I mean it's it's just another vehicle to me.
I would probably never go any farther .
than you have.
which is just the half of um .
I think evs need more time to cook. I want to see more range before I actually before even consider .
one yeah like I like to buy to see .
one when you vote charging be faster in some way.
I want to see that .
Yeah home somehow yeah yeah.
But IT only cost five dollars. It's like the five dollar bill a month. Every charging. I know.
I feel like, I feel like i'd probably be out of the three of us must open to to IT but like and i'm kind of hype for the ironic five and but that's that if you want right ironic five and or what a because .
end is hand is like race but even and like I like .
the idea of like having sound funds and like this whole like like sequential transmission simulation in there and everything that you could kind of make IT as rody as as if I was yeah.
It's so weird to me that they have mimic everything that you would have, the gas car, even the shifting large yeah, like, yeah. But to me, to anyone that wants all that simulated shit like that. And D, V will never do the trick. Never, you will never do the job. It's like the .
and and that is kind of a thing to me, is like at the end of the day, IT is a negative about views to me is that they like unfortunately do not burn liquid dinosaurs and IT does not produce equal sound that comes out of the car.
Look that i'm .
trying to hack her. H. D. M. I like like there's just .
something about the kids session .
about an .
internal conversion engine and a manual transmission that like I as much as I love, like technology and evs and stuff like that. Like, like, you know, there is still a place in my heart that like on some levels going to the require that I think it's gonna hard for me to like, like if if you know some happy single future, where is just EV everywhere.
all see myself solely crossing over only because, like, I know hang day's making that in twenty five, that concept car, like the eight retro sports car, that in twenty five vision river there, there is supposed to be making a production version of that.
which is kind of cool, but, and they will look anything as cold as the concept.
I I hope IT real.
Can you name one concept cardy what that looks bad at that didn't gave you look like s with the other way.
Oh way. No.
look bad as they you is us.
I thought the aud R A concept to the first, and R A was actually pretty.
The concept cars always have like a nice thing. Everything that I think you've seen with that handy versus what is going to actually come out, yeah, it's gna be being counted, being counted down to just obvious IT IT is the concepts can always look amazing like that because they're only blowing the money on a handful of him. But when he comes time to mass produce, they have to do IT for the cheapest way possible to have any chance of making money on the car, which is how they can ue to produce the car. Now the company of business to lose money, IT will not look that good, is a limited car like there.
They're not going to do a full mass production. There is a limited production run.
then there's even more opportunity to lose money in a limited run.
okay. I can see that.
yeah. So I just I have so many concept cars, look great and by the time we see them on the road is just like what happened 维利 机构。 So ah I love the way that only looks to, but I don't think it's look anything like that when that comes up.
And yeah a few topics in in chat like talking about how people felt the same way about horses when the car in the whatever. But like I think it's just the everyone is going to have a different question or a different answer that question just because like that's the type of enthusiast, that's the type of like that they are you I mean, like there is a reason why I like space sex as a company more than tesla because basics rockets make sick fucking in sounds yeah you don't even like I love hearing the air get torn apart by like thirty thirty seven or whatever rapines like .
at school that's called .
to me like I ve seen the progression of how smaller up to gotten yeah a little press .
model lie whatever taking off .
is just stupid and the exactly it's like like um like the examination chat said that like yes um internal commission is irrational like from that just if you just look at the text standpoint but like I I need that rational .
so I like play the perfect but is not i'm not known .
for a rational car bill either. I literally swap V R six into my into my regular two point of golf when I got to just bought a GTI. But I wanted pool of dinosaurs was the .
thing like so I even choose, like i'm the r screen around with being dumb. Uh, I even choose who are dumb with that. I mean, so that .
choose not do. And thirty five.
oh yeah, there .
will never be. Did also .
means just air or the all the M P.
B D.
喂喂。 That's the world I know anyway. I would never video myself doing and put in in video.
You also just never go ninety six in britain.
No is a thing like, look, i'm a car guy like anyone else i'll do pulls in the highway and stupid IT, but I I refuse to like a .
city streets in the stream dog ah so yeah so anyway.
you know the night I told you in the I won't say speed but I did beat a hunt. A C, B R, one thousand r and eight IT was bike. IT was my first.
I was my first motorcycle again in motorcyle. My F, F, I, D, you is about five minutes before that interaction. A tesla plaid was wanting to scare around on the highway.
I don't want to waste fuel because is the thing I already know by b lion and one thousand R, R, I could beat the plate. Yeah, already know my car can do on in the courter mile. It's faster than a plad, including on a row. But I just didn't even, I didn't even feel like I needed to. Show that to the plant.
if I make sense. I mean, it's it's like to go back to.
I think the place I the model s is probably the only tesla that I do actually like the look of.
actually like the the refresh model three as well, like the look of IT. I O but what I agree yeah the model s is actually good looking.
So I don't I was going .
to say though that that race would have been like like racing ChatGPT in a typing contest like it's what what are we doing here?
Yeah is the point right point? yeah. Well, I mean, it's like in zeo one motoring cle meeting motors. Cle is usually not hard. But but .
i've never tried raising A K.
I. I like the enthusiast there .
are doing the 是一个 day is .
from a forty road so we did IT we did IT from .
a forty role on .
a deg IT would be hard for him .
um especially in .
the cold unless he was a really good driver because when he started to pick up the front wheel, the bike that's all you got you can give IT more .
right once wheel up do you want .
to see god you put on a role I think it's more impressive to be a motorcycle um but anyway, so I looked up the bike c after and I told you had the rip soul like the self yeah so I looked IT up as curious I am ever to do about ten flat in the quarter. So I was like, oh, IT makes sense that I pulled IT by about six years, about five or six cards .
up to the fifty five miles .
in our fifty five actually be the sixty five, sixty five h twice. We did two polls. But then I know my cars MIT is almost midnight in the quarter.
So that wasn't that surprising to me, but only that my gearing to, I guarantee, a hard tossed in him anyway. But no, I I was fun because he, here's the thing I have respect that guy because I said, I don't know. We going to get me on that fast, hank, on the.
No, because because here's the thing. When we were doing the pool, his bill came up like on the highway.
like I know he and here's the point, like races, right? And you see like like when they're at the limit attraction and like the front White, just like hovering above the granted, it's like that is so scare. Here's a thing like .
so the first first pole we did, I just had a noto. The second one, I did manual shifting, but I had shifted down into second when we did our forty role. And IT was that about, I don't know, six thousand.
R, P, M. My car goes to nine. But I was funny. I I was so much paying attention to, like, where are is he like, out of my preferable that I forgot to shift.
So I banged off the revolutionary, so I would like, I was like, what? And as soon as I did that, he went room about a car in front of me. And then I read them back in the past.
even with an error. You real me. That is crazy.
Yeah, that was funny. Because my preferred, as my wife said, go.
yes, yeah. What's violent when .
he hits that relevant? I mean, because IT hits IT at my my red lions, nine thousand. And IT will basically do that about nine thousand, one hundred. Because IT IT baLanced a little movement .
is what a few things that I can actually say that yes, I know, felt, but I didn't first care years. We h yeah ah when we were testing the one kitchen stuff and I was, oh yes, shifting.
I forgot. So yeah, I love incremental stuff. Fd, there one go and ask. The .
couple .
came from, I don't I think I don't know it's going to happen.
I had a Kevin chat. I had a mark. I market three golf sport.
I hope you get knocked down.
I me say a golspie.
It's a one year limited edition with sick plant seats and manual everything that is and but many of everything, but all four disparately for some reason there was just a .
weird dear but I .
yeah good today, I learned.
But like then they give two point out. It's like golf, sports sort of kind of .
people they give the mark for is A T D, I in a two point slow, along with the one point eight.
So this shifted to tic, like I think I intended to do. I have to go full manual to get to where I want on the rpm. And then as soon as I gone, that I can just smack the shift to lever back over into auto. And I forgot to do that.
So so, anyways, uh, favorite. Go to snacks lately. Your mom, wow.
so I can help you. That .
was board.
I always use your sodium. Yeah, actually not been a voting sodium no my favor snacks onest I just I I really do like over adults I like that its but .
the promise i'm also in look I never been add for .
that over yeah i've i've seen like the eight ones I am over i've .
seen over night don't a lot more unlike the rocket leg and like like the kid's .
video games and I idea but the promise I I am mildly allergic to o milk and oats so it's kind of sucks because that gives me give me the the overnight 你喜欢 瞄着 谁 呢? So it's it's .
like a different kind, like some tolerance .
intolerance .
of intolerance.
Yeah I mean, just we all have logic.
Oh god. In the art. The automatic does IT shift automatically. Yes, then it's automatic.
Does that have a manual clutch? Then this is automatic. Shut up. And and this is and i'm somebody who's also a manual push in that my zeal. One is a four sixty manu.
okay, we just, yeah, this one I thought .
would be kind of interesting. This guy, uh, uber blue dragon. So the house I live in was built before modern cable was even ideas. So figuring out the ether net runs have been interesting, at least what have we done or creatively when we had to run cables back in the day, like even this. Oh.
so I when I started the youtube studio at home, when I first started the youtube, uh, channel, I needed to get wired internet to the room, was using wireless. I litter why? Literally just drilled holes through the walls, like to straight well to the outside.
To the outside came later. No, the the main like internet cable was in the living room. And even that was just that's where that's where the the router was, right? Yeah so I was like, oh, my bedroom and side this wall. I take a long drill bit all through the wall and then just put the cable through the wall .
then I then every other spider in no.
that was all area. No, that started. That started when I was the, the, the exterior wall. Eventually I was like, i'm going to put the modem in the rider or everything in my room.
And so then I just took the coax, put an extension like, but connector on IT, made a new coax. I went like, I just was like stapling IT to the wouldn't honing on our video. And then down the stucker wall, and again, just took a half inch to half inch.
I can see daylight through the thing, just through the wall, through the stickle outside, left the drobot there when other side tape to go back on and pulled the bit back through. And I was I didn't put any and nothing on there to protect us. So like you said, every frequent spider and route, like little crater.
I want to come in the room.
It's warming here because the house had no installation. There was no wall installation at all.
So I said, said jay does great with a drill. Yeah, you know, i'm sensing a pattern that gave us brill equal. Great story.
What's what's the last miss up? I bad. I've been good.
actually. Yeah.
you're right.
Pretty good. Why day I told you earlier, i'm and fuck the inker. Yeah.
that's that's lesson I got, did you? No, okay, it's in, is mounted. I I put.
fell down the other day, not for me after wall .
I saw I was.
I saw I fell down. I was in my office. You were down here.
I thought you fell down the stairs like I IT was worried. I oh no. H, no. I just, just, I was sitting there, my death and here and then I hear the ac, go.
Bu, I went, nick, I went, what was that? I got to enter and I went about you. The thing fell off the wall and hit the thermos the way down. That's exactly what. So I just set IT back on the wall.
but the back on the food, more or less worried that i'm the first person to think of IT.
You were the only other one here. He went home.
Oh, okay, okay.
That's Better than yeah. He was already gone. So wasn't you. And IT wasn't me then who was IT gonna be?
I think my stupid wiring story from when I was a kid was probably, we just like the story, typical, why I just take the even at cable to the banter of the states so that I could get Better internet.
I think we've all, at some point .
in our life, later I was a kid.
we didn't have either net internet like me know that today was not like IT is today, right? But I want of the telephone in my room. And my parents were like, i'm not running over the phone line. So we got a hundred foot phone cord, like the, the, the R J. Fifteen, whatever the phone is, I get log that in and just ran IT along the baseboards into my room.
My thing that stories basically the same, except I stabled IT along the .
way like to go.
No, I stabled IT like along our laugh. There's a love to my bedroom. So I stayed there and then I ran IT under the carpet because we we have carpet on top of our carpet back then in the hallway. So there's like Normal carpet. And then we had runners on top.
Oh yeah, like a rug. Yeah, but you carpet on top of carpet. And sorry.
and I mean, I just ran the cable on the body. I just try to hide IT basically. But I every time when I was done had to unplug IT and and throw me back in the laugh. And no entrepreneurs, that sucks. Yeah.
tape IT down next time. No, no trip. Type the tripping of falling on masters.
Yeah, go. Uh, next question, what are some lessons learned from owning your first fun car? I could. I just think your first car in general.
but what fun car usually implies is not practical. You need to make sure you can afford IT. And by that I mean any fuel .
or repair repair specially.
My first n car was was I had a ninety R S camera with a three, three or five leader draw body injected like non two board, right? Uh, I only had that for two months. So I got really at a red lie.
I got told, ed, I got nine two z twenty eight, three or five, two important injection, but still not at five point seven later. That wasn't that bad of the car. That was pretty bullet proof I mean the the iron block three old fives, those things don't die. The heck is going on.
Kids are .
getting through the room in the kid OK. Um and so anyway um that the transmission was bullet proof. I had a tumble run like peg leg. There was no breaking that car. I'd beat this not a bit.
But then when my friend with his G S X was like, hey, you want to trade cars, like trade pink slips, because we were bored to this car share up trade. That's why I realized what a real Nicole diver is. And let me tell you a metivier. G, S, X. Absolutely, niko, and times crab at you, because the promise was, are already upgraded.
When I got IT, I start promoted when .
I knew I was in trouble, when both of the stress towers were .
rewilded h no, because had they had cracked, that's not well.
yeah so yeah.
I say, I think the general said probably that matches for all is be open to learning a lot about how to work on that car.
Also, friends don't let friends buy raced lands.
but what I mean, hey, looking sick of for two hundred bugs is pretty good and depending where the age range is because .
there is important time when I was cool with race lands. But like I got a bit orders like this is not worth the backache.
you know, if I run IT cars like that, you would think like the golf and the MIT to B, C. And all that, or even like the twins moster, right? These are cars that you would think are reliable and what not, because they really were like, they were advertised and marketed as being like daily driver type vehicles.
The crazy thing is, if you think about, quote, quote, supercars, right? You mclean ody lamarque for a whatever, right? You got your tears of those cars. So right now you could get like a twenty fourteen V L D R A with probably like forty fifty thousand miles on IT, like sixty five thousand dollars. Now I say that like that sound a lot of money, but the thing is you can buy african, Carry the cost so much.
And yeah you like for your option.
Here is a crazy thing. Like the aud in the v tens have already proven that they are freaking reliable, like they just don't break on.
The twenty .
twenty .
is like point.
My point is you would think a car like that would be like a money pit in terms of maintenance, all stuff. But it's it's honestly not that's what's surprising about IT.
So like when I tell people, when I begged to a lot of the forms and stuff um where people was like k and look, I want to get my first quote, quote, like high end car, whatever, really recommend recommendations always gonna like a twenty fourteen or twenty fifteen b ten R A stub seventy thousand. I don't think you can beat the car for that Price. I mean, we now live the air wing by a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar corvet, so it's really .
just let that in or lack over whatever bubble blob. But like like ald as a company, like it's it's really easy to forget the gigantic racing peteiro they have. And you don't mean reliability is still in necessity. Like.
and so the rate is way more reliable than they are a six or my life. R yeah.
which was kind of surprising because .
IT doesn't have all the extra shit. IT doesn't have all the ani modules and all the other crap .
like I D like to describe the two seats in the engine and and four drive yeah so anyway.
I don't have you got on oh, the one card discussion yeah like owning .
your first fun car and saving up for your first time yeah just .
get used to working on IT and like and like not in like a get used to working on IT but like, you know it's cool to learn how to to come be .
open to be sitting under the car or spending weekend under the car like just figuring out how to do stuff.
And then that was pretty scary. The first time I saw the tour into our eight like to do the wings. Yeah.
How do you think I felt you just, you know, if you have no, like, you break something just like this, good.
But yeah, so or the first .
time I to took, I took the stereo off and took all the wiring and crap out so I could change the wall. Don't mind working on my own stuff. My biggest thing is like if I screw this steering well up.
I have no way to start the car.
Yeah, there is a lot more everything .
you got to set off like every single like I called .
my GTI was .
reliable until I finally throw money at IT and I made IT even less well.
yeah, but that's just .
be honest. That's really nice. That's really, that's really your choices. We already .
know what choices I made wrong.
You wanted to do things to your car so bad without having the budget of the funds to do IT. You did IT all the wrong way, and you but that's .
going to be everybody with their first funny car. That's exactly how I started.
That's why our advice is, have of of, like, have money satisfied. Do IT the right way.
unfortunately. Yeah.
but we what we learn about paying someone to do a job before they've started the job, don't, don't. Why just, oh.
why don't even do IT just go to the actual mechanic? Nick.
fortunately, did pay someone backyard mechanic to do some work to his car, but he paid them full up front.
so they get order the parts and on.
And then that person had his money already and had no incident to actually do the work on a car. Yeah.
what? What happened? He.
he did some of the work broke. And then nick was like, finally, I give me back my car. And then I take, is someone else pay more money to make IT?
Right now, I take you back to my friend who helped me, but we are when I did my from out a front mout inner caller, a drug came back, yeah. I came back in little mode. We torn apart and my friend's house.
So yeah.
IT in the U. S, P, S, mean, he worked .
for yeah guys.
we toward the power to find out where IT was. And there's a drill like a screw stuck to our my engine harness. So we had to undo that and resto those parts back together.
Justin, and buy that car made IT actually pretty nice.
And then he went to alaska. Yeah he he sold IT to his brother, whose station and still there. Yes, I get a picture every now. Then it's still a lot. Think.
good one, how much boost makes up there, the area? So call this extra.
I want to how many times a charge I pop up and, well.
put a stocking turbo back on IT and you manifold because I I apparently bleed the turbo.
Ah, I was all correct. You show me outside.
Correct something. Catch fire, like my friends want. You know.
what else is correct? Is this fight tonight?
Wow, I need.
I need to make a rap up a little more aggressively, I think. Thanks for watch this week. R, T, F, M, so unfortunate I won't be here next week. I be in toronto, so we will be on highs. H next week apologized for .
that IT starts.
I promise.
for I do with my hands.