cover of episode The RTFM Show! 050 - New Studio discussion, CPU talk and More!

The RTFM Show! 050 - New Studio discussion, CPU talk and More!

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The RTFM Show!

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
主持人:新工作室是播客历史上最大的投资,旨在提升创作自由度,允许同时进行内容创作和后期制作,提供更充足的空间进行测试。未来将讨论CPU等话题,并考虑引入赞助商。 Nick:新工作室提供了更多空间,可以同时进行测试和录制,改善了显示器反光问题,共享办公室与之前相比变化不大,只是位置有所改变。

Deep Dive

Discussion about the new studio setup and the future plans for content creation.
  • Spent a significant amount of money to build the new studio.
  • The studio looks amazing but is not fully done yet.
  • Plans to talk about the studio upgrade and future content, including CPU discussions.

Shownotes Transcript


Oh my god, pushing the funds in the right order. Somebody I S.

we realized before we started .

the show right now.

actually six seconds behind the intro. We forgot the red solo cups because nothing says classy like wiki. I have a red .

solo cup and our new studio stairs, which is like the worst enemy .

of where's the enemy or .

vanity for filling in the circles on the watch.

True point, get your steps in.

The only thing is I used to work out the gym max door, and part of their cardio was okay. Do the stars twenty times? Not even kidding.

And the office, like standing was like, I was here for seventeen years and now they got me climate. I have referred to that is stare mountain more than one's already stare mountain. No, I feel like going out the crink that is even more for this room like you are out of breath.

You here, let me bring your mike down. go. I can have them tough as unique.

I've brought your mike down from me. Very good. Get way we can do this and close up. You going, oh my god, I don't show me that I I .

set this up. H .

plan, like here. Look at asma.

no. And their cells.

Yeah, we 喂喂喂, okay, i'm prepared here, nick.

in case you good, I got one to IT in the world.

You see that's the problem. yeah. Why would you do not have your emergency here? You know, emergencies only happen in nick, in the car, apparently.

Well, I mean, who's expecting an emergency?

Have to expect the unexpected.

Uh, welcome back, everyone, to the R, T, F, M. Show is funny. We tend to work in one year increments, don't we? We go for a year, go off, go off for a year. Let me tell you, I spent a crap ton of money to build this room. I'm going to use the crap out of IT.

But IT looks amazing.

Fully done yet. Look, I got the commerce sixty four put IT up there nice with the place station five controller next week because I was like, you know what .

that seems IT seems on brand.

there's probably .

more computer wer that control in the .

come or six .

and six or more games.

Um so I I we didn't outline the show too much today like we Normally about lines, the stuff sort of loosely. But I just figure we just kind of talk about the the studio upgrade, what the future means for us. I can't want to talk about some of the CPU stuff now that .

ninety hundred three x are all .

out that accident I I accidently data, but I I really said, look, I didn't say my name, I said minor eight hundred cheh 3d that's a totally different CPU。 Okay, well, I get this started right, though. Do I want my dear? Do I want some gliff? I'm going with the gliff spice that .

was actually really and we didn't even way.

Wait, this has been kept for a year. 喂。

Was .

disappointing. nice. I always .

pour for the homework .

first boop.

Thank you. I like a little bit a little too short with. I doing with like sensitive, some weird .

so yeah yeah two shots with, I know don't .

think I I git don't think of that out, like over a months. So this funny, the show might end up .

being interesting. Can you reach we come this winning 这 这, 这 to the return of the R T F M show。 I love how, like for at least a month, this is. So this matches .

the classroom of literally the rest of the.

I think that looks .

nicer here. I I don't, but it's the .

red solar party. I A lot of people into this room I and just as he want, also too important note um the discord discord dot G G slash J S two sensor is two new .

separate R T FM and FTP a .

yeah so R T okay. So once you go and tell them what the .

two uh channels are intended for, uh well, F T F A is for sydney questions or through .

IT pick questions. S from .

the frequent obvious .

dist freak .


my best is not raining, but anyways yeah from the free .

audience I can do IT.

And then rt FM just general sanatan for .

rt FM do you for how good .

scotches my is .

a bit of you were not just loved and going through his my what we next see that what hello. Yeah, I add effects .

to specific microphones like.

You have go with the one for the taking people, the voice change .

into protection program.

The auto I be t paying for the whole.

Oh, my good.

That would be hilarious. And then you turn often. It's just like, let me buy. So here right now. So I want to talk .

about the new studio a little bit. I know the audience is probably really fatigue about hearing about our new studio become this is like the the biggest investment i've ever made into this at all. Yeah, and i'm excited about IT.

This is for me and us, to be honest, like it's not so much for the audience with the exception of the fact that allows us to be more creatively free. Yeah we have yet to even set up that front room. I right, because we we've been having to like work and can't like make content the same time. So the content has been about the work.

What I mean like even even just something as simple as like like i've been doing a lot of the testing in preparation, the stuff coming out and just to have enough room that I can literally just be like, okay, I we got like ten minutes to downtown, all run a few more test. IT doesn't like .

stop IT doesn't like .

stop filming you always and .

you're always it's always up and running already to go. Yeah, it's not out in .

the middle room like I was like, look, the test spent over to something up the board and it's already it's been actually like super nize as one of those things I like I didn't I didn't think would be as cool as well .

as but yeah i've already used the dirty shop couple times um to make the bracket modifications to make the this mount to the .

to the table yeah see he was using like a .

cutting table OK. So I don't want the work bench rather I was using a carboy box in .

a trash can that's told, say.

you like, want to put down the saw .

the city first sign was in full.

You want to put down the saw and you just put IT down on like the just so it's like that's not a, that's not a surface.

Yes, solid.

So if so, what I did was I had the trash cn and then the cardboard boxes, and I was empty in the middle, right? So I cut right down the middle, of course I was like, and fell down because, of course I cut across the middle.

I still love that like we were looking for the something exactly .

thirteen oh yeah, but that's .

not a video because let's just we found let's .

just I use the keyboard as .

a hammer yeah.

导演 one that is connecting .

and never .

no no this is the one that .

keeps like .

IT loses polling or something so you be moving .

and then it's .

a right yeah yeah IT he cups a he cups for like, okay.

did you inhale .

my game .

or voice .

get credit but they go.

No, but the gaming mice are very a lot more sense of and those a big slab or wood but .

still what is a wood and .

a podcasts o two in the way because it's so it's not doing IT now.

But be fair, I don't have a lot of text soft or anything install on here. Not too worried about IT. I just wanted to work. But yeah no so we I had you some very conventional methods to installed these sats so he says a little .

bit and toys es from jays michon, that's so mean that's just jh. No way we we been doing when we, when, why why?

Oh you just I see.

I see great next voice.

So monitor, even the ways change doesn't change IT.

I know that doesn't really change IT all um okay so .

so we just ignore N D A. No.

I would like we have part of the next N A because let's face IT has got to be at least two more exes coming. Okay, we're not the C P U. Section yet, but I do want to talk about some predictions, this stuff for AMD coming out.

But I I want to get through the discussion so far about the new place. So this room turned out IT almost exactly as I wanted to to, i've kind of wishing now had done a separate zone, ac, in here. So he has its own. The cool thing is what the way I did the mini split so I could actually actually just run another line set in here and have its own own control.

And because we're not doing with like the h fact style stuff like IT was before the yeah you could run IT IT like me epo de instead of .

because you have you have fan speed control, you know. So it's like if you wanted to make up for the mates, well, that's what film you were saying. Like you were saying that in japan, it's real obvious. It's common to find these mini split.

Yes, I was almost like, and bless them most in japan was like almost ten years ago. So IT was, I was found. J, how trivial was that? It's almost like, oh, hey, the minutes.

What's finally caught on over here on in the west? Because because like yeah, that's almost all the units that they are using. And that makes sense because it's so much easier to run the common lines big and well, you only need eighteen.

So what they were saying, the bag I was saying only need eighteen inches between the drift ceiling and any space above IT, right? But running ducting obviously give up a lot of space. So I should the longer the run, because you need a bigger feet at the beginning of IT and the tapers down.

I guess that would make sense that they would be that much more popular in asia because buildings there generally just tightly.

more tightly. Yeah, I mean.

we've in an asian like a standard asian size television or it's ilario sly, smaller than if you grow up in the us.

So yeah.

it's like to a large and I in taiwan and there we and it's fine .

because we were both waiting for the elevator and the door opened and there was like, there was like, four or five people are there in there and they looked at nicki and they were like, yeah you you five .

yeah and then there I got .

on the next television and went down below you, yeah and then I took a while to come down. But I did hear the beating. Like through .

the ceiling you got a screaming .

at you just get off that.

I'll take the story.

So like a four story hotel of and we went through all this and not go up down for flight of stairs from .

what I was explained to what I was in japan, IT was more of like, it's more like you you expected to take there by default. And like elevators, like more for like disabled people, elderly, and that's all the stuff. But you know where america, we're so used to take me away by the foobar and then ask, like even if stairs, the stairs are escalating, so you talk about physically walk up some stairs. So equating .

like the same way to the sponsors. We have no sponsors for the show. At some point, sponsors are going to have to be a part of the show.

But I forgot, we I need to find a way to pay for all this crafts outside of of the Normal mean. But uh, what you guys can do, what you should see below the video actually want to point out some of our new gaming math stuff. So if you look, we have five styles of gaming that now not just the one we used to have.

So we have the two. We have the original og mat, as you can see, like in the center of the picture there, uh, in the center top, we have the clean style, which is the bottom right, which kind of takes out sort of all of the middle junk. We have the step style, which is the bottom left, which is just grey on black, which is actually our number one cell. Er now the gray and black.

no, it's nit filter, many spit employees.

you guys, you guys e thread, of course. Uh, the top left, theirs are more the retro one that we've had for a while. Then the top right and kind of excited for this, more like the ape wave a style, if you will, and eighty kid that keep leaning into that.

I think most people have really commented that they like that. Top right. Sw.

yeah, I need to get one.

I need, I need to get more in here. Yeah, of the, I did. So take one home because IT matches my homestead. C.

I wanted to take home.

Okay, i'll get more of the retroelements.

So we are to get rid of, like.

I think we only have two left.

Somebody said we should get a whisky sponsor. yeah. 拿 这个 来 点。

Come no .

good mary, where are you?

That's actually .

what's like heavily changed .

since the show stopped in the team. Twenty nine, twenty three was our last show, by the way. So it's been not over a year.

Yeah, it's almost you're right. Like every time we take a break, it's like almost exactly year of a break .

now but i've really gotten into scotch like I just really in enjoy higher scotch anyway uh so no back to the studio, but we have sections like that. Front office still does not have anything .

in the accept the table frame has the I was wondering after you .

Carried the other way upstairs and put IT together.

just like i'll this way, the funny thing .

about that is I was going maybe i'm not going to use that room for what I initially wanted to. Maybe i'll make this the simulated room, and I, like, will put both sides in there, but you are ready to Carry everything up. Stared for that one. I was like, should I do that a nick?

Or should I just let IT be and you let IT be and then build in the simulator room with a .

not be room for three friends in that room?

We won't know how we try.

The problem is, if IT doesn't fit, or whatever becomes my problem to make IT bit somewhere.

the three way D C, S. Dog fight would be so sick in the same.

So I I can flip upside down and bomb myself.


the bomb between your wings.

But we haven't got that front room used yet, like we have even set that up. So the idea of every room, my body said this on camera, but I I wanted to look like the old talking head set. yeah.

But I don't know if I want to do the E V G. A fan wall in there, or if I want to maybe build a tribute to IT in here. You know, I mean, some little conflict IT on how how .

I want to do that, that design and all.

And then I was thinking the one eighty reverse of that room could be the more streamy set up review types of, or keyboards, my monitors, all that kind of stuff, would have just a natural set up to always be ready to go.

Could just be the one eighty of that room because the problem is, member with the talking head set last time also doubled as where the work, the test benches were yeah, so you couldn't really be doing test bent testing and filming at the same time was talking about. I describe before as in the past we had two flex spaces. So I either had the shop destroyed because of something I was in middle working on one of my one year long build, do something which also double its storage on that side too.

So that was being occupied by mess. We couldn't use IT yeah that would be moving into the talking headset. But if that had said IT was being used for something and we had similar inis launches coming up, we couldn't do testing at the same time something being filmed.

It's it's like we have eight giggs, ramin, now we have like thirty two. I felt like.

I felt like we had a like a four gig stick on single channel. This would have felt .

like photoshop. And after effects open.

now I feel like, now I feel like I like thread ripper with quad channel cc m. No it's us. It'll never be registered IT is definite no. Um so I think I think we can agree. The one thing we're not fans up of this place is the stairs. How many times have we gone down the stairs like I did before the show? I was like, I got my water bottle, but it's downstair and the water coolers upstairs.

And then we heard you going, now i'm just to buy another work.

And there .

did you when I was really double, I was like, I think just slap a beautiful .

turn of .

the D I thing, like youth hde water fountain. So we are, so it's fine for you. But nick and I like, bend down .

drink for IT as .

long as that makes a noise and IT hits .

cold and was the more .

so .

is like chilling the deal yeah.

you know those going to be good .

water so so where's the warehouse going to be ready for me to put my gym in the dude.

there's a different they are already.

no, no, the kind of the stuff I want to pick up and move around.

Well, there's a couple of very like answers, but it's it's going you just take an answer. I'm just .

curious .

what IT is when we get to IT. I'll get to IT the .

answer to the that's .

the answer I give my kid when she's like what i'm going to redo my room and the company get to IT and then you hangs up on, yes, oh, my kids that was that .

was so funny like they held .

that they think they are.

SHE had no bone, and he was just like, I think, because he knows that, like, I don't have time, I can send a 希望。

I like this, like is not over.

I must drop up. First party fell in the room.

Okay, neck, what are you most excited forward?

This new place first is the old place. okay? You've been around since the bedroom, the garage, the retail space. Yeah, the one that everyones like gear with thousand and events because that the savings act backdrop, the old studio.

another studio, we actually .

have room OK down the same the wrong pipe.

H he's done. Um yeah, he done.


come on.

brain brain. I love podcasting.

I like we actually have like room for just to keep the the stuff separate now. So like like you say, like now we could benchmark and make a video at the same time. Or there is like a nurse space for me when I get to IT cleaning up the three d printing area on next .

look now our desks like kind of sort of things, each other. You do this.

Your hand is off frame, circle.

circle in into the studio.

Where is .

the we need? Get the arby shooters.

Do that such a mess.

Have such a mess.

Be all in the seat.

remise. I like the nerve rivals or .

bee battles in the ally, like we want to get those brick and those like scooters.

we want the razor.

crazy or crazy god.

I still think we should get ourselves like those forty million, our cures and never races in the ally. And then first person to go to the E. R. losses. Well, you don't win the game, you just lose the game.

He just lose the limb. You is able to to drift .

car and kind of down others SE. If it's the fast quoters, then we're just doing time attack.

okay? I'm going to ask both if you know the question that has been on everyone's mind, how is the shared office?

It's cool IT .

IT literally .

just feels like the same as before yeah because but instead of him being here, he's now here. So it's like it's like if anything, it's just like slightly more neck bending to show each other means to like I kind of success. You are not in there because because when I to show, when I to show to me, I feel like physical get .

up or you just .

send to .

me on the phone yeah ah .

we to have a slack, but has a mean channel.

We already do .

that traditional person.

Be honest, I don't spend a lot of time my computer note i'm not no no like i'm not in my office very often so yeah to to put a video live .

or to make them now .

or to maybe answer some emails and stuff. But I would say I probably spend ten percent of my day or less in my office yeah that no.

that make sense. I'm i'm obviously the one that uses their work compared to those because otherwise none of this would if I didn't use the work to be yeah then .

yeah next .

next kind of like fifty, fifteen back forth between.

I felt your desk is always in standard mode.

Very morning I started sitting. I feel like every time I go.

I go buy IT. And right now it's in the standard de like .

you do whatever I see you is like he's like coming up to check something on the computer, but he was like already working on his fee, like in the way or something. They just I just you put and then and then this he's back.

I'm realizing now we, I definitely should order soon than later. The low profile mix, because always see, is an ARM and fills left I ball.

I look at this, I know I was trying to just this one, but then I has the stupid Mandatory dinner here.

Oh yeah, yeah. I don't like that IT doesn't flip the addressed because then we can just to go down and up. But whatever these like these are fine when we had the bigger table.

But it's not to think the only right we have about the the these .

framework gator works, whatever gator arms and all around and transfer IT just doesn't move .

all around IT to the direction we wanted to move.

We just like hang him down from the ceiling, just like fishing line IT.

I use like article mike els boost.

he could raise the see if you want. I don't know that it's in the lowest setting right now. Thing is that just your arms are going to hit the table now you have lower the arms. Wow, you like taller than .

I am.

Now this I am.

This, this is why you see tables and stuff all time.

Yes, you're pretty much my, I level, right?

scared. These are just scare. That's always like some scared.

I stopped drawing at five two. It's serious. There is like weather. I mean jays heads up there.

The shared office has been to like just cracking jokes every now, then and then, like when you close the door or during in the vlog. And we discovered we had a cohn er was a good.

And every day this .

one and a window in which I like how I put down .

the blinds one day to how would stay down, I put them down as I left. When I came back the next morning, I think you are already back.

weird. I I lock in and least is on .

a full while there then yeah.

I think it's like one of those things were having the window. It's one of the things were having the window like visually makes you feel more open. Closing the blind just closes IT off.

So I do all actually one thing that I really, really love about the the way that our office is oriented now is um the monitor glare is not existent oh yeah because you the way behind you studio, one of the things that you don't think about until after you've set IT up and you're like crap because, uh, my desk behind my desk was the long ways on the studio so every singing's all the way to the back was just basically moderator city. So now I don't see anything unless like nick opens like a no pad page that's way on is like fifty thousand inch. Or the more because .

you were saying how slights off was Better for you before because you have those far lights.

Basic, the top third of mice scream was just always gare in that place. And now it's like I have to, like I D have to like screen upwards to get any clear in in the new office is awesome.

Yeah um okay. So front room now what should we do .

with IT or the small .

er the smaller office? Oh what the smaller office up front that we've done anything with, i'm torn on what I should actually be doing .

without space room.

VR room. No, we don't do enough of the VR to dedicate space to IT, really? no.

Because are you .

guys want more meta in your life .

as to make a because V, R companies don't do enough VR anymore to to make IT. Interesting though, I good things about the bad man game would be.

I watch j mag ah ah I yeah .

you get to like some people at for the good is great.

Make do that again. I'm justice. That is a helium factory.


it's it's a moment I didn't make IT togo. L I made to hold them down. O yeah, I got hold IT down.

I don't .

know .

what is like that, be honest, cause I no IT doesn't hit me anything like 然后 here's a thing, T V 的 pro 就是 a man sure no um when the things I learned, especially after dealing with member, the show ended before my healthy that's how long .

yeah you've like health problem and then .

i'm health problem yes. But what what i've noticed is after my blood has been fixed and Better like I do not get drunk easy oh.

i'm more of the cruise you were like to watched this. I am like ten years later. Wow, he's not drunk. That's weird.

What you saw I had like, no, I was doing like double .

a Normal person. I was really waiting me .

IT was ready to me. Now that was me exam I do. I'm sorry to get drunk right now these kids on this DIY crew. Now I smack him or get drunk. It's nothing happening.

Remember, I was just was bark was like, men, you miss out on his party trick because, like, he doesn't inst drunk anymore. Up no longer .


Yeah no.

But I mean, I get a slight buz like last night. Okay, so that the matter I must tell you, I might be incriminating myself right now, but i'm going to do IT anyway.

Last night was alloweth right? what?

So last night was.

So close your eyes, keep them get away.

So I was that Peter, this party. No, cancel.

Welcome to the first and the sound of our new resources .

to our world.

Okay, so, so I want, I want to tell the story week. So I was alone. I was at halloween.

the halloween, the halloween break up. So now OK.

So anyway, a at all women, we have a golf card. Yes, I am that White guy that's like has a golf cart. You guys, I have A P A system, a siren, a bluetooth stereo for mate for a boat and RGB on IT and a dead battery .

when his kids all that. So first.

so first I got to the P. A, because we would go around, because my kids, obviously a trigger treating, we want to, will go around with the kids and friends. There was a big group last night, and I was like, we want to give out Candy too.

We brought ball Candy on the car, so I cook on the P. M. I'm like, we have can do. It's okay to. We have Candy, a little .

free Candy that so many people to our .

cart to give them Candy, right? And the adults were like, we got for the adults, and I had a whole bottle of woodford in between me and my wife in the city like we would. I was driving around the neighbor od in the gulf car, drinking .

woodford. And I was like, this is the best thing ever.

Now we're in a gated community in A, A, also have to tell the cop that was with me to do something about IT, because there was a cop with me, this a bit of leos that live in our neighbors. Od, and we all work together.

and that is start tradition.

the .

mercury. Gery, sorry, sorry. Tending a strategy.

Jane needs to post the gulf car into the RGB future. Yeah, I can. I made IT look like flickering fire .

effects on baby oil. S.

right away, right away. right? 我, let me, let me do the world like.

Welcome to the R, T, F, M show, pretty sponsored by Johnson and Johnson. Do you want to a Sparkle at ear pedi party?


i don't pretty by Johnson .

and Johnson ARM. I like I like lue studio CPU. Well.

doesn't been cartoon yet of a golf car.

That lets go quickly.

And what I mean, to be fair, in the year that we haven't done the podcast, there has been a lot more hilarious topics to interject SMS back then. The world .

has really changed in the last eleven months and .

tell you were on the the G T, A five model server like I don't think we are. The server .

migration happened and nobody told us.

I'm tell you we're just on the mod like anything goes server now.

H my gosh.

this is if you want ppp.

So we have I want to say this for the chat. I have fulfilled next request. He has a paper printer now yeah but is still in the box, even taking out the box.

No, no, no.

You build the table for IT to go on.

But but he did.

He did put the rules of paper .

in the cabinet though. There is a point of movies too much, so much stuff, like, I can go home today with this tomorrow .

I just telling you, like to go home and get rest and they like, no, hold on. I'm living like four thirty OK five, whatever feels really gone usually a little bit before me and i'm I like, nick, you need to rest like the rest of us don't stay here late. You like, okay.

And then i'll see the notification on my phone that the system is armed at like eight, thirty two. I'm like, nick, these are twelve. Our days do that. But I look at at this way if you're haven't fun because I think I really do think you enjoy, help me put this place together. Yeah.

I get like, well, at least even after two hours, I can get something done without having .

switching over to something else. You met just, nick, where is the blob of blog? Neck, neck? Nick.

my, there's this .

much .

get no, I I think make sense now because it's like I think all three of us at some point, it's new energy there. One no, there's those moments where you're just like like actually person happy ones on some music control for you. It's like I usually see you doing that, what testing and when you're in testing.

But for me, for some reason, it's not like that because .

the two times I have .

to put testing chart. Hl, a speaking of church hill, i'm going to give a snap. Ek, because what we actually Irene out the dates today, so love mohatta is next to Steve burke is coming to our studio in the peak, the Steve burk himself is coming to our studio december. He's going to be here december um before Christmas, okay.

got his own. No.

look, i'm looking at the dates here. He will be here like the twenty, the twenty third or something like that. So he's gonna actually. So I bought a lot of stuff to build up. Let me know why is he is coming.

You should joke. I was on the point, because baby tech jesus is born.

Baby, baby tech, jesus born orn way in I, G, P, U, bringing frames to your games. You.

what do you guess on here? You got to like making a major, the T, V, T. see. yeah. So so in .

in the third week, it's like the twenty, whatever that friday is, the twenty seconds, the number twenty second he's gone is actually going be sitting where you are, sir, apologize. Now I know, I know, like should i've got a fourth wage, I think fit of forth.

I don't get right this .

room to handle. We would have ended, haven't put this and like a the other half and I don't want that again. It's taking a half of space of something else. Anyway, let me tell the reason .

why I ve reached out.


Like there isn't all studio epos on investing.

You know I met like like, everyone knows my flaws. Okay, I don't hide them. Why is my mike lose anyway? Because because you're demonstrating .

to me how like you could turn years in every direction and I might still seize .

like I remember next x we did put long time on them. okay. So I reached at the Steve in the summer, actually back in like june, and I was like, dude, I want to bring more to my channel, then just take entertainment, which is really what we are.

I desperately want to add more data that's meaningful to my audience. I said, I never want to go to the depth that he does or even like labs is doing for line in tech yeah all the labs had growing pains, but they're lot Better than they were year ago. But I never want to get to that point.

But i'm tired to float on the surface, right? I want, I want to go deeper, but I want to, I want to be middle ground between where where Steve does a lot of is like a credible deep dives up so I can get a little bit more than more enthusiastic ous audience. That means something to them, but still be approached for beginners. No, no. You're on time out, sir.

You have no power here.

He could just read over and put IT back anyway. So the sticky hands, you think, tell you help me over there. He's going to mute himself anyway.

So he's coming out here to actually help me revamp our s sop, our best practices to basically show me some of the processes he goes through. Yeah and I also got I bought a lot of elmo's lab stuff that he uses for for data measured and stuff. So i'm not having to rely specifically on the .

software aspect, right.

measuring things like like that, right? Because I mean, he found with two to five k that there is some there's some discrepancies between discrepancies between like what is advertised as power drawing and what's really power drawing. And so the stuff like that, I would never be able to find out, because software would never tell you anything other than what is advertised to tell you.

And I want more than that. I erotically ally would do five specifically, like our software was all over the member. X, T, U was like, you're on using sixty watch is like our last.

you tell me I was just .

like nine old tool. More incorrect than hardware. D, will.

yes. So I, so I really want to bring more meaningful data to the, to the audience. Uh, G, P, U, data, CPU data, case testing, airflow, all that sort of stuff. So Steve s.

Actually putting together some documentation and like templates and suffered me to use that are going to ready to go by the time he comes out here, so he can kind of walk us through some of the steps and he can see the way we do IT, so he can be like, here's all the shit you do wrong, right? Yeah yeah. But anyway.

so I look at this can be so on the brain on like, you know, I mean, like what? Like why the hell is a minimum or one percent low like this important? And like why do people focus on and that sort stuff so that we can we can like present that data to people? The thing is like and be able Steve .

presents all the data yeah like a lot of so I know i'm not sure how many people are interested in every data point he but he provides all of this. It's like take what .

you want from IT .

plus did all that testing yeah yeah what seems also a robot so he's really able to like just power through that water testing body.

cut back to every time .

is for more updating sounds of the tank like all grades, downloading updates like the matter but no, i'm i'm really looking forward that because that's a me journey like that. I'm doing that for myself yeah because I I really am enjoying the testing that we're doing uh on the on the five hundred metro D D.

Because it's like a lot of people I think it's it's easy for people to forget that like we're all enthusiasts are heart still and like learning stuff is fun. So levels to IT yeah .

and whatever you .

get to work with somebody that is more knowledge than you, you gets a pick your brain it's always like but .

I have to give huge cues to Steve because Steve could say, no, this. This is R. I. P. I'm not sharing any this .

with you met i've met so many like.

like, to be fair, he's transparent. Every single one of his S O P methodologies, everything is a visible online on this is that net. Like, everything is there. So you don't ever have to wonder, like, well, how did he collect this data?

He puts IT all out there. The nerd nerd like sort of stuff was the ten was going on as like i've worked like so many people in L A creative wise that like you know be like, hey, like how did you do this effect and it'll be OK do about IT? Well, it's a few buttons and after effects it's not like it's african.

What order did you push them? Yeah it's like it's not like it's african. Like some super top seeker N D A IP.

Like you didn't invent the plugging. But yes, yeah they get all like the people get like like I I Operating procedures. So for people .

aren't aware, the process of acquiring the space of ring right now started back in the end of may, early early june. And so we are what four months IT was four months in the making to start the process of building this place out. Yes, I reach out to him back then because because my vision for expanding this place is so I can do the additional types of testing and have the spaces is set up for them, the dedicated areas that are intended to be used for specific use cases.

In that day that I was told like, okay, you're getting the facility I reached out the Steve, I expected a, hey, no, i'm not really interested because I asked my sid do and here's the thing Steve would not Steve does not accept money or are fair any that Steve, his philosophes philosophes are anything he does. He does one hundred percent with intent and on his own time. So like, I was like throwing out there, hey, I pay you to come out was never something that was going to matter to him. Yeah, right.

So he was like, what content can we make that interesting for both channels? He wants to make content for both channel. S, but more importantly, he wants to come out here and help us Better. R, S, O, P, but I fully is .

still governing.

I, I expected a, no, I I don't know, think I have the time to come from north CarOlina to california to help you with your learning. So the fact that is willing to do that to me is like huge, like i'm entirely grateful for for Steve, making the track out here is not like.

I mean, yeah, it's a business decision, but this is not a business decision. This is like, you know, two dudes being friends.

like four, five phone calls in length, phone calls about what is the mission of this trip to make sure that not is IT worth the time. But is he prepared to provide for us what I am asking for? And and I think he's he's loving is it's almost like he's doing consulting for a peer.

no. And I feel like he could easily be like, no, i'm not to do that, you know. And and so i'm really excited for IT because I really what i'm looking for here is some more efficient workflow because you've seen how long some of IT takes for me because i'm doing everything manually. And by manually, I mean, my did extrapolation into graphs, you know so i'm really .

or even like all, hey, let's go to a twenty minute cyberpunk like burn in tester, whatever. And it's like completely menu, like click start open the game had to bed for ten million times because the suped menus are in the way, no game.

no touch. IT I am maybe rips are using and macro is safer. A lot of this and most of this testing is not automated or macro d or scripted. There is yeah but but there's a very specific like I haven't done yet, I said I want to do this.

But the reason why having yet his wife, why have me go through the effort of doing a checklist like we talk about being like a testing nee board for a pilot? Yeah so there's never any question about what's this, what's that. It's this is the title we're testing.

This is the harbor testing. This is the checklist. We must go down to make sure everything is exactly consistent every time.

Why why write that? If were about to rewrite IT. So it's why they haven't bothered yet. And that's part of december's visit.

And for those for those people that like are super like aviation geeks, that's what the other pilot in the copy is doing. But what the pilot that's flying the plan is in the plain, they are doing the tech list. They're looking through everything, bubble reading, IT all out. Think k, this is done. This is done. This is done so that mentally everyones on the same page and that sort of like that sort, it's the same exactly that you want even though we're not going to have you not to have a copy doing your testing, but you can meet tally check with yourself after going through the lessons. Like did I miss anything?

Because the problem is when you do something a lot you become complacent that like, I guess, anything and then that dead stakes that's why you.

jack, was very little time yeah so yeah so .

i'm looking for you .

that he told us to stop saying .

like we're you like I mean, like you really real for like nick when you believe this guys like saying.

oh my god. Like stop .

like I don't understand, but I understand .

with reading.

I I have no cap. I. Gensia, oh, my god.

Are you alright? You got to .

show me so .

how you like in your R O G I.


where did that is our show?

Now I get to ask. I was like, so good, good time for all. Uh.

it's cool. I mean, my opinion essay really change from IT, from the review.

me, how I like my goal.

and the one that still sitting on the right that put there, I have not even turned .

IT on once myself.

Did I unbox to like software up to see what was new with the software? And there was dust inside the case side.

the box.

Three, I like that.

I got that. I legion. So those .

like everywhere.

they throw money at influence, like crazy, especially on the laptop side of things. But I thought that because I I know I am traveling a lot, IT was really because of watching how much you played your ally on planes when you never were. Travel a lot last year.

And I went thing I wanted, do something other, just see here and watch netho x right? So I was like, I should, I should get a handheld, but i'll get something different because they had the clown and the R G. And the steam deck.

But I like, go something to go. Seems cool, bigger. I want a bigger screen.

That was that mr. Center, that they had a display, and then you got to put his hands on. And he was like, ctr actually feels like not like i'm the crap in five minutes compared to like and I bought IT.

you did the review of IT and then I looked at and went the held, by put a way.

that was the only to realized none of the games he plays are like single playing story games with, it's kind of what you need if you playing a game on the go.

No, I be honest because most games I play, I use me keyboard.

mouse, yeah like like warships on something that small with the track that would be kind of IT doesn't really sound that .

no yeah can can you have a mouse up to?

Do you watch .

to the E.

D handle?

Handle IT does not make any sense. Like this table, I have returned this turbulence and like.

let me drive the boat yeah.

it's like that kind of made .

me think too like all the games that I play, oh, they all have support for controllers so like the game does not feel weird to like adapted to a controller input, you know I mean.

like I you know shooters, I can use sticks, but I just .

I can't I don't even weird. I don't want a competitive or on on that just because .

it's here's the thing I can get on the switch because I have a switch and I enjoy the games are all designed so like I A maro or a car or like batman lego, I just enjoy those kinds of games. But but my steam library is not like that. Yeah.

your steam libraries is a very traditional keyboard and a set of kind of PC. Maybe if I start playing .

like road force or something.

be I be a bit overkill .

for force.

I think I think the the way game recently on my, I was probably what i've wait to like half of those this assume on IT and and you know that's a story story bed like a very and so like jay would have to be into that type of game for IT to be like something that he could like IT basically it's like as a PC like, yeah, oh my.

he's got me noticing now yeah, get help IT we say IT a lot. You know, whatever OK .

three way start with the .

but that for a five.

that one I ten.

Do they say that in england that they call .

they say IT and everywhere else is like, we'll say, oh yeah, I took I six of five or whatever and it's like, like it's if you take .

the carriage way.

do you take the I free way?

They are called carriage ways in england, like some other called carriage ways.

I think, why do we park on drive ways and drive on park? That's a stupid way.

I almost all almost say why they call IT the restroom, but I do go in there the rest room. Understandable that I point that out. So as I take a shot, every tell me to, like, would die, they would die.

You know, a sha .

t what?

Kevin, just take a shot every time. So .

say that.

say at the point IT out.

because you don't know .

what you're saying IT drink what does but do h it's a rat IT that sounds on an area. 在 玩。

Do feet snow and those. Super stoner thoughts study .

actually humans and made these words yeah all .

all words are made up right .

yeah alright, let's go and move into the CPU discussion part. Um so we get most of the cbs were expecting to come out.

C B, U, C B, the .

system the b use, okay, so nine thousand series AMD a launch a few months ago, bit a flop, single digit performance uplift versus seven thousand series nine fifty x, nine nine hundred x, ninety seven hundred x and nine six hundred dex OK marginal improvements from previous gene, even though new process 7e boards available, super expensive, executed fast forward to intel core ultra, completely core crap, right? In terms of just for gamers, for gamers, anyway, IT does have merit for people using IT for compute. I guess what still feels weird to me to have a CPU that has an .

army of equals for compute? Yeah it's still like, yeah a weird.

a weird but they but they are beating. They are hyper threading variant. So that's what weird to me already about the architecture. And we've talked about this million times just what intel first for IT to in compute be beating fourteen one hundred k the twenty five verses four hundred k without hyper threading tells us there is huge corner core uplift in ipc. Ah the deconstruction. But in games we think IT sucks because it's then one architecture where the fabric inner connect on the topology of the CPU is where the latency is happening.

So if you guys didn't know, like the old processors were basically like pick pickers, picks and then the gap and then all the equal, right? So all the Bakers are physically next year.

Now each cluster equals has A P corn each corner.

Yeah so it's this weird like pear eo, pico, pico equal. And then then I we have a huge that that's that's why the gaming performance is inconsequences.

The cash too is going through that the topology.

And I think that's why we're seeing so much gains and computer because computer is significantly less latency bound, right? I know like doesn't care if you take a few more nancie ta if the core just burns in the a quake, right? And then it's got all those equals that are like like that was saying significantly more powerful than the older e course, where there kind of their kind of almost as good as the big is.

Well, I I can clock mine, at least I have three samples, but I only have i've only tested once so far, three, twenty five case, but I can push five point one bigger hurts equal because member, the the equals on fourteen k were four point three.

And there are pretty sites. They didn't really want to go fast OK.

You pushed the peak or you get additional performance in games. But but I push you saw I was testing IT when I pushed the p core. I got lower .

scores in games. Our biggest problem is that yeah be any any attempt to pushing .

the p harder than I of MIT.

It's that for some reason is that .

specific current .

limit just weird that .

is that deal R S job, I really think IT.

I mean, I mean, it's like it's weird that it's that close to the out of the box, like the way that the thing .

works out the box yeah and it's not really that much of voltage. I mean, I showed that the the preferred core was only hitting like two point a two point well, one point two. One point two, one vote.

Next thing on that core, the core voltage. So maybe the they they really tightened the level of headroom available to the course on. But so even though we've maxed out the power limits, IT still has maybe invisible limit. We can see what has that hard.

that heart and mort limit, which is the thing that that just keeps bugging like every time we just see the thing edc limit. And I were .

like even though I have to set one hundred .

and eleven ams yeah, yeah, it's literally calm the f down, right? We're going to put a heart limit on this. And now nobody can go passes.

Living in the James now, turning red a little bit and feel in the whisky a little. No, fine. no. This is the first time I seen a CPU, though, by by over clocking IT may be back up by seeing a higher score in like cinema perform lower in games then CPU IT scores higher than in cinematic.

Ah so typically we see that as kind of a hierarchy like if it's faster and synapse, it's not always true. But if is faster, faster and cinda inch IT tends to be faster in games. Yes, but not this time. And that was so weird about IT. I think we were .

talking about this offline. I was testing um I sketching up on the A M D. testing. I was just like we're moving this era of like specialized processors. We're like like if you want to primarily do gaming, yeah exactly. You're not going to even look at any of the process that are very good compute .

because I get a branch prediction for youth case. Yes.

you got have to make that trend up down. Like am I going be gaming or i'm going to be computing mostly? Yeah and it's like there are some cbs that channel of the line you know mean like the like the multi C C D X trd stuff that that um M D has or I mean, I guess you could be force IT with like to you know .

so I can I can I ask you for a real take care. Let's assume the x three D C P S never existed. Do you think two eighty five would look as bad? Because you wouldn't have that branch, you wouldn't that branch .

of thought of gaming CPU, yeah, the far was still beating in some games. So that that's a weird regression that would be kind of weird for intel to like, launch a brand new .

thing and then give me you with the one test we didn't run that would be interesting is going back to four k ultra settings, go back to G, P, down. yeah. I mean, they would just be the same.

Ideally, they would just be the same performance. Yeah, right. So but then that .

that just removes the test altogether from the CPU.

which also makes the two ty 5k irrelevant because you just use a previous .

gene or two。 C, P, U, you're C, C, S, all the like. You don't even need anywhere near a hiens modern. Cy, you.

everyone asking why I am so red? I don't look red on, my god.

I don't look up.

Yes, a little pinky, pinky. I just like I. No, look, the cable stick out the side. So when I turn the monitor, these like what the .

the cup in a wake cup.

you here play a wacky coppy. Look, stop the really my trains of thought. Okay, i'm sorry.

but IT really doesn't seem like like when we we keep joking about this feeling like intel's the origin of then one. But we really do me we did in the same way of like like how then one was really cooky because there was the first time you are doing with the sort of like one .

still look great because think about what you are comparing IT to piledriver yeah escavators and bodow .

like forty nine was not as bad as like piled driver is in what?

Yeah, I know. Because all then one did was bring up to a modern type of CPU.

Yes, I was like the first .

real chip let design. We had canada. It's funny because there was a lot of disgusting about whether A M, B.

Was betting the farm on chip let clearly it's worked out .

in their favor that was like the different glue each thing it's just like like play on words of the fact that they called a glue. Uh, no. So anyway.

the fabrics .

and popular opinion, I know everyone loves to just jump and hate on l, that's fine as as fine as consumers are allowed to do that. But if the future is scalability and tile design for intel, right chipper for AMD tile for for intel, you have to start somewhere here. And I think this was a progression, progression, progression lateral move to what should hopefully be progression, progression gressier. So yeah, there's no compelling reason to really adopt coral tra. If you're running anything that say within the last three genes of mental, there's really compelling .

reason to do that besides just being a fan and funding the the next core altera.

But but like our most recent video regarding testing show, though, over clock aside, is the first time we ever threw in RAM and saw compute improvement. The C. U. Dims I have tested, I did. I did five thousand megah od to test, and then sixty four hundred megahit d to test on compute with the until four one hundred k and then push the I think the fastest stems we have like seven thousand of the time.

I through those in once and saw zero improvement on any of the synthetics in p test, little C P U test, bench, whatever, right benchMarks, bench k, now I saw improve ting games because because the memory time in memory timings key, just mega transfers also, even though timings loosing are still faster than, say really tight timing, lower mega transfers does a calculation there. Anyway, this is the first time I ever just thrown in RAM and seen C, P. U. Test come up as a significant amount for the long side.

We always have that rule them in or had that like, no like version doesn't care about RAM speed. And we learned that I now on that architects.

so i'm not I haven't one IT with A M D. But i'm entirely sure if I was to go from sixty four hundred mega transfers and find, I don't know, some x eight seventy e board that can run eight thousand magor hoods non clock dims and see the same up lift. I'm not sure I would, to be honest. Yeah, so IT was weird to me, but that's the thing to on two thousand five k you've got to run, you got to run sodium and you got a overgrown ket to make up most of what you ve lost compared .

to fourteen in in in the lancy in the landsea sensitive uh, tests like gaming .

yeah jacey jays, i'm not read then forget how word .

word binger way Marks.

To be fair, I don't know how words work anytime you don't .

see my videos. Now, the tear point like IT IT really does seem like, uh, this is there. Like, how AMD could not have gotten to send five without starting a than one, like, until cannot progress from things they want to. I really wanted to do this, this whole trip design with the titles design, so so this and use glue .

and into uses growth battle tiles. Michael, yes, I guess that would be grown.

The we found out I was, in fact, so much that doesn't run is good.

I say good. I I guess it's really not good, but Better. I think the intel could let me get their fab process to work. member.

I think the most like striking thing to me about reviewing those processors was the fact that like, not once did we ever really .

think about armors.

IT was just it's .

really cold. IT was just good, really cold. Child, just put that out there. I get myself in trouble, and I don't care. I really don't care, to be honest.

They can qualify. Good isn't a degree of temperature. This is good.

We can talk about that next because that's the thing these video went out about the nine hundred and D I wanted to make a spect video like he did, but we were too busy building in this room. And that's fine.

We're a lot things. Yeah.

but not so they inverted. They inverted the whole. Yes, I know you wanted.

We were in ted, in ted.

so they inverted the cash. The cash is now on the substance. And then the .

dies above IT. And I learned .

from Steve video.

do I had no idea he shaved the .

oxide layers between them?

Didn't know. But they they also had what they called structural silicon, which is just like non compeer, but like the way Steve, but I was I was really just a blanket over the entire compute .

section just in all the yes.

So and like my lunch before, I was like, I don't think it's the cash that's sensitive. I think it's just the course are just heat soaked yeah then uh, one of the AMD guys was was saying in this video that that is exactly the case. I was like they had a blanket over the thing that was just joking IT here and so inverting IT.

now you can get all heat out yeah because you you have the hardest part, which is the course I and and the heat wants to move the cold. So if you have the cold plate, are your A I O, your air coller, whatever on that side of IT, the heats going to be drawn IT away from the cash too yeah. And the cash isn't a very hot. So IT IT can handle being cooled through the core and is not adding much heat to the core.

Design itself is basically like the old extremes. We're like if you actually left the plastic on the core, IT was just the whole layer of of issuing material that you couldn't really get around without building IT.

Now that LED to limitations where IT like temperature j max was eighty five uh versus the fact that L I could uh, lower boost frequencies because of a time of because of .

the deep dive in this video also saying that IT was so choked with the heat that the heat, more heat was coming out the sides than upwards into .

the I yeah I think about the fact that the seven hundred forty was dealing with that. And still oman.


wow. Now you, no, no. Obviously we we are under N D. A. But think about everything we just talked about. And the remedy is that theyve put in the place and what that means for actual boost, the turbo clocks, sustained turbo clock power draw and temperatures.

They did clear Steve to basically say the like the nine thousand series x 3d stuff is going over clock.

basically the same as the none. And yeah look forward touch generally. That's the cp.

because I I read through the text, I was so I was so excited seeing the first few results that I was just like do.

And that was again, that was our accredited work flow here because you are not really able to help with the physical stuff we've been doing around here. So you were like, i'll do the brain stuff.

yes. Yeah, what? We had to regress because .

we had to test everything on twenty three each two? Yes.

yes. I forgot a 2。 yeah. Because one thousand .

series came out. Then they fixed the branch prediction stuff, which a hardware in box like the other Steve really pioneer. By the way, that's what's awesome about our community, is the fact that big changes can actually come about from anyone in this community. My cartoon box is is literally like the aussie Steve, and he is aussie Steve. But the aussie version .

of game is is a core .

and A J no, you know what? J course, no, no one needs j course. This, listen to me. Listen to me. A lot of people lack self awareness.

I don't okay, i'm very self aware.

I think we have southern heres cores and together note, but serious ly like harder room boxed really, really put in the network to get A M D, to basically admit that, hey, one, their testing numbers were a bit disingenuous because they test everything with the administrator. T, K, you should not be running administrator account full time, because IT has literally .

unfeared access to everything. And that for all these reasons, it's a blue IT disabled, right? So but there .

is headroom. There is headed room loss of not running IT. So that LED AMD to start pressuring microsoft to, hey, what is happening between the two accounts and why are we now dealing with performance by having administrator account versus not a standard user account? So that's what LED to the branch prediction updates, which LED to twenty four each two that the moment I can not.

Thank Steve. I appreciate all your work. I talk you off line.

You are great, dude, but you may not have to retest all our shit again, which is fine. No, that's fine. Because everyone got a security of great essentially.

Yeah, I was five thousand.

Like everyone got more significant. We saw big games. We saw like sometimes ten ish percent plus gains from just updating windows.

Then yeah, I was not.

Have you updated uh, windows on your machine? Upstair .


I actually kind of wonder, I actually kind of onder now, to be honest.

brings on window too about we can't .

do like I guess we can't really do staggered updates because if be funded like tests computer and then do the next date in the next and see the .

performance like you'd like a completely identical system hardware are but for every single version of windows because .

what he does seem no .

I but you'd have you need like for more exact builds of this system. That is that because .

what yeah, that's what I saying. I wish we could just say only update to this version of windows .

making joke about the j course. So I was like, j course, forget the schedule instructions.

but I forget the instructions all the time. My wife.

instead of a branch prediction algan.

that's a misprint. Ict algo, no, no, no, no, no, no. If if i'm an instruction, right, I an instruction set, i'm told what to do. And I forget you should see the way the exception handle ler goes at home.

It's a red free .

of them is a red .

of angry.

It's it's dark souls as you have died.

没有 no, I I imagine I imagine something long, the lines of like so how you doing it's like fine.

How do you? I'm going to bed on time tonight.

I got food. Okay, have fun. Do not go out. You do not .

have one here. Do you mind? Defy life changing games, right?

I don't find. Do you really not mind? No fill for you.

I feel like you're saying so many words that without saying so many words, be fair. My wife does not do that. My wife does not do that at all. If anything, i'm the one that's like entire to stream tonight.

So no, like, that's the thing. I'm excited about the fact that we're getting closer and closer, this place being a bit more put together as the fact that I will not be completely drained of energy by the time around. games. No, I took out the I didn't mean to do that. I I .

mean, I I didn't.

Can you help me to commitment? My breath thinks up is terrible.

How did we get here?

All you see.

oh my god, back life is one thousand percent thousand nine hundred and nine nine percent.

You see, back in twenty twelve, I had .

this idea that some vacation I asked in .

the stream, no is no joke, like the butterfly effect. So so you did not want to go on that the family trip. And now I know, I know you as well as I do.

I don't blame you. You did not. You do not want to go on that flaming trip. I have to imagine, I M I have imagine if you went on that trip.

If you didn't, like, would we be here today? Like, is that how strong the butterfly effect is or what I found my way here? I really don't know.

I know I don't want to ask questions that we don't want answers to. I think we should just you .

can use the answer. This is the way I went down regardless, like you can tell me.

I think got into a little bit later.

Maybe we're getting into some black merer type .

discussion at this point. We need to isolate the j course.

need to be on .

time part forever .

r part. I feel like my brains parked all the time and .

take that IT yeah takes forever to like so like fire up and then compute things.

No, I just .

said space is amazing. You i'm tired.

I keep waiting for one of those to all .

off the wall, too. Camera.

I did IT is dangerous, because if IT falls on the camera plug, mr. Fd, dream will still be going.

because go black and nothing .

will happen.

And then we .

just turn on the gaming mats.

Gaming mats, guys.

I would just read the artist and bubbly, the two minute countdown, the starts again.

about two minutes to fix IT.

No, what I need to do, here's we need to do. I need to put an image under our our screen right here that just says typical difficulties will be right back. So we often like you're going .

to go like the road of like having a static image of us, like just like acting where the show like, you know, those two meetings where people just put a picture of them. They just like sleep in the.

I think you ready to say, like those courtrooms where the the person attending the virtual court accident as a cat filter. I'm not a good and .

that guy represent .


You see that that guy, I was like, a he was in court for getting his license revoked. He was always driving yeah, he tied into zoom court.

He was like, he was like what you doing? Like, i'm parking judge one second and he was like.

so so your license is revoked and .

I guys faces like, like. He realized, oh, crap, I was driving .

zoom court.

I gave us a know, the pandemic really didn't give us some amazing memories of stuff like that going down.

I'm not a cat lawyers. Amazing that ament.

wow. twelve. Nick, why don't you go here and give us of the F T, F A from the discords? Or did anyone actually post anything in there? Or they all a bunch of the generates like .

six people.

That's fine. It's .

those also R.

T, F, M at J, S, in the coming, because their emails too, but those won't read to like next week.

So I we can open those. You only open once from a year ago.

I don't know they're watching.

Let's see what happens. They might catch up.

Oh my god. Of the cooking expire from three million years of disuse.

H I not log in any, but I can cooking.

I can get log in.

What's the eric time?

right? So the first one who does go do this, since there is only so many camera ador for hi, been been watching for four years now. I would like to know your opinion of x fifty eight, or of what x fifty eight was at the time I was released, and whether or not you would be interested in doing a fifteen years on retrospective bd.

We could have been, do IT had something in the works far as metro? yeah. What's funny mentioned .

x fifty eight, that's what you had when I met you. You just got like, right after I I still have IT. Do you really saw the safety board? yeah. wow. So all I keep seeing on my on the email, so far as all the bus, weekly syndicated emails.

this am await the most last question .

back in july twenty third. Where's the R T F show?

Hey you guy is hey you guy, first time email .

and you all just want to say and just was like really capitalize, want to say, hi, I love your content not sure if I was mentioned, I must missed IT. But did the R T F M show go on another? Like, this is another wrong.

just one real first.

I love you best. D hi Joseph. That was literally the .

most recent, kept you waiting.

That was you july. Now those human july, do you? I have to go back like OK.

here's one. A, are there any new potential hobby fixations that you guys are in? So you're basically asking.

do you have A D D.

A D, H D? I don't know what they are. My doctor said I had eighty of them.

It's not wrong.

okay. So I feel like I feel like we've just been moving. So like there's .

I want want just .

as podcast。

No, no. Are you ever bringing back the podcast the next pression? When will the R T F M? When will the R T F M coming back? No, you know.

it's all. When the R T F M coming back.

This is, had come back. Someone sent pictures for nick. Computer parts.

I know that's a windows ninety eight CD ninety five. Windows nine five disk mine. Old computer. Now was something we were talking about.

I guess you could is older than nick.

although that's like.

no ninety five.

You were ninety nine.

One people. So .

sorry, I did you. This was my age.

Be older now.

Okay, going all way back december of last year, which is people demanding that we bring the show back.

Yeah, okay, cool.

We have your answer.

All four of them that wanted to back.

Your answer is yes.

Oh, how's your camera still going?

It's still in pieces like my lives .

in the third height is more.

Thank you. Pick you. Want to show me what the car is, right?

And it's going to the traditional and there three .

or four more parts on IT. Now though easily progress. Now the haters, the haters are in to those custom.

Not that's a special heart because of the substance. This is K K. OK. I think the most realistic twitter comment I saw when I posted the set like we're going to be back was like, great. Another tech podcast talk about cars.

Like a trail for show.

like like one the take.

So, so, so VC is a big brain. He was like, he knows them. Looking at the emails we email right now, this is what your favorite halloween memory give one.

really? We a lot to go turkey. Yeah I know. I just honestly not saying this is an I imagine like you were sheltered and more allowed to go.

That's fair though. No, I mean, I got to go. There wasn't anything that was really for me like, cool. We ve got to just go around the neighbor Candy.

I mean, I I had the memories of the Jason crossing. I did that was like was on the news because I was like scaring and well, I was at a big, big, big block party when I up so close off all the street yeah, so but I I got on the news because of the authenticity of my costume. I I, I was so local for the man.

I mean, the but turn like to no.

so I was Jason for his. I had a real metal meshech, but I had ground the blade off, right? I was like, trouble. No, sharpest maybe.

So me. So the .

amount of like teenage kids, I want to act tough, like in my face, and I and the kids doesn't not rumi and I turned and stab the tree and stuck in. And I look at little in in the tree and it's stuck in there. Another kid was like, does not a ruma shady.

So I, like, hit the brick wall with IT in a Spark everywhere. Again, kid took off running. Right after that, two city cops walked up to me.

I like, great. And they were like, that thing real. And I was like, string on the ground.

He was like, created picture. And I was like, that's yes, I can. I didn't say anything. I just stared at them. I know where that is being, Jason, because i'm staring at the cops and like, okay, the movie is you shoot him, he gets up that doesn't work for me because so i'm like, I hope, I hope I understand. I'm saying.

not break a cat right now.

He's too committed to the rule. I went holding of the shady in my head. So no IT all turned out okay, as you can see.

Then I halloy looked another halloween memory I have is my now of fifteen year year old daughter. When he was I to know ten, asking me if we had color TV back in the one thousand nine hundred ds. When we are chickering, we were taking a tRicky trading. Who is your friends? Never saying something back of a turn round goes, dad, did you have color TV back in the one thousand hundreds and all of us parents of the same age group dear to the heart.

really? Yeah.

well, it's it's no joke. I am not kidding you. My Youngest, who's nine now, turning ten a couple of years ago, because I like to sometimes watch all T V shows, gill island, because, like, I like to watch T V.

I grew at that because my parents, right? So it's like kind of like a sort of therapist for me just to go back and like this three, one, thirty years of my being, right? So anyway is not according .

to my Youngest because I am about to .

tell you if we were lying in there watching, I love Lucy and he goes, why didn't they have color when you were a kid? I know what what you mean? He goes, was the world actually black and way? And I looked at her and I was like, what do you mean? No, I looked at her and my first thought was like, i'm fAiling as apparent, right? My kid thinks the world was black and weight like. And then I looked there. I just went, no.

I think I could have brand stuff IT could have .

been really philosopher. No, I doctor, strange, all seventeen million, whatever possible conversation outcomes, we and I realized the best response. No.

yes, yes. And you know.

he was he was like, oh, that's what is T V ah yeah, yeah. Imagine and put yourself into into the mind of a nine year old today that can you imagine how weird I feel like I love this. You must look to her. First of all.

the fact there is no color. Not really too busy playing for knife.

Yeah, it's rock box like engine explaining .

to them that you had to turn IT to channel three to play video games. It's like because I have to do with anything.


I do not like this.

do you? Do you?

I think I think like the most prominent like alloweth memory for me was the the halloween after stars up. So one came out and just every thirty one was just like, like super and stars and I was just like everywhere. And there was this one, like, you get to just like every time someone he's working a whatever, you just like what art being? Red.

yes, you the red one for shadowing.

I look.

I meant, I meant the little kid. Yeah.

anything you you got to be boiler clog on. And just like hold the red lakes every year. Tape, tape.

Two ends. So that's all wait through. We have the technology .

we could do IT.

Now we do the ice light that we really have real looking. Any other discord questions?

Uh, it's devolved into posting. Here's a picture. Whisky though I don't know what IT is.

cool. I've never heard that brand.

okay? It's a highland single malt Scott .

whisk exchange TV going to get like they don't even tune in because no, it's not the media, isn't times.

Oh, I was actually this morning. No, this morning or yesterday, my Youngest and my oldest were having a conversation in the kitchen. And then my oldest goes dead.

What's a? What's A V H S? no. Knows that the conversation. And my Young gest goes, A V H S. I was the thing you listen to music on, right? The music thing.

I, the thing with the windy thing I really like, 不, i was like, you mean a cott SHE is like, no V H S. Like, V H S is the thing you watched movies on. And he was like.

it's the bigger one day thing, the bigger the one thing he was the music.

I should both, both their minds and show them back, make go.

before you explode into the hobby of keyboards. How long you think it's going to last them to get any switches?

Not at all. I actually really like those stupid Brown. Okay, I look the keyboard feels really nice, but the sa though i'm not used to how much like newer they are on top so my .

fingers keep going between but um no .

i'm i'm quickly liking and I like to feel the wait bottoms out. The keyboard is so heavy that there's no resonance through IT. I'd like that they give you additional damping pads if you need to somewhere ah but um no, I really like the way IT feels.

I just want I switched the keys from mac to windows because IT comes with mac keys brain sold. But i'm i'm not a fan of the color way I do. You wanna get the way, but i'm going to probably see what available online in sa style like TV colors. Because ever since I found out on blue color blind in a couple years back, I ve just been like, I want all the blue things. It's like, I don't know, just accepting IT.

I guess it's I was like therapy by emersion like the the blue stuff you like experienced them more easily. You can take out the .

new things and stuff yeah I should have to go to optimus gist .

though because .

now you're just getting blind by far blind. No, I keep having like a stabbing pain.

but how my life die? okay? yeah. No, i'm open there.

No extra parts in there that's .

I am open you.

I keep getting like a bad headache. My left side and I like a stabling paying my home, my left eye so I was like, we should never go to the optometry gist my wife like, yeah, then you can do the official colored blind test and you know no.

we have to confirm. So we're already thinking .

back to every argument about like the pillow colors it's .

like the stickers, like i'm dying nose but i'm .

pretty sure the pillow colors, the couch colors, the wall color, the color truck all yeah .

the truck like IT first .

like that was the first like .

didn't know no one, no one connected the dots is back that I still think that was less color .

blinds and more the fact that I looked at the color chart indoors and florist light and the sun because when I found that I was, I was blue L A color blind. I started doing a lot of research about IT, and for a lot of males, colour blindness can be on set later on in life, in the, in the forties. And forty three, yeah, forty three, i'd think about, and forty three.

But there is also a correlation between head trauma and color blinds. And I had that really bad cards. Two thousand eight were had head and necklaces a so it's like, I wonder that related, you know but I I didn't go around, but nothing looked different to me suddenly that the world looks less blow. But IT keep happening to me, even turning for I look side .

cloud the sky. It's so hard. It's so hard to like explained non cover blind people because it's not necessarily a loss of color. No, it's a loss of the ability to dim the colors .

because especially if there's a great day or next .

year decently in which, like is I overcast diverses a blue sky?

Yeah, like I realized that those blues on here. But this is the difference, the luminance, right? Because of colors. But whatever.

like those two, those two shades are probably kind of .

annoying ing for you. I was a little more properly to me.

Products are imagine the red, blue and this is like a tea lighter blue.

Yeah, it's closer to most, like A A very .

closer way. Yeah, seventy .

percent. That's that's .

six percent. Yeah, that's okay. Just like how they do .

about because they on the rails, thirty three hundred viewers here, i'll be honest. This is like the exclusive club. Now this is why we go on high this because in a couple weeks it'll be like twelve hood viewers. And then I will quit for years, and we've back to thirty three hundred of views.

Now tell me who's dumb. And then that works for like to the regular channel.

We're just putting for a year we come back million video views of video.

I feel like that would be any other .

that .

would not work out that way.

I don't think that in any other discounted stuff.

Uh feel ky dear best sel johna in person question. Okay thanks.

喂喂 喂喂喂 喂喂喂。 是我 maybe。 No, I can't just nothing. Have you have a unique why?

This was quite a interesting ly, like, what are things to motivate to work on .

your automotive projects? Money, money here. They're all living my money.

That minds been in the garage for about two months now.

I always turn IT over once.

Sure, every time I see .

your car.

there's with the people .

because it's like I have to stand that eventually is like a color matric .

and it's also carbon fiver dollars.

I fun. In fact, all of the founders were were .

the fender ders .


The enders were worked on, finds they were given because my car was easy. The prototype to .

make those vendors that good excise will give cent. S no, no, you going .

on car on .

whatever other party I am down. That's the only way that kick started that whole arch of, okay, I want to do the need for for speed stuff to my car. Now because .

you have that .

super aggressive hood.

I no idea. N IT was .

a little job .

on with .

the same one .

is Better as nipt. G yeah the door .

yeah you .

desperately need as boiler though because you have .

so much going .

on in the front right now later .

how are you what you ah 一会 literally .

competitively patient .

paton 耶 i .

really I still think you should get .

all the dense like repared but and rapid and not paying IT。 I'm real. I'm saying that because if you paint your front, your hood in your vendors, i'm sorry, I love you you but from the mirror d that look like a new car from the back, look like you have to make a uniform, can just paint half .

a car was a paint hole .

or the roof was .

has damaged from the previous rap that's IT remember .

that you're gonna be a pretty penny and .

prep yeah relation .

what's about to A A piper picked? I want to make a look Better of petting.

I guess if you're planning on keeping the car and you're not worry about the paints job costing more than the car because here, I mean.

you might be. I ve, at that point, with that era of the car, everything is going .

to cost .

more than the pillar .


Are we getting Price .

out the to think about paying a car and then spending like three times its value on the car?

Did IT devolve the car talk right at the end of the show was a fast hour and a half, you know, thing IT fade in.

We did not propose engineer position.

My, my see is playing.


I hear .

IT .

OK everybody.