cover of episode The Housing Markets is CRASHING in Some Cities—Is Yours Next?

The Housing Markets is CRASHING in Some Cities—Is Yours Next?

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Ken McElroy Show

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Danielle McElroy
与 Ken McElroy 合作的房地产投资专家和播客主持人,专注于分享房地产投资最佳实践和财务管理建议。
Ken McElroy
带有36年高级级别经验的房地产投资和管理专家,MC Companies CEO和创始人。
Ken和Danielle McElroy认为,美国房地产市场并非全国统一,各地市场表现差异巨大。评估房地产市场需关注当地情况,而非全国整体趋势。他们认为,房地产市场“崩盘”的定义因人而异,价格快速下跌且出现恐慌性抛售是其一重要标志。他们还指出,商品价格上涨后回落不等于市场崩盘,应区分价格调整和市场崩盘。他们分析了10月份成屋销售数据,认为市场并未崩盘,库存上升对买方有利,买方议价能力增强。他们认为,虽然全国房地产市场未崩盘,但部分地区已出现买方市场,例如佛罗里达州。他们还讨论了抵押贷款利率对房地产市场的影响,以及延长抵押贷款期限以降低月供的现象。他们分析了债券市场对抵押贷款利率的影响,指出经济形势好转,债券需求减少,利率上升;经济形势恶化,债券需求增加,利率下降。他们还指出,抵押贷款利率变化存在滞后性,政策效果显现需要时间。他们认为,高利率导致投资人观望,房地产市场出现停滞。他们还分析了邻里房价下跌可能引发恐慌性抛售的现象。他们指出,佛罗里达州和德克萨斯州房地产市场房价下跌的部分原因是保险费上涨和自然灾害频发。他们还讨论了高昂的保险费用对房地产投资决策的影响,以及佛罗里达州部分地区房地产市场出现恐慌性抛售的现象。他们还分析了高昂的保险费和抵押贷款利率对购房者的购房能力的影响。他们还分析了佛罗里达州奥兰多、杰克逊维尔等地房地产市场库存激增,价格下跌的现象,以及房主试图在房价进一步下跌前脱手房产的现象。他们认为,佛罗里达州部分地区房地产市场可能正在经历小型崩盘,原因是恐慌性抛售。他们还指出,大量房产上市导致房价下跌,这可能是市场调整的开始。他们还分析了佛罗里达州9月份房屋中位数价格下跌,活跃房源数量同比增长35%的现象。他们认为,目前不宜投资佛罗里达州部分地区房地产市场。他们还建议购房者应根据自身财务状况和市场情况做出理性决策,避免盲目跟风。他们还指出,房地产市场存在周期性波动,需保持耐心。他们还讨论了未来保险费上涨的不确定性增加了房地产投资的风险,以及未来可能影响房地产投资回报率的因素包括房产税、水电费、人工成本等。他们还指出,房地产市场存在周期性波动,投资需谨慎,避免盲目乐观。 Todd Sex则从佛罗里达州奥兰多和杰克逊维尔等地的市场情况出发,指出当地房地产市场库存激增,价格下跌,房主为了避免进一步损失而纷纷抛售房产。

Deep Dive

The discussion begins with the confusion surrounding the real estate market's state, emphasizing that it varies by location. The hosts define what constitutes a market crash and compare current trends to the 2008 housing crisis.
  • Real estate market varies by location.
  • Definition of a crash includes rapid price drops and panic selling.
  • Current market conditions are not indicative of a national crash.

Shownotes Transcript

Be sure to check out our BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Ken and Danille McElroy discuss how the real estate market isn’t one-size-fits-all, and recent trends highlight just how different local markets can be. From skyrocketing insurance costs in Florida and Texas to high mortgage rates nationwide, we break down what’s really happening in the housing market and what it means for buyers, sellers, and investors.• • • Visit Ken's Bookstore: • • • ABOUT KEN: Ken is the author of the bestselling books The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing, The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing, and The ABC’s of Property Management. With over two decades of experience in real estate investing, Ken McElroy is passionate about sharing the good life by helping real estate investors grow and prosper. This podcast is a place for Ken to discuss numerous topics connected to real estate investing, including finance, budgeting, the entrepreneur mindset, and creating passive income. Ken offers a wealth of personal experiences, practical advice, success stories, and even some informative setbacks, all presented here to educate and inspire. Whether you’re a new or seasoned investor, the information and resources on this channel will set you on a path where you and your investments can thrive. Ken's company: • • • DISCLAIMERS: Any information or advice available on this podcast is intended for educational and general guidance only. Ken McElroy and, LLC shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any of the content available on this podcast. Consult a financial advisor or other wealth management professional before you make investments of any kind. Although Ken McElroy and his affiliates take all reasonable care to ensure that the contents of this podcast are accurate and up-to-date, all information contained on it is provided ‘as is.’ Ken McElroy makes no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this podcast. Any links to other websites are provided only as a convenience and, LLC encourages you to read the privacy statements of any third-party websites. All comments will be reviewed by the staff and may be deleted if deemed inappropriate. Comments that are off-topic, offensive, or promotional will not be posted. The comments/posts are from members of the public and do not necessarily reflect the views of Ken McElroy and his affiliates. © 2024, LLC. All Rights Reserved.