cover of episode The Totalitarians Won’t Stop Until One of Us is Destroyed

The Totalitarians Won’t Stop Until One of Us is Destroyed

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Peak Prosperity

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Chris Martinson
Matthias Desmet
Chris Martinson: 本对话探讨了大规模群体形成、极权主义以及理性在社会控制中的作用。他认为,当前社会面临的一个主要问题是人们并不真正渴望自由,这使得社会更容易受到控制和操纵。他观察到,在信息时代,恐惧和不确定性被用来控制民众,而人们对自由和责任的理解不足也加剧了这一问题。他认为,当前的社会体系,特别是金钱系统,基于的是稀缺性,即使实际上并不存在稀缺,这使得人们始终处于恐惧状态。他认为,我们正处于一个持续数千年的控制体系的尾声,该体系利用恐惧来控制人们的行动能力。他观察到,主流文化似乎是一个死亡邪教,其一切行为都旨在破坏生命及其美好。他认为,当前的社会体系试图摧毁人类的自由意志,让人们与自身的人性本质脱节。 Matthias Desmet: 他详细阐述了大规模群体形成的机制,认为人们会因为害怕不确定性而相信明显荒谬的叙事,并对任何反驳证据视而不见。他认为,理性并非人生的指导原则,伦理原则才是。过度依赖理性理论会导致非理性行为和荒谬的信仰。他指出,人类与动物的区别在于,人类的存在总是围绕着理性无法理解的事物展开。理性主义世界观试图消除人类生活中的不确定性,这具有吸引力,但最终是无法实现的。他认为,存在一种非理性的知识(直觉、第六感、心灵的知识)能带来确定性,而非理性知识。理性主义的傲慢会导致破坏生命和人类灵魂的现象。现代社会正在经历去灵魂化,年轻人变得像机器人一样缺乏社交互动。他认为,人类害怕不确定性,试图通过理性主义的完美知识幻象来克服,但这不确定性是人类存在的前提条件。正是因为对人生重大问题的理性答案存在不确定性,我们才有权利和责任去形成自己的答案。他认为,人们以催眠的方式参与死亡仪式,这是一种潜意识的、自杀式的行为。物质主义的哲学观导致人们感到疲惫,渴望死亡。他认为,意识会影响周围的现实,物质世界的构成,这与波函数坍缩的理论相关。在复杂动态系统中,即使微小的变化也会影响整个系统,真诚的言行也会改变世界。即使在极权制度下,人们仍然可以通过坚持真理来影响系统。他认为,我们不仅生活在少数人控制的暴政下,也生活在渴望被控制的大多数人的暴政下。极权主义是精英和民众之间达成的魔鬼契约,没有民众的支持,极权主义就无法存在。解决当前问题的关键不在于消灭精英,而在于理解问题的根源——理性主义世界观。他认为,大规模群体形成既可能自发发生,也可能被操纵。如果没有宣传和灌输,大规模群体形成通常很快就会停止。现代孤独大众可以通过大众媒体和技术形成,更容易被控制和操纵。现代大规模群体形成通常是人为操纵的,通过宣传、公共关系或营销手段实现。他认为,一旦陷入大规模群体形成,人们实际上已经自杀,并愿意杀死任何不同意的人。在大规模群体形成中,人们为了控制焦虑而依附于某种叙事,对异见声音非常不容忍。大规模群体形成不同于正常的群体,其成员之间缺乏个人情感联系,而是共同依附于某种集体理想或意识形态。大规模群体形成的极端后果是人们为了集体理想而牺牲一切,甚至包括亲情。他认为,我们正处于一个新兴的全球主义、技术官僚主义和最终的超人类主义极权主义体系中,所有极权主义体系都试图剥夺人类自由的空间,极权主义使社会趋于一致,消除个体在伦理意识方面的自主选择空间。试图控制他人的人,自身也是奴隶,他们充满恐惧和焦虑。虽然极权主义试图剥夺人类自由意志,但人类始终保有自由,只是需要为此付出代价。说出真相会让人失去一些东西,但也会让人在现实世界中获得一些东西。坚持真诚地表达自己的观点,即使会失去一些东西,也会让人变得更强大和平静。大规模群体形成会导致社会分裂,人们对异见声音变得极度不容忍。比尔·盖茨提议利用人工智能来控制互联网上的仇恨言论,这预示着未来对言论自由的进一步限制。人工智能将成为人类机械化的最终阶段,机器将决定人们可以说什么。未来几年,技术官僚主义体系将被强加于社会,但同时,人们对真理和真诚的意识也在增强。面对操纵和谎言,一小部分人会坚持真诚和真理,最终会取得胜利。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do people often fall for absurd narratives during mass formations?

People fall for absurd narratives during mass formations because they are driven by emotional reasons, often to regulate anxiety and other emotions, rather than rational thinking. These narratives, spread through mass media, can be clearly seen as wrong by an outside observer, but those under the influence of mass formation become completely blind to any evidence against the narrative.

Why is the belief in human rationality considered a dangerous myth?

The belief in human rationality is considered a dangerous myth because it leads people to think they can control and predict everything, which is impossible. This delusion often results in irrational and destructive behaviors, such as those seen during the Corona crisis. True human understanding involves recognizing the limits of rationality and focusing on ethical principles.

Why does the rationalist worldview lead to irrationality and destruction?

The rationalist worldview leads to irrationality and destruction because it pretends that all uncertainty can be eliminated through perfect rational knowledge. This illusion causes people to ignore the ethical and metaphysical dimensions of life, leading to absurd beliefs and destructive actions. For instance, during the Corona crisis, many irrational measures were taken that had no realistic effect.

Why is uncertainty central to human life?

Uncertainty is central to human life because it is the precondition for our existence as human beings. Unlike animals, whose communication systems have a one-to-one relationship between signs and meanings, human language is constantly evolving and uncertain. This uncertainty drives us to explore and articulate our own answers to life's big questions, making it a crucial aspect of our development and humanity.

Why do totalitarian systems impose strict control and uniformity?

Totalitarian systems impose strict control and uniformity to eliminate the small window of freedom where individuals can make their own subjective choices based on ethical awareness. These systems aim to uniformize society by controlling what people eat, wear, and even think, thereby stripping individuals of their ability to lead authentic lives and make ethical decisions.

Why do some people want to be controlled rather than free?

Some people want to be controlled rather than free because freedom comes with responsibility, which can be time-consuming and energy-draining. Being controlled provides a sense of stability and reduces the need for personal decision-making and self-reflection. This is why totalitarian systems can thrive when a significant portion of the population buys into the narrative and propaganda.

Why is the current system described as a 'diabolic pact' between the elite and the masses?

The current system is described as a 'diabolic pact' between the elite and the masses because it relies on both groups for its existence. The elite spreads the narrative and controls public opinion, while the masses buy into the propaganda to regulate their anxiety and frustration. Without the masses, there can be no totalitarianism, and without the elite, the masses would not have a narrative to follow.

Why can speaking the truth make you lose something in the world of appearances?

Speaking the truth can make you lose something in the world of appearances because it challenges the prevailing narratives and illusions that many people rely on for their sense of stability. This can lead to social ostracization, loss of reputation, and other forms of backlash. However, it also grants you a new sense of strength and purpose in the real world, as you break through the wall of appearances and connect with deeper truths.

Why are mass formations often initially spontaneous but then controlled by propaganda?

Mass formations are often initially spontaneous due to a collective emotional response or shared anxiety. However, they are quickly controlled by propaganda and indoctrination, which can extend their duration and intensity. Without these controlling mechanisms, mass formations typically dissolve quickly. This is why totalitarian systems use sophisticated propaganda to maintain and manipulate mass formations for extended periods.

Why is the current censorship and control of public opinion considered the worst in history?

The current censorship and control of public opinion are considered the worst in history because they are subtle and pervasive, leveraging advanced technology like AI to manipulate and customize narratives. This atomized mass formation ensures that different groups are fed tailored information, keeping them isolated and preventing the spread of dissenting voices. The sophistication of these methods makes it difficult to detect and resist.

This chapter explores the myth that people desire freedom, contrasting it with the reality of many seeking control and structure. It questions the Enlightenment's emphasis on rationality as a guiding principle and introduces the concept of mass formation.
  • Many people don't want freedom due to the responsibility it entails.
  • Human beings are not inherently rational.
  • Rationality should not be the sole guiding principle in society.

Shownotes Transcript

Chris and Matthias Desmet discuss mass formation, totalitarianism, and the illusion of rationality, emphasizing the importance of truth and ethical principles in countering societal control.