cover of episode 155: Stephen Millard Returns

155: Stephen Millard Returns

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Stephen Millard, one of our favorite automators, returns to the show with ideas (and scripts) to automate Alfred and announces the public Automators Obsidian Vault.

Guest Starring: Stephen Millard)

Links and Show Notes:


The Automators Rosemary Orchard) David Sparks)

The Editor Jim Metzendorf)

The Fixer Kerry Provanzano)

Get Automators Max: a longer, ad-free version of the show)
Submit Feedback)

Bonus automation from Rosemary: I send the feed straight into GoodLinks to read it!

Automators #68: Stephen Millard and ThoughtAsylum - Relay FM)
Alfred - Productivity App for macOS)
Alfred | ThoughtAsylum)
Raycast - Your shortcut to everything)
Cluster (for Bunch) | Cluster is an Alfred workflow for use with the Bunch app by Brett Terpstra. This site provides documentation for the use of this workflow.)
Welcome to Bunch -
What's New in Alfred 5.5?)
Change Log - Alfred)

Alfred 5.5 has the Text View Stephen mentioned

Alfred - Bypass for Shortcuts | ThoughtAsylum)
Alfred - Conductor for Keyboard Maestro | ThoughtAsylum)
Keyboard Maestro 11.0.3: Work Faster with Macros for macOS)
Doctor Drafts | Doctor Drafts is an Alfred workflow for use with the Drafts app by AgileTortoise. This site provides documentation for the use of this workflow.)
Drafts | Where Text Starts)
Posts | Stephen Millard (ThoughtAsylum/@sylumer))

Stephen's monthly roundups

Introducing Whisper | OpenAI)
Obsidian - Sharpen your thinking)
Obsidian Canvas - Visualize your ideas)
GNU Aspell)
TextSoap List Content Management | ThoughtAsylum)
TextSoap - Automate Your Text Cleanup)
Templater - Obsidian Plugin)
Dataview - Obsidian Plugin)
Automators Obsidian Vault · GitHub)
Automators Talk | Forum)