I'm being dead serious now. This is the most important .
thing you dig, cover some of the hottest news stories circling around the toilet, that is, the internet to the hand.
Cappy were stoked.
It's like a fucking in chinese bags was to put over my nuts chinese bags. If you change SE bag, he was like, I will tell you the three things to change my life. One of them I forgot, but he was great.
Get hambard and get him. You .
want a little show. Happy halloween .
from .
your please.
Welcome to donation, also potentially to your help. One is in the title.
don't want to do.
Indignation to cover some of the hottest news stories circling around the toilet. That is the the .
internet is a lot there's .
a lot of stuff on the internet that we are not going to talk about a oh my god, that just reminded me of I saw that I was like, oh, wow, we cannot talk about that. And I don't think really, I know, is what we knew here at dignity we've been back for. I think this is episode de four.
five, five, five.
five, five of the a reboot I have been enjoying IT immensely.
Yes, we're got a good cats. Like every three weeks right now.
This is going to be a little bit delayed. I think this is four weeks because there was some travel OMG about, by the way.
how was your trip? Oh 妈呀, IT was good. I was like, I basically have been on, I think that was eight airplanes in the last three weeks. We know more time.
Do you still just like get drag?
I know. No, I am actually .
I love its my favorite thing you want. Well no, but I mean, I literally have I have an apple scription for sonics and if the flight is over like four hours or just put like because why not yeah but i'm constantly calling my doctor every like four years and being like and I get a real and the ladies is on the phones like no, you have to come in to .
see the doctor to talk .
about IT like that's not how i'm using the same talk .
over that does really help me as well. I don't like stuff, but I do something similarly if I don't want to drink and but i'm getting funny when you do on that many flights, you actually kind of get used to IT. Yeah, just ever. So I was on a one of those packing seventy seven masses of the bad ones, the ones .
that like crashing ship. Yeah, I didn't know. IT some thirty seven.
Max, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I said I washed the body dark. Mentation.
oh, I know that was so. Yeah, it's been, I get on the free complaining.
And like, that's the first thing. Ouldn't.
why are they bringing at that? Because it's, by the way.
they are best selling airplane to date, I know.
but like now every bit so anyway, it's a long street. I was on IT and I was literally like, I wasn't going to drink. Yeah, feel max, my alcohol.
So that documentary on, I think it's a netflix. But man, that documentary was scary.
Be scary. Hey, drinks today. This oh showed up in the mail from some type of fan of that is and has no, no, almost the label, except there's no a pva .
on no government .
label could be a out poison inside, I don't know.
But IT also could be really good a fan yet, not yet. You know what? Always time.
Thanks in advance that never .
point branch .
is life .
and fate. OK, I literally called.
Just like me, maybe boys on, I almost all over the place do I felt like, go see my up my nose like you to do first within .
the first year you throw up on my couch?
no. But what I love is what if, like Kevin, if you're reading this.
yes, got like a little silent .
or whatever sales, I was very good, pretty good pillow .
root and being with no information accepted the care care.
But I IT was was weird. I think I gave my address to somebody .
pretty dress.
I sure I had a pill box. I think that I give my address, whatever anyone to asked me that I don't know that well and my, oh, like.
but you still cool like, yes, I basically .
give that dress and and i'm pretty sure I know what was from, but I still thank you for that. But there was no otherwise I would think you pursued that was actually.
actually quickly. I love that you are, you've got to this place in your life where you will do whether a random strangers beer that could be poison and some nice champion.
Because because I crazy about .
but and then red wine, you're not because I mean, if you like the first couple of poses parting with the red .
and but we were but like i'm telling you, when I sleep, I get the red .
wine sweats. You I don't know, not really.
but you don't sweat.
I mean, I you don't wake .
up like sweating like I like my sweat were drink only when i'm sick.
OK you sick? I'm drinking all the time. Actually the funny thing is that I drink red, why i'm not sick and then jack Daniel s, what? I'm sick .
because I need a little something that is funny. But the you like, you know, like yeah, then you sweat and that's sweat.
You sweat exactly.
okay? Anyway, we're doctors.
So I was going to say to everybody out there because I believe this might drop a couple days before, but happy halloween.
In fact, if you stick around, i'm going to beta test my halloween en costume, which no one has seen here. This will be the first time i'm trying on, and I will say it's not complete, so I may look 没了 更。
Still like, oh, I was .
thinking about halloween .
first of cited, yeah secondly, maybe you can help watch up my I do this every year. You i've got two parties to go to a and it's like one of the things works like every fuck in here. My d, i'm going to get to ahead .
of the so I got, do IT s is the best without like medium tear like not the should you get IT like because .
I can always order ship of amazon, but IT always comes like it's like a fuck in chinese hand and to put over nuts, china bags if you order .
a chinese back.
But a gordon sus .
pack like that cancer. Well, because if they have to ship certain things long distances, they put stuff to the bugs. S, won't get in and eat.
D, D, i'd rather have the bug. yes. So we're gonna. I don't know this one same where had a workshop maybe maybe off camera but IT made me realize of all the years we did dig nation no seven and a half of years i'm assuming ing either seven we dressed a warm, maybe eight .
did we we dress .
up mea p ah yeah that we couldn't keep .
our shift.
Oh my god, we could not .
keep our shit together.
The outtakes was Better than .
the actual play. We just try to make our a frequent youtube channel. Uh, some they takes that.
Now we. Are do you anna switch? Sir.
十岁 了。
对, hi hi, hello friends. This is not in A I hycy ation. You're actually watching youtube with.
anyway, enjoy yourself .
scribe like .
describe .
subscribe .
Yes, so we try to do a youtube black little.
But I had said in my mind, I was like, a were .
professionals .
done this for a living for a long time? yes. And I was like, we're gna nail IT.
And then I was like, back then we were kids. We didn't know we were do. And I was comedy here. I mean, like we had IT was a little sketch. Oh, boy.
did that go off the rail? Yes, we having Better. We were professor drinkers. More than anything, I think.
is what I came down to. I think you're write about that. I think you write about.
all right, so let's get some fun stories. First and foremost, I just wanted to a little hints at something that's coming down the road that I am pretty excited about. Um so this is just as um how you to put IT .
put this is that there .
is a project that I have a couple of colleagues working and that IT is very a very cool o and i've never gone out and I have done a mass solicitation for engineers but this project requires a very special skill.
said got IT. So like the guy from taken, there's a very specific of ill people. He does okay, but it's a very specific .
set of you won have to kill anyone a but you didn't need no different so I just want to know a couple things to your .
his you're going .
list technology with some technologies if this makes sense, you which you want a lot of people and then apply and you probably, if you know what these technologies do, don't drop IT in chat beauty. You might understand what we're kind of building towards.
So we're in A I engineer, a reactive native, very senior, very, very, very, very senior engineers and of this like bullshit um and just a general single front and genre react for a more the IOS and and its side. Okay, so this is what gets crazy. What is someone that is clear with email framework? So we hy torch TensorFlow um distributed processing like Spark or beam vector similarity search feature stores and email pipelines. Basically, if you're hanging out in hugging face, you must on hug face. No hug face is like the place .
where I .
like we're going. If you hang out on hugging face, um that this is last thing, you have to have experiences with real time databases and cashing systems like dynamo d you be big table redis uf ka kennels like things like that. So that's all I can say for now. If you're very senior and you know what all those words mean, you're the vector or database. You understand similarity engines and vector world .
that you hug .
faces secret at Kevin road's dot com. I promise you this is a mind blowing idea. Fun thing.
So anyway, I love that. And if really, really senior, IOS h and red folks like that as well, right? interesting. But mostly I probable reactive for going to do that because I like, right? That's I want to say on a front first of the day.
So this one, IT is a really fun one, largely because I would say that what a couple a couple of things are really interesting. So about five years ago, a Peter tea who was like a really well known, my crops are physic these days. He's been my like like longevity, like health coach doctor for about twelve years now. So oh, no, for a long time is a ab guy.
my brother, and log.
get my book really? Yeah, it's fantastic. Yeah, it's tasted.
I, I don't want to read a book. this. Me, yes, I would. Any other things? I M .
with my life cover.
cover artic.
and I am. I'm doing that all.
And there all is bad. Three of next pay, like you should work out. And exactly I did. I will say i've not had and go back to IT. I've not had mcDonalds and over two years and I ve not had talk a baLance in a year.
do things I .
think dell talk .
was like last week kind h no, like, okay.
because here's a thing, if i'm not go to mcDonald, why would I go anywhere out? I really actively dislike most fast food stuff. Expect mcDonald.
the brands. I Donald, the only one I whatever tempted at all would be del taco.
which is so funny. So my wife either is a delta o person over toko bell. And I think delta o is like, why am I even here? The hotel is like, going to an arbs to me. Why am I don't .
hate on arb and arbel accused? No.
no, actually I do. I remember any army.
Do remember the arbs with melting cheese?
No, no, no, no. I mean, I remember that army existed and there were things, but I ve never been to. I've only .
been once, I .
think .
are .
A P seven years ago. Yeah he's like, hey, I got this like crazy peptide um it's A G opp a one agonist and there was like, no, we we knew what those were and now we call that now we all that .
epic in newly .
knew what that was back in the day and you know, he has you do these things called deans, which are these are really bonded city scans. IT also stands like your visual fat, like your muscle math. 你走, no. But like, so what what's interesting about old?
Because that's the fast around the old organs, which is .
horrible for exactly OK. So if he looks at high N C S, okay, you are skinny, do but you have high this a fat, yeah. How can we get that down? right? Because that badly.
So anyway, I I know i'm ba hacker. I'm on the edges of is is is like patient population working at, like, give me the wild crazy ship. So I tried those empty before, was like called the thyroid, like seven years ago.
H wow. And so I tried to feel like a month, and I gotten this fat down. IT was like, IT worked really, really well and then IT become, you know if was this blockbuster drug and all that he has all over the place. But it's really interesting because um there's this lady, uh colleen, she's like this this insane scientist that has come up with a probiotic that you have to produce IT in an oxygen environment. And so he built .
this like entire law. SHE basically .
made space in her life, basically, but not gravity.
But yeah, you can have gravity. I just like a little pill of things. I O that's the new thing.
I but they discovered that in in the like lower kind of colon, there's no oxyde down there. So in my .
lower .
colon, yeah like like maybe in the and so they found this strain that naturally increases G, L, P. one. And so it's fast. So this is a trust i'm at this partner outside interventions were at you and one of my colleagues like, uh, she's i've been really like slender and but he like was really look at like super fit and I was like, I was like, oh SHE like like, you know, like things are colleagues I was just like, what's new and she's like, I I cut up my chocolate creams and I like how she's like, guy used to eat a whole chocolate bar. I like the whole .
bar all fucking yeah but .
now she's like, i've been taken this probiotic and it's like cut out my crevices cause my natural jp one and like there's and so to be fair, and I want just like be fully trap and IT .
is a .
country we invest in. That's how we had a really access to try IT out.
So please.
this is not an ad for this, but here's what happened. I got to hold the city year. And I like this very in cool.
yeah. I like, would you come my park as a talk? Much is like I had on a couple days ago. I hasn't come out yet a little. The time this comes out and I said, do I said, okay, listen, like I don't want to be, have has been an because is no like to pay me to you but I said, would you do this one thing? Let's do experiment with my audience where we give everyone three .
months of the shit oh my.
doesn't work. I because he doesn't offer money of account and yeah my eyes, would you do money back? Because they have like ninety percent of people that use IT by, again, really working yeah yeah and she's like best everything we never talk about because people could take advantage of IT. But if we didn't really targeted IT, like just yeah, then then we'll do this.
So anyway because on hook as well, it's it's insane and it's so the cool thing about IT is, one, I was absolutely not paid to do this, but two, if that day eighty nine, you're like I didn't work from all desert and email no like return this year and then you get all your money back. I just said that because I had so many friends in me being like I don't have a pity ah yes I do a special yes answer to cost me a grand amount. Yes, like how can I I feel left out and this to me is like a safer, like more interesting ways to naturally .
do what's how much is IT a month and caring IT to a thousand boxes .
so I have to look at actually but I think it's like, does a great question I really don't know.
I think me I feel like that would be a question.
No is a great point. I never looked be amazing if was .
about seventy five thousand and three months.
one hundred eighty five box OK.
Okay, well, that's a shit ton cheaper than a thousand. Has also cover .
by your H C and F S. A, also cover by like those health plans as well. So can actually that well, but anyway you have to have a dog prescription.
I just say that because I know there's a lot of people. The thing that kills me is like my father passed away from from heart disease, largely because he was a very obese man. And he also way I was pretty supose for genetically. But he was probably, I don't know, maybe one hundred and twenty pounds of wait.
And I like that big and this would finally .
impacted him if we can get help. People people don't realize that is not just hard disease. If you're overweight, like severely overweight.
there's like I think it's like twelve different cancers to I just read this, I was just but say I read this study, did not read the study, I saw our video but IT was that there was an an inverse correlation between mortality rate and leg strengths. They did the study of people that were over eighty yeah and all they had them due was do heavy lifting on their legs yeah. Now heavy lifting for the person, right? This is scri is not to be.
Oken up four hundred pounds of squats, but they did three days a week heavy lifting training on their legs. And that all the people in the study, not only did they increase in mobility, start walking, most stopped being assisted with, okay, but there are longevity increased. And it's like it's so interesting that you can target these very specific things.
And I mean, so either and I we wait left now all the time to three days a week like heavy lifting. And it's I felt Better than I felt almost my entire life just because IT feels like, oh yeah, like I pick that thing up on the world yeah. And as you get older, as we all get older, strength and mobility are too fuck. And big .
keys was funny. No, pure tea has ton of doctors and ten analysts poor over all the scientific literature. And when you listen to pop casi, the number one thing that you need to do for longevity is maintain muscle, muscle over time.
Yeah, it's like the biggest indicator that means are working on things like that. You're getting downstream effects of that. But IT is all about muscle mass over time. And so that's that's huge. But anyway, I I want to say this, I just go to the webs, I go to my site, not because again, and I can pay for this at all.
I had to say one thousand times, I is keep saying IT at that because I know people in the internet because I just hate like the two hours listen the to come out. I truly I want people to and then just get you talking money back. You don't like IT .
yeah but he is to work. But the thing that's really interesting about these, the G O P one and and what's the other one that tried to glor the glue tire, whatever, they basically they are now being approved by the fda for other things like heart disease yes like yes in decrease cancer rst but also um there are things that there starting to say, like there might be something that they start doing for alcohol abuse, yes, because things go down dude. S I have my .
ravings have gone down.
started the I stairs. I mean.
probably like you don't really know to start feeling until about six weeks hamer change olympic .
and the others, they're actually a synthetic G L P one. They're basically giving IT into your body. So this is stimulating your body to create more G P. I.
watch. And .
people use g oppy .
ones too, because they actually use IT. The doctors present for that. Let's move on the next.
Oh my gosh. okay. So we are fans of A I news here. And this blue, my mind introduce IT.
First, I just take a poison beer. Poison beer?
Yeah, first of, I mean, I don't hope that poison was, I was mild. 我还没 来。 你 just eat poison beer and drank IT and now you're sick for today like kind of your problem。
I approve. I prove this measured message. Okay, introducing computer use a new cloud, three point five unit and clod, three point five high. So anthrops pic, who are the people behind?
And if I can love thropp, I am sorry.
Now, I mean, look, claude was already the like considered or well tested, the like outperforming coding um but not only that they have now done something that nobody else has done, but also really freak cool, but really kind of scary and they no I mean kind of scary, but they also gave you like these guidelines so they have announced not only so they should have said I was I don't know why they did this, but it's claud three point five saw IT the newer version like why they didn't what they need naming man, I know. 好好 好好。
D I I don't .
have sister on how I had cod.
你 know like yeah like a like .
happy when you say so the weather is fucking three, five. Could you please tell me go to ah but one of the things that anthropic did, yes, they announced computer use and which is bunkers essentially IT allows AI to actively do things on your computer. Now know A I for coating.
Coating has been happening. So a lot of the code programs that are coming out, sure, I coded them and maybe even they have a AI back ends, right? Like API calls to chat P T, or like you entering some information and then IT goes to chat V T under the hood.
And so yes, you may be interacting with A I yes, and not knowing IT or knowing IT fully well. But what this is doing is, is taking that step of needing to enter information. Yeah I mean and .
the exam, no, no, there's nothing funny because I like gives you so much more control you you're .
right and IT is not funny. It's just a little little that .
feel for me. But I was I was sitting of thinking because he was like gives you control and was about use a mobility to use photoshop like now actually I didn't need to be. I get you there.
Laugh so hard. I just tell me my surprise. Yeah, you, David, sorry, sorry.
Tell me my surprise. Good intention. And I agree.
the intention is not to be joke.
I know, I know that .
you're correct, your correct, but back to what what IT actually does. The example that they showed, which was fucked in my bling, was they were like, hey, I want to fill out this form with this information that's in desperate places on your computer. Yeah, before with A I, you would have to go and collect that data, right? And then give IT to the A I.
And the A I would then generate some stuff, and you would have to may be plug IT into to the place you place to plug IT in with this IT actually showed claud opening up a web browser, navigating to the website, scanning the website. This is the thing that the crazier thing is, is that what he does is IT doesn't talk to the code like, you know, you can have a computer program sort of like see the code of the web, right? It's not doing that.
It's actually taking a screen capture, is looking of the website and then sending IT to itself code and then analyzing the im. yes. And then from image designing, what information you need to input and where on the screen needs input.
Now I it's interesting because the way IT works is, is actually using a coordinate. So it's saying, okay, at this pixel, by this pixel, that's where had to click in order to do the thing. I think that's just the first generation think that that is going to go away. Yes, but IT was freaking amazing to watch this AI all tab into new things, scan the screen, understand what's going on.
And the crazy thing is I so so weirdly just two days ago, um we're doing like Christmas at things and either was like, hey, well, whatever either goes I have a list of of addresses but SHE got her on a scan thing so was an image the list of address yeah dude, when I was like five years ago, somebody handed me a list like a printed out piece of paper with addresses. That's a fuck and day, man, yeah, that's oh god. How many to do this? I'm gonna fuck and type them all out, which is probably the fastest slow as way to do.
And I can IT. I'm going to try to find an yeah, not fucking work or god forbid, there's like a scratch on one of the seas and the whole thing blows. I literally stand IT sent IT to chat P. T.
And I said, hey, you have with .
your phone on ChatGPT happened. I mean.
I have a .
scanner, so I put you in a medical .
and I school. You like, I like, like.
I mean, now that you say that, i'm like, why did not just take a picture? Because by the way, by the way, here's the worst part. I first saved this radio and chat.
Bg was like, A, R, and I was like, what's wrong? They're like, we do P, D, S. And like, I feel like a cat and was like, no kid and I so then I change them to a JPEG. By the way, I had to go to some website converted to A J.
I don't have s first.
all you should have.
因为 are you see all this? I did more work than just take a picture. Chat, oh, I text .
I had a whole conversation. I do not take people PDF.
what? Now he does. I just run this shit. But yesterday, two days ago, I went to clock and IT was like, no, thank you. We don't do that. Just saying I asked him or her or they themselves, do you think? I mean, I didn't .
paying .
for because .
I .
tried to too many times and said, no.
how do I pay for? Is that curiosity? What do you pay for? The .
literally before two days ago? Yeah, nothing. I had made journey for a while. I was like, three box stop.
But I also.
this is the thing. This is like, I haven't yet discovered this, like big need for me personally. Oh, I will say, I will say so yet. I had a subset stuff. I had to get .
a new bio by bio.
bio, a biography of my site.
a bio, I think so.
I, I K. Thank .
you. okay. And BIOS are so fucking annoying. So like there's just one of those things. And the way that I up my .
bio is so archaic.
Where are you in your bio?
Where are my I link in?
I had there was friend of mines doing a thing, and I found he was like, I need to buy, was like, great, whatever. But usually when I update my bio, I go dig back into my computer. For the last time I use a fucking bio was five, ten years.
And I pull IT up and I just kind of like, data, data, like what's the what's new in the garbage and a robo writer. So I went, you know what? I had this experience. I went to a cocktail il party event. And I met this guy who was from tech like fifty eight and he was like, when I was fifty, I my daughter told me, hey dad, I think you're just lexical and he was like, the fuck i'm that this lexi party .
he then did a test and realized I actually am disley ic .
for everybody friends tell the people that I.
A which like a rock if a great gets much shit on yes.
have a tell me I know, by the way, I might be dissected. Ic, I have a checked. I, I haven't checked but everything this guy said I was like, yeah, I don't enjoy reading reading to me is work like, I don't enjoy that tell you but I do read.
I tell you some reading .
I serious might think I know probably anyway like, right? Okay, he was like, I will tell you the three things to change my life. One of I forgot, but he was great. But the two .
that .
he said that I, what do you talk about? This is like bird. Three words are beautiful.
Anyway, three things. Three things. One was ChatGPT. He was like, I have a hard time. And I totally related to this.
He was like, I have a hard time getting much in my brain onto a computer for for whatever and he said, emails. He looks like, what I do is, yes, I know what I want. Any email? Yes, I just don't. I'm not very good at writing the email, yes, because it's and I was like, dude, my brain is so much faster than my hands and by the time i'm done with the sentence, i've thought of five more sentences and they are gone.
never come back.
I even tried recording myself, but the moment I had record, it's like fuck and strong gers cat or the fuck and slit thing. We're like the moment I am hitting record and I know subconsciously it's being recorded. I'm an idiot. I'm like where you where we can go choose what you can say that I can say that a lot. I can think that .
the way I, I, I, I, I is rainbow then IT makes sense ble that I love IT I started .
in yeah so here's a thing. He's a chat. B T, he was like, when somebody emails me and I have to do a response, he he was like, I put the email in the chat.
B, T, I go to chat. B, T, and I say, here are the things that I want to say, and I just kind of do my thing of thing. And then he says, spirits IT out. I get IT back. I added IT send IT amazing and was like that fucking cream and he said.
the third thing, can I second? And at one point, I think is so important because, like, i'm in the same boat, like the eight brain, I know what I want to say, but like sometimes i'm like, okay, I got spd minutes trying to craft and I dinner tomorrow I told you about this like this my problem is like, yeah, my exam teacher and all that stuff and I wanted to say in the email I was like, I want to say this isn't about pitching anything. This isn't about like there's no agenda.
And like, how do I say this is about pitching? No a for a dinner. And this is what to go back of IT goes. We've deliberately created a space free from professional agendas. No fund raising pitches or formal presentations, rather, this evening celebrates the profound impact each of you has had, as made in your respect, fears of .
influence. Fuck me for .
it's like, it's amazing. But like I was like because they are all really amazing people that were gathering. And I like each of these people have had a big impact in the world. Yes, how do I celebrate that? But you just like type only three things like you're done.
And by the way, if you don't .
like how it's worth IT, yes, refresh, refresh. What I do is like IT becomes back and I like, I never say like, yeah ah like little too stuff. He said again, like you really special like that less professions and IT little just like come back like a low writer.
you know. So I had to update my bio. A K, have some sort of section Operation.
I literally went charge video, but here's what i've been to. This is what I like. Here's how I started.
Here's how I weeks ago. And I basically said, okay, ChatGPT, you are a, uh, professional. You are A P, R person at a known internet entertainment start up that's known the world.
One of the executives needs a newbie for a newspaper article. Your black is a little low, but it's okay. And what kind of girl you do? I. Want I went anyway.
so very .
sure I put all this stuff in ten seconds later, spits out the best bio and I literally, I D J, I D. Hey, hether read this and SHE read IT and he goes like, this is, she's not ai I read this SHE reading really SHE reason he goes, jeez, that's folking great and I go ChatGPT to that. Nobody is my wife.
You couldn't be a plus.
I Q, at that point .
you can .
use IT for fight stuff. I'll be right.
Well, i'm to get to that.
That's my next story. Okay, alright, anyway, long story short, computer use crazy. The thing that .
i'm going to .
save is um the idea that because of the coding great, because it's so good at coding and because IT only needs certain certain inputs from a human, that there's a world in which we're going to get to a point where there is no user interface with software. IT is immediately created at the moment. The AI needs formation from a human and then there's a world I don't always called, like, immediate user interfaces, whatever.
yeah. But I like that to me. Blows my mind that you can start a programme by saying, leg, hey, i've gotto pay my property tax.
I can't really remember what IT is. Is here. You know, here's my american express info. You can you just do IT and then I will go here, i'm on my way and it'll do himself and i'll come back and a literally a dialogue box open up. It'll be like.
hey, you know just .
complete or we need this information from you.
You type IT in and then hit not to say this is a press anything, but like I had to two, two, 2, three, that I pended the top, my profile because I think it's really relevant right now. I said i'm convinced the next decade is transitioning from software eating the world, which market reasons, which was absolutely right for last fifteen, to A I eating the software.
And what I meant by that is that A I is going to be so fundamentally baked in at the OS level, at the bare metal level, meaning the hardware level that is going to understand everything that is going on inside of its environment. So what I mean by that is, like we used to think about ABS, like needing to tack on A I so like in photoshop, you'd say, and then to some extension will be true. But in first show you say, hey, it's so cool if my my ARM is a little bit cricked yeah highlight now in a click button street. But in the future, what to happen is the AI at the OS level is going to understand how to use every application way Better than you ever would you.
So you will just .
explain to the O S. What you want done.
Here's a picture my art looks wear. Could you move IT ten?
Like, okay, i'm going to call the the photoshop API. Whatever may need to do, set task, and then come back to you with the thing. So we're the same thing, right?
Like it's going to be at that all that.
yeah, yeah. So it's super exciting. It's it's a really exciting time for for I mean, I was just tell me before we got to started, I was like, he's like how you do and I was like kind of sit down the corner as, like, dude, my brain has never been more kind of like what the fuck is going on yeah because you have to rethink everything from first principles like everything we've known to be true is now turn on its head.
Yeah, like every single core technology we think we know works a certain way, can now be remained. And this is a once in a generation moment. I thought I had that in ninety five, and I saw the internet come online.
And like, no doubt that was one of those moments. This, like mobile was a thing, but this is a thing. This is crazy.
Two in our lifetime that's craze crazy.
So anyway, next one I tell you, I got point refine using A I, yeah. So here's a deal up for. So I had the number that was taken. I was four hundred box, which freking expect condo on hana turned all that was something I was like, things where I signed up for that I turned on that the excEllent of, and they are three more package, that of IT. I was like, fuck like for our box, almost four box, and I failed their support package.
I think sales are a and like, okay, how many I get that new like referred to are like like sales page and i'd like like like also OK so so usually ask the I right? I didn't do that. okay.
So what I do like screw, no, no 什么。 So this is the new ship. So if there is ever a situation where, you know, there is a domain expert that is smarter than you in a particular topic, O, K, i'm going to give you a crazy hack OK.
So there is a fantastic book out there are. I either recommend everyone listen to the a book up or read IT. It's called crucial conversations OK.
And what IT is over million coy sold is like how to have these very sensitive conversations that can get you what you want, but include the person in a way that makes me feel like I was almost like their decision I love and so it's almost like, you know, he was like the FBI had negotiated for like terrorist yeah, yeah, yeah. A couple of great books like never put the difference he rote that book fantastic. So what you can do is you can go and create your own custom GPT k so you go in custom G P.
And then if you google, i'm not same you only you on the book if you google, uh, crucial conversations P D F, please. People like only view on the book or any other book you want and you get the P, D F, you drop IT in there. IT learns IT.
Now it's not quoting from me, but it's letting the so I copy and pace the whole thread in there of the the chat conversation I had about my phone. Yes, yeah. I said, hey, crucial conversations.
How would you respond to this, this email? Oh, G, I do IT wrote me like a three paragraph thing that was like, first, you must make IT, say, space for them to understand what. Then you must not push back too much and say that you are sorry for these reasons. And then you must do this and duty, roll back. The thing that was like, hey, like, I I understand this is like a horrible, as it's not it's against your policy and I totally get that but I know there was an accident that was made here and I and I accepted click the thing and I know if you would just make this one time exception.
but I didn't more yeah yeah because you will be be like that.
Give me a beautiful response.
I think you were perfectly .
so crucial conversations and then you save IT is your GPT OK.
So this is the thing .
I try to get a rains and I use a action in the world no, you post me. And like, i've been to overlook era raise. Uh, this is my issue.
I have deserve this. I had the miles. I had go.
And then it's like, addresses. Addresses is like this and is bozen. So this is interesting .
because one of the things that known you can make your own sort of customized L L ams, I mean, I have absolutely no idea where .
to start in in that craze.
And you can just give IT information like stuff like you give .
IT so I like to right yeah ah yeah you can drop in a bunch of stuff, ask questions. But yes, I just create custom books. So I drop in all warm buffs like favorite books.
Then I got.
so I put all the P, D, S. In there. And then I can ask that I can be like, hey, bones are up right now, but tension are high, because an election cycle, what do you want to do here in this? And then pulls from, like, ten different blocks, give me .
dance good's version. And I did similar thing I put in my journal trees that I dict. And I like five authors, and I say, what would .
each of these offer authors have to say about .
my world view?
That's really cool. So is very important because, like you go out and say, hey, you know, Martha back has a great new book out. I want to upload the P, D.
F. And this is my journal entry of like something persons to me. How can apply against their framework and get responses back? So cool did it's so cool, but so many people don't know about this.
How would you know I didn't know. And knowledgeable ish .
in the space post. All right, move on from A I.
We done a lot. alright. I mean, it's a little iv, but not really.
Tesla has been testing robot t taxi service in the the area for most of the year. So first of it's been a while seas within here. Secondly, I think my laptop is about to run out the batteries. I got eighteen percent. Are you like laptops work anyway?
I have a to have a charger possible charge up next.
I love you. See.
look at you. Ah.
no, i'm just like if it's off, I want to be like, I don't know anything, anything. I A power .
bank upstairs for .
charger .
child, anchor, anchor, miss, good shit.
Anchor doesn't make shit.
This is pretty time for me.
Plug, thank you. And you make great a little power bricks. Thank you. And I love their little .
h flash too.
No, I got a miro. I don't make. Okay, let's keep on, right. So we're onna cut that .
that we're going to get that OK. Here we go. So first of two weeks ago now, maybe three weeks ago now tints, they had big.
I think I got over fifth. I got of our eighth, tenth, whatever. Don't know why me knowing that date means anything.
Yeah, they .
announced their a robot taxi. Now, last week, last month, we talked about, uh, well, yeah, because I ve been using way on fucking crazy, I can't believe IT to. So they announced their robot, a taxi, which some people are sort of hating on the design.
I actually liked the, and I think like a mini cyber truck, but less sort of trucks, if that makes sense. Tesla robot, ebo robot taxi. So yeah, that's what IT looks like. I mean.
look very pretty sweet. Yeah I would actually want to own one of those in a wear.
Yeah so here's the thing. I think it's a super slick. Yeah, I think that looks Better than a cyber truck because that looks more like a reasonable car. Compare them. It's the it's very cyber truck.
Y know that that is because if you think about that, like the angle is the same, the trunk is basically the same, the bar on the back is the same, like IT, it's a cyber car. But the thing that's interesting is it's not as angular. It's not as it's knock at the sharp pages and it's also not the same the dealer, whatever is so so IT is a car. It's just taking from the design elements of the cyber is the seat .
for which I appreciate .
that one of the bigger problems that people talking about, it's a too seeder that's a year. But those razeed part about IT is IT has no peddles or steering wheel, right, right? It's the first car that .
ever been manufacture the way when .
is like you can get the seat and drive, you can, but the manufacturer car want to mean, but it's great. But like the fact that they are basically like you're going to be able to buy this car that has literally no steering will, well, you're going to be able to rent IT out.
But also you could just have a drive places you have you ever driven in full self driving mode on the tesla.
It's scary. It's safer. Here's the thing. Here's the problem. There was an I we might have talked about this on the show before, but but one of my issues was i've had three testers and i've loved them all, and the I ve loved them all literally .
love the box.
No s well, which is, again.
more chAmber's upstairs. Sorry, I champagne.
it's good. I dude, i'm a red line guy. Yours and guy .
work and it's Better for you.
I think I don't know why. okay? Everything is that weird, like once meal is like we still doing a show. I.
是, yeah.
yeah. I .
love IT 有没有? So like a great later. Okay.
the pair left the room really feels like .
right now, how is IT mabe? Oh my god. Anyway, so long story long.
Yeah, tesla came out with their robot taxi service or, well, the robot taxi. Yeah, I love the style the robot taxi super excited about. I don't know. And like I feel like they really miss the mark is like three to four people is is when you I mean, it's, 对。
as they did, most rights are with two people, one or two people.
right? Maybe that's what they did with minute. What do we care? Because it's not. And if you think about IT, SHE, for sure, and easy, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I about the cleaning stuff, oh, they did show like a water less charging so the car pulled over to charging.
You might like you got to put .
your play your phone in my I mean, that's very yeah. That's been all by g ever IT. That's cool. It's wireless charging.
no go and charge itself.
And rather than having a human have to put the thing in, or like they did that thing member back in the day where .
they headed that like a robot ARM.
they are testing, yeah they like swap other batteries that the robot army was like and I would like, look and was like, B, B, B, B try to plug IT in. He said they're like, fuck that. So there's no charging port on this car later.
I didn't know. I didn't pay close tension. I saw the boss and shit.
yeah, the robot van, thank you. At this .
you be .
a car is great. yeah. so. right.
Do you cheers the national number five?
Yeah anyway, so the thing that people came away from IT going, okay, we'll first off they shot IT on like the SONY backlog or one of bad, I think was SONY. But and essentially IT was like only tesla cars driving, but they had some other model series of model wise on full self driving. And I totally love you.
So back to my quick little thing about having three tesla, my model s and maybe my model um they all had the lights. They took all the centers off because they were like, we could do this with A, I, and just the cameras. no.
And I went, you, why would you take that? But then when I saw the way more thing I was like to that thing looks like, fuck and E, T, that that is more sensors than I need to have, which is good. I want to have more sensors.
but also IT just feels like when, don't give me wrong. I know that technology is improving every month, and but like when you ride in a way mo, I can't describe IT as less jery because .
he has more confidence. So like when takes up around, but you're fucking internet. I would never turn. I would always back up. I was an international.
but I not like that because like what the test lets like, get there anyway, just stock crazy. So here's the thing.
yeah so here's the thing. Essentially, as far as the stocks goes, what happened was when this was announced on the tenth, I think was the tenth. I hope that was the dance because although was n but I also run all the time anyway when this was announced, IT kind of didn't make the impact that I think tesla wanted run wall street for whatever that means.
IT doesn't really mean anything. That just means stock value, whatever. And it's all it's all made up anyway. But the stock went down like ten percent, like dipped .
and then .
this week A K A last week because I think is coming out monday or tuesday whatever. Um tesla announced its A Q 3 earnings。 Yeah they were .
like seven on the tester sort twenty two percent today. Biggest one day again since may of twenty and thirteen. Um so vehicle sales and the most recent court of vehicles has exceeded twenty billion, which is interesting because everybody thought like there was this idea that, that full electric was kind of going going way to more high because you want to rain now.
But that I I honestly think that was just the gas company buying publicity. I don't think that was actually ever true。
Yeah that depends on use case.
Yeah I am I I mean, I i'm the perfect example of somebody that when I bought my ass and I was so this before, when I bought my ass, I was like, I don't want to fuck in elector car because I don't give you that I want a car. That's great. My number one thing was, I hate car technology.
Car technology is always a decade plus behind fucking technology. My phone, my watch, all this is way sex year than my fucking bmw, than my fucking ranger. O like, then, any of the cards, I think, at whatever you want to mean.
And my friend was like, you should get a test. I was like, I don't want an electric car. He was like, don't think about the electric, think about the tech part. And I, and I was .
the software updates.
amazing. So great.
So yes, my wife has had her model three for, like, three years. Freaking great car. Kas IT keeps something.
something new. I love IT. I am a tesla and .
I think of the bus though the .
rob van ah the robot .
an I mean .
there's a part of me that goes when I need IT that's .
going to be fucking a rogo bus in napa valley .
because I will tell you all of the places napper cama IT was hat and if I wouldn't .
be trying to go my body .
that you can go to this meeting for twenty box less to be great and it's like just fucked and driver surprise and schedule yeah it's .
amazing but yeah so .
anyway so I guess the big thing that people came out of IT going do out, you know, are they are going to get a license to to .
do do autonomists .
driving yeah .
because that's a big that's a big hero tony ous ah is where .
you there's .
another a .
new trail no.
I was say, yeah, but I just want to hacking .
out yet so okay, we're getting towards anyway long story. sure. They've been testing autonomists driving in the the area for the last year or most of the last year, which leads me to believe that they're closer to being actually do this.
But I think elan did say, like the new vehicles are going to have this major GPU upgrade, which is like more computational power to figure out a short real time. I listen like they don't have dumb .
engineers working on this shit. You are out. No, as as with anything in A I as we've talked about all these crazy advances like she's only going to get Better, you really mean so .
anyway uh so next story, the new or four ring is out IT is i've actually never warn or .
a ring I have big fears.
So that is the new ring um you'll notice that there is no kind of like sensors on the inside like the he these little divides inside that that kind of made you tell funky to put IT on yeah so I will say that the ora the oring is in design. You know I like want to speak the truth. I put on a tiny check and or a long time ago in terms of investment, but I didn't I don't say I didn't wear my or ring last like year. yeah. I just thought the soft is kind of man, I knew sleepit was good, but like, I didn't want to like have too many variables.
I don't like anything.
yes, but the new APP is kind of debt. Oh, that's all my readers is fifty four. I didn't believe that much.
Last sign your readiness is you see for what's ready to like, attack you like hard.
Exactly my resting heart. We went a little bit up last night. I didn't sleep jet like sill, but anyway, that shows you like your heartbeat, every ability, how well you slap on the hours, six hours.
hours and thirty one minutes.
It's bad. I mean, IT is because of my and lenny was fifty .
nine minutes .
was how quickly takes you, how long takes .
you .
fall what was you're lancy .
nine minutes that was like, phone .
a word.
yeah. Party and baby, take that off. Am I going to .
blow your rest? I make her. So, T, T, T, the form .
factor .
is is way Better. Like, it's goten Better. It's kind of shiny metallic.
You know, what do you think the future wearables is like, honestly? Like, what is that apple watch is IT. Like, do you care? Do you want less on you?
I mean, so here's the thing I think for me, are you check .
into 是 这样。 Joly.
fine, everything is fine. Resting, interesting, just doing to you, everything is cool. Uh, look, I don't like to have see one or .
three just like me.
so let's see. I bet you my here is ninety four right now.
years, but years excited.
Well, i'm not excited a bit. Oh, your clapton is going up .
razing by the way, I was .
one thirty .
and yeah child, one six.
How life you can meditate one twenty four. It's still one twenty four. IT says right now around one twenty four, nothing you can meditating is still .
one twenty four .
you want to hit measure. H R, yeah. So meditate. But don't think about the fact that your heart rate was way higher than mine because that's that's bad because you'd said that mine was bad, but we're drinking and more on to hold still. It's this hold still to use your meditation powers, use your ji powers .
still .
is still measuring. Hold still. Look, look at IT IT says still it's because .
you are only still holding finally.
still just .
it's a fucking .
firm work, optimize anyway, anyway, you're basically dead.
I will say the new sly .
whereby ls here.
where was .
really taken I. Do we talk about whether we sleep naked or not? Yes, yes, said you do, I do, I do because .
it's very .
comfortable. So you wear anything .
you just .
because I got fed like doesn't fit, i'm mad. And then I think my wife was like, you can just expand IT. And I like.
then I like, we're both amazing. I think I don't know what have I think your fingers get bigger when your body gets slimmer?
I think that's true, is an inverse proportion to your finger thickness and your body thickness.
So what you two, three.
that was exactly what you were.
I was like.
this is great.
I so you .
future wearables.
did you care IT to measure your like in words? Do you want to like, no, like .
everything? So here's the body. I think information is power when IT comes to health. Also, I don't want a bucket. And no, because I don't do anything .
about that, you have, I never forget the day we were shooting these nations and like, like fucking and pizza, something you like I could and I like wine. You're like.
I have high close to, yes, like what you monitoring. So it's funny that you bring that up.
Has the abb if you checked that, I don't know what that is.
need to help check up. I had and my doctor was like, everything's great. He's like you fucking we did chess. Ea, he's like your .
funk grab.
I don't. But he said, a, my E, K, G was that of a Young twenty year old.
I don't care that you.
I just tell you, I don't know what an lay is, but but you also said, all your labs, great. I know .
that .
the .
most important, i'm being dead serious now, this is the most important thing, ninety nine point percent doctors are out of tune and out of wax. They don't understand later science the most important thing. And you can do this on your own.
You can go in request room blood work um there are several places that will sell test to do this is apple b for our disease O B IT is the the the the number one predict of heart disease oh, that the people do not test for. And like people look, oh, what's your school? What's your what your h track lize about to particle size and count know that like those are like considered that those to be like nice little things to tack on. If your abb is, you can type in Peter t, you'll get pie cast on IT. If your apple b is high, especially LPL lays high, like L P lay is when I L L L is .
O K L P little.
Yes, O K. So imagine when you hear about you're like an athlete, nfl or a spor drop and you like, how fuck that?
I think the .
rear there is this one thing, this of the light, where if is elevated, you will still get heart disease regardless of the fucking fit you are. And if you know that, you could do things in interventions to help, to help on that.
but you have to get a test. The .
important thing, if be tested, A A P O B. So do I give video A P O B test? And then tied in, you can .
basically a the amount of A B O B blood .
lab corp. Do IT. But you can go to a man who does this is uh was the name of IT life extension will sell you A H just like it's like third box or whatever and he go down to um uh a quest or whatever of those things is will draw a blood yeah and then they tell you .
a thing that will test for that. I back you up. My doctor was like superfit good jobs, my bob. Now I got that came back you saw .
IT super high. Yeah 3 ah one thirty。 He wants like under six hundred fifty, but he wants me because brands my family like six years old yeah but .
my doctors like, yeah that's that's bad. You get down the initial you're great and jobs like, did you I have read, Peter, this book. I thought .
I was just .
done for just drink and eat. What if I out?
I love you going to live alone. I agree with that statement.
Thank you, sir.
I love myself. Yeah, twice. Now, yes.
I love me too, and i'm glad you're already doing all this.
But like, no, what? How to get .
A L P A book? everybody.
Like, seriously.
come back then.
I like pa. I get a shot twice, once every two weeks, and knocks down. Might people be under perfect levels?
My dad died of heart disease. My grampa died of heart disease, like IT runs in my family. So I had to take that so seriously.
playing way next for they could do that. The taxes, I don't know, IT was me because you did the oh so wearables. So here's the thing I have.
I have a weird relationship with wearables. So I work out three days week. I have my my apple watch every single time. I think we might even talk about this every single time I go to my workout and it's time I start my workout on my apple watch, on my fitness APP and I do IT it's track got the data. I don't ever look at that data yeah I don't even know .
what i'm supposed to look for in I M D level. A bad rate harter night like great .
hv I at the me just like. A I love use your cameras .
Better than .
like i'm just doing zio x copies of my first book and fuck up anyway. But I will say, I will say I went through this period like a couple years ago where I was sitting and I don't want my parents have forgot because so IT doesn't watches, of course, that watches that my parents, so they do. I, I, I, I love .
them. I love again, will see them .
when we do. Shows that .
such a great story.
like mr. space. Yeah, anyway. But I had this thing where years and years ago, where map watch, watching T, V, literally sitting watching T, V, having some drinks.
He is a drink that much moment. Dad, thank you. He was an arty hammer when he got here.
I thank you. I was not truly.
I was not, uh, but .
all of a sun, my apple watch did something that i'd never had a due before and tapped my rist .
like three times regular.
No IT said elevated resting heart rate. And I looked and I said, your resting heart rate is over one hundred and two hundred twenty B. P.
M. And I went, huh? That's weird. My watch did that to me maybe once a month. Maybe.
I don't know daughter now he doesn't have any information I need anyway. But I did that for, like, probably a couple years. And I was like that that's weird and IT IT was concerning but IT wasn't like, I mean, it's like, whatever anyway, long story short, that has stopped oh good. That has stopped yeah but he was doesn't like I was waiting like just the sexy parts of game of through like just what fuck whatever yeah but anyway but IT was one of those things that I was like that's not yeah that's not great yeah my mom made up this is like .
a few years ago and he got that that weird thing is like, you have a aria, oh, shit and IT detected. But then he went to a dark, there are like your tool we don't care is a fuck up that's super fuck people just like this. If IT happens more than x number of times, it's not continuing like I went away really quickly. So yeah, I love that is doing something like that.
That is the thing that I so back to wearables, that's the thing that I feel like I want to know yeah .
like I .
want to know if there's something that happens .
that you about the new google watch what he does, i'm not joking. The new pixel watch, if you're wearing and IT detects that you're like it's is like IT IT and then your heart stops if you can calls heart .
attack goes the apple watch car.
Yeah, just do if your heart stops.
why I do, they have to pay. Hey siri, fuck can do shit .
when watch .
is protecting.
But I think .
once IT becomes not a wearable, yeah when to becomes like a patch behind your ear, when to become you to mean like a thing that you have that's like subcutaneous, the dilates swap out of watch.
I don't want to wear .
I watch IT at night. I be like.
oh, I see you and .
night ah sleeping .
right .
next to OK now has wearables when I say.
yeah yeah now we we should cut this.
I just want to like .
a more intimate tion about where ables .
I don't have one of my deck. I don't have .
a wear. I yeah no what how first of .
i'm always concerned when I see them that I would get the wrong size and I would be on me forever.
Can you you believe IT so that would like IT doesn't sick. We talk about this. okay. So if you put IT around .
first king about .
sexual healthier, i'm missing this is not like crude were talking about like people that might need this.
So if if you put me, I thought I was .
like A I think is this you tack by a need or just pressure, like.
people take you bike for fun.
But I don't know what to do with that, but I do know that, like, I like a friend. Try one.
A friend .
isn't. They call the circulation and .
they click, keep IT plumper.
You lood lood coming back.
so imagine, like, the best version .
of yourself. Like.
but how do you .
decide what to get the color .
ize are? Like.
yeah, like, what style do you want? No, how do you know? How do you go? You get, take measure.
And like, no, I think you're I can look you're like, this is me.
She's that's too flag for me and if I know I, but like the shop and I was like, I think that feels right and then I on and I was too small and now I can get .
this this probably cashier, but like.
I would have the cashier and I think on this.
could you tell you asked you want to I think you wanted like gas chattie ly. I think you want, it's one percent small thing, like what you're Normal maximum output is because .
you only person you want a little joke.
Nobody is like it's more like to rock.
I mean, I get that I understand what you so .
what i'm talking about here for the gentle man that are listening in and the ladies that .
I want their gentleman but but it's .
more like we're talking my health stuff here. I don't want to take a two grow task. Um there is a thing that you can put IT around that a more like a river band around the base of of the unit that locks in the pressure of the the girth inss.
I would say if there was something that I could know that in in the case of emergency, because I think about like the fucking and fingers that like somebody has like a ring and they twist their finger and also the finger starts swelling and that they had to go to the emergency because they get the fuck a thing off that to me is that is less man do that the thing I like the most.
you like lose and you going, he sane.
I like part in the whole .
point that can back yeah but I think you .
kind of have to have interest like make the blood back baseball .
with basement .
story baseball, I do not want that was there uh, so dodgers star show, hay o tony, fifty fifty ball fetches four point three nine million dollars at auction dude. So we live in only i've been a dodger stand ever since I moved there because it's like the local team today and I was excited. Twenty, twenty, we the world series yeah and I was like, I fuck and yeah, I think we won the world series in twenty one part. We went a hole in world so I don't want to be the guy says I I feel weird if I was like, we want in the world theory 给 really wins。
Yeah great um because .
I remember when I was here in two and two hours, I got this crazy.
But why is that is all no?
See, here's the thing. I have not I have not watched full baseball games sense show hao tony came to the dodgers. And I remember when so show hao tony was in at the Angels, the lost Angels, Angels of anhydride, the lamest than ever, the ani los Angels, anyway, but so hail tony was in the at the Angels pitching.
He then gets brought over to the dodgers for seven hundred million dollars, ten year deal, seven hundred hundred million dollars. And I was like, who the fuck is show? Hey tony, everybody in only who functional tony, come to find out he's a picture. But he's also really good hitter, which is rare for picture.
is not even rare, is like the rare thing for american picture. Yeah.
even crazier this year. They were like, we have too many pictures. You know what show?
Hey, tony, is the picture that we bought from the Angels. Is this year what he's doing? He's the designated hater.
Oh, shit.
He's that good. He's not pitching. He's not going to pitch until next season.
And here's the thing. He starts fucking whaling on the ball. Not only that, he starts stealing basis prior to show. Hello, tony. The the a record for a matched number of stolen bases and homeland s in a .
single season was .
forty three.
Oh, shit OK. So his forty three.
they were like, nobody will ever get more than forty three. So all of a sudden show you, tony, forty three passes IT, forty four, right, forty four razing. So then the through the rear s he got to 4 home runs, fifty nine stolen bases .
and fifty all because .
that is the moment where he became a person to had fifty holds and fifty stone bed.
Then how much the highest one self are?
They didn't really matter because like the fifty, fifty was like there's no fucking way get to fifty. Fifty higher, I know. And i'm sure the fifty before fifty nine, nine ball is not worth a lot to, probably worth a lot to, yes, but the whole thing was, everybody was like, oh my god, I can't believe you've got over forty three, forty three. And then he started count climbing, climbing liming. And people were like, there's a world in which he gets fifty, fifty and fifty fifty was like, mathematically people were like that he is not gonna ver happen in the history baseball so the fact that he actually got to fifty fifty was like crazy and again, as a designated fucking by the way, next season he's going to be pitching for .
the dogs so is he starting, I want to that is, make permanent line that .
if he's that good, he is, he is not here.
He's the lead off 点。 O R O.
So he's been playing, but he literally just hits, runs the basis and goes into the fuck and .
dog a so crazy, you know, the creator respond.
yeah, not set. Miran, todd tod mairan.
yeah. He paid three million dollars and ninety nine .
for wire and for .
gash brothers. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
oh my g but it's not so anyway. So the other thing is he came to japanese. He was like the .
big .
japanese star in a the japanese baseball league, got one the world champion or one japanese champion. I love that they all the world cham page is like no other countries involved, but whatever in in the U. S.
But he won the championship in japan and they were like, this guy, by the way, he's fucked in six, four years old, massive fucking dude at the nicest guy. Amazing and he was like, i'm coming to the U. S, going to the M. O B.
He sent a request to, like, thirty plus teams and basically said, I would like you to send me a written like why you want me to come to your town in english and japanese and all the teams sent IT and he was like, why I want to go to the ecco or the west coast because the closer japan and so he ended up taking the deal with the Angels. He was there for like six or seven years. And then the dodges were like, come up here and let his.
He was like, I want to go into the posts and you never the. Literally into the post season with the dodgers, he is the first person bad. He gets up and the first pitch single home run and he's like, fucking.
Here we go guys. Everybody fucked and loves them. And if a crazy st fucking thing, dude, because i'm like, if I had to all the money in the world, I would buying season .
tickets for next year. The card.
well, there those are. And .
socks are.
Are you collecting any .
cards these days? So no, I love, I love an about export number. What's I boss? White, a men, number one, what's you know this?
I gonna .
I miss collecting. So honestly, I miss like I was a .
good collecting. One is a lexus reit really he's big and collecting did in .
Yes, we should want to show some .
time fuck yeah for sure. yeah. I mean, honestly, collecting to me is like, it's the thing that I miss the most.
is so much fun and he here's the thing like people think like, oh, he's got a like, literally, if you wanted to go and say, hi, I want to own A P C history. Yeah, I want x, ma. Number one, C G, C R, one point.
So it's like cut, rip pages and shit, but that is the fucking thing. I like you. It's like, I don't know, maybe like twelve a box to your box or whatever.
Like like a really shady version yeah like you guys, these are not like they're not going to go down in value. No, like the excelling franchise, everything is going on. Like, yeah, it's like you gotta pick some these up. So I just went, I have the most expensive card I have is uh, Jordan rocky card in, but .
it's C G.
C, nine. So it's not ten. But it's so pretty good.
So really funny. I don't even know who to talk about about this. But my when I was a kid, my dad, this was like in probably late eighties, I found the shoe box in my dad's closet, and I had all of these cards, baseball cards, from the one thousand nine hundred and fifties and sixties.
and I was like, what was for playboys, right? I mean, we all look playboy. I think I can think, think that I .
was nineteen and sixty, conference, very collected, I suspect where, but they're there, but anyway, but I found the showboat full of cars, baseball card. But he had, like Mickey mental. No way do he was like, so I so what happened was I was back in the day when there was like the book of values.
Thank yeah. So I started looking through. And I like gsk. This is like, some of these are like worth like .
a hundred box back .
in the eighties of fuck in the .
keeper because no regular plastic .
things I could made IT. No, I did not. But here's the deal. Some guy, I put him out at a at, no, I didn't. I put him out at a um uh what's .
called .
the a ference? No.
I don't know. The right great. And I I came and look, I was like.
I just want fucking and money. I was excel, my jeans and jews and money. You sick, I thought was important life fuck IT wasn't existed then, but this guy name, so toshi came up. But anyway, so this guy came up and he was like, I could be a thousand box for that oh my and I was like, yeah, my god dad, let's book and sell the train here when my dad was like, my feeling if you wants to see if he wants to buy this here for a thousand box, it's worth .
way you have been like two hundred cut to I .
don't even know where the trapper keepers went my dad goes, hey, so I have all this. This is literally like a year ago he was like, I have all this stuff. I don't know what to do with IT do you want? IT not like me, assure whatever was home for Christmas or whatever. And he gave me a zip la bag with .
all of the cards. Do you get cc?
They're literally just .
sitting on my desk.
I don't want to do .
with them, do I? Two thousand.
by the way. I get, I have like fucking, and so many have fucked and wild. Are you .
I am. Are you like? But .
yes, I have a stack .
of .
a bag full of time .
for my right.
So first of S, C.
you said s is got most shit.
Oh god, most of the shit. All right, all right drawer, please listen.
Here's a deal. I haven't style my hair yet.
okay? I don't know how that's gonna act IT. Should I turn around?
my god, I was my here.
Mother god, it's like, it's like the long island medium has dressed up as working a link. 对不起, this is fucking amazing.
Yeah, you need .
He told you work about this.
First is a shit. Oh my god, what fuck .
I bought? The real life problem is like fifty know the story we d like, right but .
this feels nice nice that's a ool don't shake IT yeah that's a nice my .
good is fucking .
history .
so and you know, it's like it's a working progress. I don't have the hair style because there is an official like you link hair style.
这 怎么 可能? It's amazing. I mean, you look like a renison ce painter dress that link.
I don't you here, my mike here. I don't love my mike.
dude, if that is a fucking jerk. And bro, what is a jerking? Yeah, this.
but this is as is okay. Yeah, we has a hood too so I can like that. There's like a little.
oh, my god, this is fucking amazing, bro.
You know, i'm get there.
This is fucking, I mean, the hat came off. I ve got to like, little like fun. Yeah, yeah.
I, I, I hair .
come from.
it's all here. No, I know.
but did IT not kind, but did IT come with the outfit? Yeah but I also have like this.
like shouldn't thing and the bet. And i've got, like all the stuff to still put together.
But so SHE is great.
Thank you.
Thank you. Did the shoes .
come with or did you buy years? Was their waterproof and I want as important origin? I was like, like, ah yeah links and I do.
I thought they .
came with the cocking. I was telling .
everybody, I don't know what i'm going to do. I was supposed to do beetle juice and either was going to do lady a deeds, but now either might do mrs. Roper from three company. And I don't know if I necessarily want to go. Is mr.
Roper like so age like .
I don't know all of this is the things why I was like my .
haa um my older cell that is going to actually be sela that's a man link she's got a sort to just .
like mean but that is heavy and then you just do and like .
the thing and yeah any parties no parties.
So this is .
just for the neighbor and neighbor's. Yes.
exactly. So oh my god.
I think it's fucking great.
Thank you. I'm going .
to go home. I can google at .
T I like sd freak, like leather and shit.
This is the thing that i'm like.
I wish to show you the thing glowing because I like lights up. I just like has a huge glowing thing. But I just for something around a batteries.
But when did you get IT?
I just got I just why didn't charge along and up, but like has all charging unit to bottom, but it's actually pretty I yeah and this sort literally everyone is like, ways like this is a shield you put. Like, who does is like those in people.
What are the people? Like lopping is live action, role play OK. So loving? No, no, no. This heavy. No, I know.
But the whole thing is, you want this to be so that you can run around all, get hit, and people, end of the road of them. So what would this be? Consider cosplay splay for sure. OK I me that's like serious that's fucking serious shit.
yeah. So a cosplay, there's serious for the cosplay shit. I just that IT .
what is IT made?
I don't know if it's happy as I mean.
I think it's it's maybe wood with .
that good comes things.
Oh, do I know I can lived at those for ages? Yeah, yeah.
Feel yes. yeah. Put that.
yes. That's an actual shield.
My is, yes. He goes to these like like the dress up shit. You know, we like other before, but like, she's gone to like, what's that one? The all dress of evil characters once a year was no .
living no was the .
one is really popular. It's kind of like in the middle st like a thousand people. And it's like, this is almost like burning man for like medival times. No, this is like the real, oh yes, like this high end, like crazy. Like he said, he got to get in to, I really .
want to go to small .
days, are any right now? Because I anyway, he goes to a in that dude that they take a look at, like they make I have, they like fucking and real fights and should houses. They like meat, but they like all the like, all the things like the .
whole gaming of.
like metal workers to you, you name IT .
west burners.
no type like bell audience .
with constant birmingham vies.
What is this in france? So this is kind of like, I would type rena sance a pansie psc. yeah. Type panic c war.
P E N N S I C panic .
c war and .
sic war.
Yes, so do doing images of this. So here's the deal. If you are a pen sic member due, this is, I can say they build this town, look at the ship shit and and there's like real battles and and then like like you have to like bar for shit is just like burning man.
But if he was made evil shit, this is crazy. And look at like nine time festivals, and they all get like they sell sods and crossbows and all kinds of crazy shit, and they have these massive wars copen sic. So if you are a member pen sic, alexa, I would like to go next year. Address, not like this was similar .
pansie the city of tense? Yes, that's IT. Oh, do look .
at the a is a must battle. And then this like like at night it's like that every camp has a ww. You know they do different things like you go to like like A O pob, you go to like a play cross, you go to .
like like, yeah, I love this should.
well, happy home, everyone.
Happy halloween. I'm very excited. I can't wait to see what I end up doing for alloweth, but that is IT for this weeks edition of dignity. My god, do we do this longer than we used to?
Yes, we covered a love ground tonight, and we hope you all our safe and well and have a happy halloween.
And check your L P lower ads, L P delays and your L P with the other 呵 哒哒。