Good morning, David.
Hey, man, are you .
doing and you .
are good. You still on the road?
I am still on the road. H this be my last week and hidden on saturday. So next week when we talk, i'll be home. Thank god sitting in texas. so.
So you are important .
about ata.
Are you getting a chance to get to the beach at all?
Oh, well, the beaches right outside our window. So yes.
really nice. Yeah um .
so yeah, it's been it's been pretty good um when we are on today.
right? So I got a couple of things I want to start with um I you had someone had mentioned to me, hey, you should get a sleep mask. You should try IT because it's great and IT works for me and so sleep ask is one of those things you put over your face and IT completely shut out the light. So when you go to a sleep, i've never had a problem falling asleep. Um like if I wake up in the middle, then I then I have trouble getting back to sleep because my brain turns on and it's like, dave, keep me company uh but someone said, you know sleep mask just makes the waking up a little bit less and and makes IT easier to go back to slate and just you know eases that curve um so I tried that and you mentioned, I guess you ask me what I thought about that you mention maybe Erica uses .
one yeah SHE does sometimes when we travel on the pain and stuff.
right? right? So I just never use one. So I got one.
I someone recommended a specific one, said, this one works well for me so I got IT put her on. Um IT was like lighting day for me. Uh, I see what I did there.
No, but really IT IT was very different. Um IT was IT was a great experience. And i've now used IT every night since we, you and I talked about IT. And IT definitely makes IT I fallest ly no problem anyway. But when I wake up .
in the little yeah .
IT is funny that I don't know why I have this thing where I just get in a bed and then I A sleep i've always had IT um but the waking up in middle the night I can come back to to sleep now IT takes me maybe five minutes I I mean I I woke up up in the modern night and been awake for two hours yeah yeah you know you just think .
in about something .
and you can't stop thinking about your shift to thinking about something else and then you know your mind goes work us but regardless um this is so far small data set right? It's it's only been a few nights but every night i'm back asleep if I wake up the the other thing is when I wake up in the morning, it's kind of comico uh I I think you have like you have uh, what you call them uh, black out current that what they call me me yes so you have you're completely .
dark at the whole room, at our houses, absolutely black. And you can, I can even see if eric is still in bed if I wake up in the medal. I no, really.
I can't. And you did that because you want to Better sleep or IT just.
yes, I came in the room, had that all done.
thought I have. But but you still have devices in your room somewhere, right? Do you have little things that give a little .
bit of a glow anymore?
You got rid of a wall. So anyway, this, I I, you know, I wake up in the morning now i'd left the sleep mask and it's like fire .
burning my oh yeah so right yeah so you know.
because i've had no light. Having my eyes at the night is IT really is an amazing like so my point is if this sounds like you might be helpful to you, it's ten bux twenty bugs for a sleep mask. I think this is one of those things that really worth the investment.
So I wanted to dislike about that. I also wanted to mention that to remember blue sky. You certainly heard of that.
I know you're not A A good guy person. no. Um you know it's one of those alternatives to IT. IT was when twitter started to be um he started to change and people were looking for alternatives and then Mason started to pick up a bunch of users.
They really benefit and then blue sky came along, I think master don existed already and blue sky came along and they were another alternative and then threads hit um and really grab people's attention that was like almost like in for the time IT was turned on to having one hundred million users was like a week. I'm sure those numbers are wrong, but IT was a big growth for threats. S but blue sky, I tried that.
I live with IT. I saw people I knew went there and we follow each other and all that. But IT never really gotten attraction that was just very quiet and um you know i'd post something and no one would respond. Or if someone respond, IT was like one person would respond. There wasn't a lot of group conversation wherewith based on lots of group conversation and threads, of course, is is like crazy town, big with all kinds of things.
You know, sometimes you get in a commerce IT shouldn't anyway, doesn't matter by point is some someone said, someone said to me, I am, you know, but you you should really go back to blue sky because blue sky just wasn't doing that for me so I wasn't posted there anymore and someone said you should go back and I I went back and checked that out and IT was amazing how much is changed and how much activity there was. I haven't now used IT gone back for long enough to really get a sense of IT, but I can tell you that I am on blue sky. I want to mention that if you go to dave mark dot com, you can see all my socials. But specifically, dave mark dot com is actually my blue sky handle, so you can follow me there, go there, check IT out, follow me, say hi, whatever I just wanted imagine that .
how many social networks can you belong to before it's enough?
Ah okay. So that's a great question. Um I think if there was one that I felt would not get ruined and not get taken over by, you know a one person who changed the the rules of the game after you joined like that you know i'd be fine with that.
But diversity, this is a diversification for me. Um I think I I really like master dan, really really like I have lots of friends. I master dan. I you know the conversation tends to be the kind of conversation i'd like I can I think I don't think I ever had a bed interaction on masterdom. I don't think anybody ever was trolling me or people disagree with me.
That's fine but never someone just being mean or or you know you know being uh racist or any of that say I IT may exist there, but it's a far smaller percentage than other platforms. Um threads is massive. It's just massive and it's it's hard to start a conversation and get at things going because there's just your lost in the massive Venus of IT.
But it's very interesting and there is a lot of interesting content on threats. Um it's on by meta. So is what IT is your you're buying into metro's um ecosystem. Uh but then blue sky is another alternative is a another way to diversify um and there are people on blue sky who are not on the other so it's finding different audiences .
and mostly god oh I just I don't see doing all that um you know for for so many different venues.
You know it's not too hard, you know it's not too hard to keep up once you develop a system for moving like if you make a post and you want to put that on all of bum, just copy pace place done. Um I also think I just enjoy the interactions you know less less of a dopamine hit for me and more of a um i'm i'm interested in the topics that i'm following, so i'm getting sense of of getting different takes on IT like for the podcast. It's fantastic prep because i'll see something mentioned then then i'll go in dig in and i'll say, okay, there's this so I I think it's anyway you know good for me and and I like IT so .
good well, i'm glad it's for you. Um there is a report out from the information uh jsc lesson, I think one that started the information years ago, very credible source. And I saw this on mac rumors. You need a subscription to the information. But I thought of micro MERS where apple um has stopped production, at least for now of the vision .
pro or or may may stop.
Well, it's reduced reproduction of the vision pro and could stop making the current version. So the you know version number one could stop that completely by the end of twenty twenty four. Now the problem with that is that theyve also suspended development of the second generation.
No, that that I think says quite a bit. But one line that I think is is pretty telling here is that uh, apple uh will still be able to resume vision pro productions if sales pick up since the production lines are not yet due to be dismantled. Okay, so why IT or else?
so if if your production lines, you know are in the process or could be slated to be dismantled, your product is gone.
okay. So this this does say a lot. Um I I don't know, I am struggling to pass this right.
I think I think they're saying this is we're we're not getting enough traction with the product. We have found the sweet spot where where part of IT is. They're not producing enough content to support IT, right?
There's not like if if there were if every week you could put this thing on your head, the vision pro on your face and see this fantastic concert that was happening where you were on stage. And I was amazing experience. And you knew every week or every basketball game, if you were a basketball fan, every hockey game, you could strap this on your face and and sit in the front row and watch turkey.
Hundred percent, I would buy one if the, if the content was there. So but that content, obviously incredible investment. You have to make deals with people.
They have to feel like there is worth their time to to do this is a bit of a chicken and egg thing that right yeah um the Price is very high, so no one's going to buy that. I've been watching the boy. What does he called the meta quest three, I think, is the current member quest.
whatever. I've been watching those commercials and there they're not the greatest commercials but they make their point like they do like, yeah you can play a game here or you um you know learn you can work out. You don't have to go to a gym.
You can work out just stick this on your face. You can work out and you're working out and you can see that using IT every day. It's three hundred dollars or whatever the Price.
five hundred and exactly top of all, it's only a few hundred. so.
I feel like they've found their sweet spot there. There they've got something that works. They're gona reach their audience. I think apple is recognizing and I am just speculating here, right?
What I don't know the thinking of apple, but I think apple is has recognized that they the there's no there's not a baLance in what they've created and what they can support to and you know get people to buy into. So they they the cost of of producing enough content to make this thing have traction in, in sales. It's it's just too great to be sustainable.
I think apple sees that. And so I don't see this as vision press dead on to the next thing. I don't think it's that I think apple is saying we're not there yet. And there is one sense in the announcement me if I can find IT um there there .
something where they they're basically .
saying um we are gonna take a year off to uh do you see this there was A A sentence about um we're going to take a year off to to figure out the yeah here a moreover, apple has apparently suspended work on the second generation vision pro, which you said for at least a year to focus on developing a lower costs headset.
So they're taking a break for a year because, uh, they don't have the you know if they we're going to make glasses that just sit on your face. They don't have that technology to to make stuff small enough to make that work. I think that's what's happening here.
So I think, well, they recognize the the big headset, the big expensive headset is never gonna get enough traction to to make that work. And they do. I think I think they're still committed to getting there eventually, but they're gonna.
They don't want to just keep throwing money into the productive uh, a generation. I think what they want to do is go back to the lab and experiment, experiment, find out what they need to do to get this to work in the marketplace. You so I I guess what i'm saying is I wouldn't give up on this.
I still think it's coming. I still think we're gna have a metal quest, you know, apple's version of a metal quest that makes IT in the market and is um and can get traction. And I really wanna have the content like I want to be able to go to a hockey. I want to build to watch a hockey game through a vision pro that was so fantastic or go to a concert like that idea, going to a concert and being on stage and walking around and look at watching.
If I want to watch someone play the guitar and just watch they're playing that long, that they are, they're playing a concert, I want to do that if I want to, you know sort of focus on the drama and watch that technique that would be so thrilling to me or step back and getting, you know go in far away seats and watch the whole thing play out. Um sports you know it's imagine being behind the goal at a soccer match a and watching someone kick the ball and watching you good you know how you kick a socket ball with enough english or whatever they call IT on IT and and then it'll ark it'll bend into the goal measure being behind the goal and watching that thing come at you and you know hundred twenty five miles an hour. I just be nice and right in the goal that would be thrilling, right? Who wouldn't want that? So it's compelling.
The the the idea, the concept is compelling. I don't think that meta has that. I think what meta has is a gaming device more.
But what meta has a ceiling?
Yeah no, I agree IT. Meta has a product that's ready for that. That's market ready. Apple does not.
But I think apple is trying to create an apple product and they didn't you know, they had to build IT to see what the market would say. I think this was a new enough thing for them, but now they've got a lot of experience. The vision probe who served a purpose, I don't think IT was a way.
I don't think IT was you know, I think that was a great product. IT just know that IT IT could be so much more on there. They gotta a figure out all the little pieces and see if they can make a work. They may not be able to ever make the deals to to make a work right anyway.
Will sit a. So we've all used find my I think I think we'll use that, the APP that allows you to search for your devices. It's lost in the house.
So it's lost. You know you lost IT somewhere and you know you use that and IT takes your rate to the device we use some people use IT for luggage. I use IT for for luggage. Um when we were moving, I put one in a box in the moving band and I put one in the box I was transporting .
the .
vehicle was my idea. I know, I know that was a very good idea.
Do you use IT for anything else? Before we move on to what this is this topic is, do you use IT for anything else luggage? So you don't ever, for example, uh, uh, when is Erica onna be home?
You know she's she's on a you know she's drive and somewhere and and you look at at fine mine say, oh, she's still an hour out to ever do using for anything like that. No, I I do that all the time. I I find, you know, if someone's coming to the house and they don't .
say I need to share location.
but they if they don't, right then that lets me just look and say, okay, there there's still in our way or or .
so you have you have a an cake in everybody's .
car no I can look at their fans .
o know people who share their location .
with me who who actually have turned on the let they see your location yeah .
so bad I use yeah .
and there like if if the event was getting food and I know I didn't know where how long he was going to be, I could just look and see when when she's getting close so that I could go out and help her Carries up or SHE went, got groceries, whatever. You know, that's just, I don't even think about IT anymore. I just do IT like that's an automatic that's I love, I love find my I love the site, the concept.
I obviously, there's downsides of air tags and stalking and all that. That's an issue. But for just in general, sharing locations with people who allow you to share that, who are the location ally. But keep going you you were going somewhere with this.
though I think of some of the biggest stories that we've heard about. Fine, but I was, you know people lost their luggage and they located at using fine my at somebody's house and they would call the airline and say, my luggage is at somebody yy. Host, no, you know, we deal with that.
It's not. Somebody is hose we just lost IT. yeah. So now you can actually share the the location of your air tank from fine my with airlines.
And I I am soon gonna other third parties, but you can share that location with them. So you know you're on a flight, uh, your luggage gets lost. You can call them and say, here IT is.
And I think that was what sixteen airline es or something all the major once. The only one I don't think I saw on there was american, but delta was there. United was there. The airline that will benefit the most as air canada because they are the worst airline in the world and they lose everything all. But I don't even know how they manage not to lose their own plane.
What's funny is i'm going to defend air canada because i've went to nova gossip and had a wonderful trip and they were great and everything about .
IT was wonderful experience and um yeah so being able to share the location of your items with third parties, I think is is pretty big. You know I will IT will help them and help you, you know, because now you're able to actually share that formation with themselves.
So I want one thing I thought was interesting. And you you know you brought this up. We were talking before the show, but I think that is very interesting is that um the quote here, uh a fine mies essential tool for users around the world to keep track up and find their belongings, said E D Q, apple senior vice president, services. So this is part of services, which I didn't know. And I guess where else would I be, right?
Yes, I think so. I mean, you could say software, I guess, and be with crag. But you know, craigs getting kind of his handful, uh, you know, lying about apple intelligence r right now. So he needs he needs to get on .
that and he is not onna take .
care of itself and got IT. So yes, I guess I guess he would make sense that is kind of a service so um and a good service you .
know yeah no, I love IT. I really think it's it's a great thing to have um so so I I think the way this is gonna work is that when you're feeling eventually and soon eventually not you know not but soon when you're setting up you are flight with, say, uh, delta, one of the ones that that so we're flighting up a flight with delta, one of the forms you felling like what you know you're giving your known travel number.
You're giving your uh P S A P P S A free number whatever or your um prefer flying number when you're filling out that form to given that information, you can uh I guess paste a link to your to to access your area tech and say, hey, i'd put this in the luggage I think this is the promise, right isn't not the way this is supposed to work. So ah apple has worked directly with part partners airlines to but system in place to privately and securely accept a share item location. So that'll be the field share item location.
Leveraging the hundreds of thousands of apple devices many airlines are already using, access to each link will be limited to a small number of people, and recipients will be required to authenticate order to view the link through either their apple account or partner email address. So this is gonna very interesting. I'm sure that apple is being careful here because privacy, if nothing else, privacy is their hallmark, right? That's what that's so tied to their brand.
If they do something to screw up privacy IT really you know comes back to hate them. Um so i'm curious see how this is onna work. I'm jeffy gna keep an I up for we're talk about this more once one of us has experience, ed, with the right. So I hope I never do because you don't have or I don't .
want to lose anything.
How right? Okay, I got you. yeah. But even the sharing. Even experiencing share item location because that's what this is share item location. So we even building IT out.
Will you do that? Will you will you put an area tag in your bag? And when you check IT and put that in the uh, give them the access to that air tag.
you I don't I don't know.
is that is appear laziness or is that you don't know if you want to do that that yeah.
i'll see how goes for her side. What else you got a eighteen point two beta, three ads require screen on togo for camera control. We tried I did .
I did try IT and this was um this was i'd read about this one nine of my mac, but it's basically um the newest data eighteen to which are running. Are you running by the three? yes. So um basically when you in the past, when i've pulled my camera out of my pocket, my phone out of my pocket and press the camera button, the first thing I had to do was turn on you know was uh face I D and then click IT again.
Click about again to bring up the camera um and this is a setting that says if I press that camera button, camera control button or camera control, if I press camera control, I want that camera to be up and and ready by the time he comes out of my pocket. So it's a much more efficient way to do this. The only reason not to do IT is if you accidentally press camera control, a hard thing to do, not, not, not an easy button to press, but if you grab b IT wrong, whatever.
So this is now a setting. It's not the epic deal, but I like that they did IT IT may IT means apple is it's just another sign that apple is paying attention in camera control that that this is a purpose thing they're doing. They want to get IT right?
Um i'm just going to read a couple quick comments here so um this is um OK this is explaining that I already did that but um this is grouper. This was a significant grape ine in my iphones sixteen review and this new setting is exactly what I was hoping for from apple. I even agree that it's probably a good idea for the require screen on setting to be on by default.
I'm already running the eighteen two baas on my personal phone, so i've disabled this new option already. I'm curious. So requires so what you want to do is a disabled require screen on because require screen on says, hey, the screens gotta beyond before I flip up the camera, which means, do you have that extra step to disable that? That's what I did.
And IT works and it's great. And I love IT. And you know, i'm the camera guy of the two of us. So um I thought this was worth to mention.
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That's linton dot com slash down to post your job for free. Terms and conditions apply. Thank you, linton, for sponsoring the delon poll report. Well, I think we have several different um stories about one topic and it's a rumored apple hub that uh started in uh bloomberg and you know it's all we've seen this apple hub thing before.
Where is you know gonna the size of a small ipad in a controller home? Uh, it's going to have apple intelligence and it's you know it's going to have all the stuff that isn't even product shape, but neither is the the apple hub. What do you think about having an apple hub in your home?
It's going to, you know, video, it's going to control your devices in your home. It's going to have theory, it's going to have apple intelligence and video calls. You know, what do you think of that?
okay. So this is is interesting to me because I don't get IT like I I read about this and I looked and I said, I don't know why I would want this, doesn't click for me at all. But then I read other people's on IT, and there were all these people who I respect, and I read their stuff. I 罚 我 干嘛? 小说 谜底 在 这。
Who were saying, I can't wait for this all this is such a great idea and I think the differences i've there, i'm not much of a smart home person like I don't have light bulbs that I turned on and off and all that stuff though I like IT IT just have never been inclined to invest all that money and all that time to make my house uh, there are things that I maybe we d like to have um like when i'm out and I think of something I need to do when I get home I absolutely love um I love uh saying you know you Sunny remind me when I get home to you know beat the cats say um and then when I drive I get within say a hundred feet of my house this reminder pops up I love that I love that idea of you know, automated proximately thing so if I walk in my house and IT turns on the light, I I would actually like that. I would like the if I walked up to my front door, IT would unlock automatically. I I would like that.
You know there are so I the the the the promise of a smart home is there for me. I you know I I bind very attractive that that's a possibility. I've just it's never been easy enough where it's just like here IT is your homes automatically smart and you don't have to .
do anything require well and I think part of that uh, for me too is that I just don't trust apple enough to a to be able to do this. I mean, let's face IT, they've had a apple home for a long time that that want to APP. Uh it's just a absolute piece of crap that up and now we're gonna put in a device and allow them to control the home with theory, I don't .
think so. No OK. So that's very fair and a very fair take. Um I I I also think that it's IT requires a tanker's mentality to make IT work.
okay. So IT requires a tanker is mentality, then it's not going to be a mass market product right now. Why not just keep making the vision pro? You know if you're gonna one product tanks.
why would you make the talks hang angang. So first of all, I think it's we're not there, okay. And I don't know that this product is gonna be the thing that crosses the rule on.
And now we're there. I don't know. IT sends the devices roughly six uh is a roughly six in screen and looks like a square ipad. So at six in screen, I guess that's diageo al. So it's a little less so it's like fired by very small about the size of two iphone side by side with a thicker edge around the display. There's also a camera at the top front, a rechargeable built battery and internal speakers.
And knowing apple will cost ten .
thousand dollars if the product is great, then you know the people will pay pay the apple tax.
I think no yeah I I don't that they will, but I I think you have to rely on what that product is itself relying on theory and then A A company that couldn't make um uh a home map if their life depended on IT. The home map has been around for years. IT sucks series been around for years.
Its sucks worse in the home map. And now you want to put the two of them together in a product and and have me believe that it's gonna work. no.
okay. So I think we don't know what I will do yet. What I mean, we can guess that IT it'll be like to control your thermostat and let you give you a screen where you can, you know, control they can have A A thermostat that doesn't have a face, right? So that this will be the face, the thermos, and this will be the face of all the device is, and you can turn on the heat, you can change the temperature in your house.
You can do IT problem, assuming this is the thing you can do IT. I assume anything you can do from your the device, you can do from your phone. And that's part of what I don't get is what I already have my phone.
Why do I need this device that in a location that i'm not a ad, you know, let's say it's mounted in my kitchen or mountain red by my front door? Is the idea of that? What's the benefit of having this device versus having the same mechanics on my phone? I don't know, but there's a reason I don't apples, not stupid. They may do things that we don't get, but they are if they're doing this, they must think they have something this I don't think this is playing catch up with alexa, but I could be IT could be apple saying what we need a version of the no google is next tub. Um I think .
apple is a problem right now is that they've screwed up so many things. And now we're putting all of those things together in one product. It's like a junker of apple tech. You know apple intelligence theory, the home map, uh you know everything that doesn't work there. You are putting together in one product and saying, come by this glad .
I don't say, I think when when they're going to roll this out, when he gets closer, I think we're gna start to learn. We're going to see ads for, we going to see videos. We're going to see there is going to be a wwdc where they where they sort of first role at out, and we're going to sit there and they going to show videos of why this is helpful, why this is useful.
I can't imagine they're gonna do IT if it's not useful, but they but vision pro did roll IT out and make a big deal out of IT and IT IT don't take IT you know they made money. I don't know. I don't know if they made enough money, the billions they brought in because they i'm sure they brought in billions of dollars from vision proceed. I don't know if I paid for um the R N D that .
went into IT. Yeah um I am there are other companies, I think that I would trust a lot more than apple with a home device just because I work. Um so they're going to have to get through a few generations of disappointing people before I would ever look at at getting anything to do with the home from apple because I like I I have eight home pods in my home now because apple said, oh yeah, these all over and just, you know get all the all your stuff done well, that was a lie. Um you know you can't and i'm not following for that again.
Um there's also what we're on this topic. Uh the reported apple home, the apple smart home camera will combine ultimate privacy with apple intelligence so um um man chi co. When I can apologize for if I miss pronounce proud, his name suggested that we will see an apple smart home camera in twenty twenty six.
And what does I going to do? Make a gene walk in the door that .
all can, and not stop the bashing just because we don't know? And and you could be very right, you we could look back and you could say, dave, I told you this, I told you I was onna, be Better. You could be right. But let's at least have a little bit of the .
excitement for new stuff OK a little bit .
of the time yeah all right. So this ah you know this device, I don't know if this camera is is separate from the homepage, but I think IT is I think this is we're talking about A A camera that is going to um is onna compete in with the other home cameras that you put in places and you put you would put a camera in every room and then you could have a video chat with somebody who's upstairs.
I don't I don't know that the premise, but um i'm not a big fan of the ring camera because you know everybody has access to your ring feed. There's I don't know if everybody does, but and there's probably way you can disable that, i'm guessing. But in general, amazon as access to your ring feed and they can share with the police or so they can say which I don't have a problem with personally, but I know there's people who that would that the less thing they want and you know your neighbors is can access that.
That's A A concern. Whether that's real or not, I don't know, because I don't have a ring camera, but that is keeping me privacy, is keeping me from having that um so that this is I am guessing this is apple sort of building this you know a device that will work with their home pad and you'll buy multiple devices to have one every room in your house or whatever. I I already had my iphone that has a camera or again, I this is i'm struggling to get the the market here.
I'm struggling to understand what apple is going for, but I also recognize it's just too early. Um P, A, I, cameras offered only the motion detection to triggers recording. An indoor camera could be triggered by a pet walking into the room, while an outdoor one could be activated by things like trees blowing in the wind or a car driving on the street.
So this is the case for A, I will come in and do person detection versus other things. Um I think I think there's a market here. I just don't know whether apple will will get IT.
We'll come up with the clever use of this so that we all want to buy one. But I I got my eyes on this. I think it's worth paying attention to. I think it's worth talking about. Um I think there's a lot, a lot of potential in the smart home, you know water lakes, you know the detecting a water leak and then having that trigger some action. Um you know we made a text. At the very least saying, hey, there's a watter leak but then if there was a video showing, hey, here's so you can keep an eye on IT um or somebody breaks in your house, of course and there's a whole new multiple lia trillion dollar market for home security.
I would probably unlock all the doors for them. okay.
Um but you you get you get the idea there. There is things there is potential here for sure.
No, I I I don't talk that there's potential. I really don't. Um my I think that in the past few years, apple has done itself a real disservice by releasing junk. And now you get people like me that are sad no, it's gonna a while before I fall into that trap and and buy yourself again like that so you know they could have, if they had to know, just been on top stuff and not let everything fall apart. They could have been selling these things to a lot more people.
But IT seems like it's gonna like a new generation of apple users that you know don't realize um what you know crag and john and tim have done over the last few years of that are gone to buy this stuff. They will be the ones and then those products will will be very good and they'll learn to. But after a few generations, I think I will probably be pretty good. With the exception of theory, I think that will probably be pretty good .
at that point. We shall see, right?
Yeah, I don't never expect secret to be any Better than what IT is.
So no, it's interesting in I think you truly despise theory. And I watched that happen. I watched you go from A A bit of a cheerleader.
Honestly, in the early days you were you were excited about a lot of things about, you know, at the very least you are you are comfortable with theory like you were like, yes, good. And you've been let down. I see I think the homework d thing with the music wasn't playing. You were haven't that you had to people over and they know the you had music set up and then IT wasn't working right. And you I I think that really, really started you down a road of of darkness, of apple .
darkness well, that's that's where I am right now. I saw yeah I think it's I said this before. I think it's a matter of trust.
When you give me product, after your product that doesn't work, then I have to believe that you don't care. So i'm not gonna keep buying those products. So the only product I think that's worth at right now is the mac, mac M, S.
How about don't use your phone all the time?
Yeah, I do. I use my phone all the time. But um has there been significant changes in the phone besides the the camera mean they they .
upgraded the camera. Yeah for a while. It's day Better.
The the the O S uh, is buggies croppy can't hardly get anything done. T V O S S bog um you know micro S I think is is pretty good, but all the I O S is all you know, all of that stuff. Um I don't even know how crack manages to to look at himself in the air. These things are so bug.
The apple TV you love your apple TV right? Or at least, yeah.
love that. If this, if I could find something that was the apple TV that had a hundred bugs, yeah, then I I would do .
that instead.
I will. I, I think that you promise me something. I take that promise. And if you break your promise, then I will not trust you again right?
So i'd like to move on to uh a couple of very short topics and then we can go into world watching that are right with you. I mean you want want to do a couple more, right? So one is um and this very short how to tell if you using a slow iphone charger um i've always wondered this right like when I plug into a charger, how do I know looking at IT whether it's a past charger, slow charger, I I you just don't know um and i'm really a good article here but uh basically apple has added a tag to these settings um to the battery settings.
So if you go to settings, open up settings on your phone and then scroll down and tap battery on that page, you'll to have that chart that shows the the battery level um over time uh you know noon, three o'clock, o'clock, whatever bid. Di, you see that that graph that appears on top of that. If you pledged into a slow charger, the word slow charger will appear and then you can tell them so that a good thing I like that.
Um I think um part of IT is what makes charges slow. Uh, wired charges providing seven and half watts or less power that certainly there's a lot of charges out there do that standard one wireless charges. So the the old ones, which probably most of the ones who have, if you have one in your car, it's probably achieve one charges plying, not a cheap to charges.
So that's a slow charger um USB ports in cars or hubs. All that stuff charges with multiple connected devices sharing our so you might you might be possible to be a fast charger, but if you as soon as you plug in three devices into IT, you years may become slow. So good to know good to know how to see that. But I also think um it's interesting that I think android has a thing when you plugged IT in.
IT says I don't know if it's certain versions of android because I don't have an android device so I don't know but this is social media people telling me no day this is the way that is an android um but on on social media sorry, I an android when you plug in new thing IT shows you immediately I said, hey, that's a slow charger just say, you know I think that's what apple should do um I think you should get a message or I was thinking, what if they put a little like red dot on that? You know when you plug in your phone and you will see the little little um lightning the the the lightning icon in the battery thing, if they put like a bread dot there, a yellow dot there or whatever. Um maybe they seem to be using orange but whatever that color is and they put that dot and there see you know you know you're on a little charger.
Most of the charges that apple ships are those little charges which would be considered whole charges. Why would they want to bring attention to the fact that they're .
giving you a slow charge? They have plenty of fast charges. For example, if I plug my for .
the mac and you can use those, but that's not what we're come.
I I have a fast charger for my iphone.
I understand that, but you must have forgot that separately. You can buy, you don't go to the store, and apple gives you a fast charger.
get a charger of any kind when you get up. So you you are making the purchase to to get a charger. And you gonna buy a fast charger or or or you're add some, but you're at a restaurant and you want to plug in and see or you have your in a pinch and you need your phone charged quickly or whatever device your your apple watch, you need to charged quickly.
You want to make sure you're plugged into a fast charger. So this is a way of no making sure you know which charger if this charger is going to be a fast charger or not. I mean, it's it's information. I just put that out there.
I not all info was good info. Yeah so that .
was a thing I wanted to mention. And then but maybe the best apple product to come along since the uh, the mac pro wheels. Remember the when would buy your the last time apple made a mac pro? They made a set of wheels and the wheels cost, I want to say, four hundred dollars or might work that.
Yes, crazy this is um um the so apple did a hundred best hundred albums of all time. Was that what the list was? Yeah and and IT was you and I talked about IT when I first came out, and I think we both agreed IT was not a great list.
yes. Ah IT is IT is real. IT is a four hundred and fifty dollar coffee table book from the.
I say it's real, but yeah, it's no, it's it's real. So so is this, but is this no this? Maybe somebody else doing this OK. So this may be, this may be a third party product. Okay.
I see. Yeah, a celebration .
of apple music and augur list of the greatest records ever made apple music best. Alms is the lasting companion peace to the digital initial. Which one? Ba ba ba.
So it's but IT says apple music on. So it's going to be an apple product. They wouldn't apple wouldn't allow this to be is so heavily branded um you right and it's and it's .
four hundred and fifty dollars.
Estimated shipping date january nine, twenty twenty five. So for the person I I get, this isn't for everybody, but for the person who has multiple sets of mac pro wheels.
this is a product for you, you and you going .
to place your order for this gym.
Oh, I went to .
place for Christmas stocking stuffer.
right? Ah, what we're watching. Um we both have a show on here.
H, I want to put IT on the list this morning. A new already had IT here. It's a show called the diplomat with a Carry rusal.
And you know, for those that may have watched, Carry rusal. And another show, the americans, I was on F X years ago. I was, I dead MIT to the end because, you know, life gotten the way, but i'm going to go back and finish that show. But the diplomat is just incredible. I I love that.
I have to say I this is one of the first times, I think when we both sort of come met at a shell and and we both launching at the same time, i've actually finished season too. You're starting season too.
So I will I will not spoil IT um but I will say that IT is a phenomenal piece writing. This may be a top of my list for current shows um certainly up um and it's uh it's it's a political thing. It's sort of like the west wing but the west wing was a little lighter hearted O A A lot of comedy and people being you know being friends and there was that element to IT. This is much more, I would say, like like a jack ran suspect yeah but he does .
habits into little a twist of comedy. And there, like some of the conversations that they have, you just think, IT, oh my god, that was brilliant. But the the acting is great. The characters are great, and you love and hate some of the characters sometimes at the same time.
So just so well crafted, very believable. You know, not most shows, I thought IT to spend my disbelief on certain things I like, you know, it's a legal, illegal show about a courtroom thing. I would say that would never happen, but i'm just going to i'm enjoying they sell something, going to move on this the whole thing you just felt very just to me was very believable either i'm name, but the diplomat is on netflix and the americans is on hou and are both those shows I so so i'm gonna watch i'm going to start watching the americans after whatever the heck i'm launching now is over. Um and I I sort of watch the first couple of episodes and then didn't didn't watch IT, but now having watched this um this this just feels like, uh this is this is a must watch the americans absolutely .
most right .
so we both had two shows. I guess this .
counts right very go. Um well thanks dave, who was great. Uh I will talk to you next week when I am back on.
can wait .
and rested up.
Alright, see body.
All right, see.
You've been listening to the dow rap report with your welfare hosts gym daw rap and dave mark bringing you their take on all things apple with a sprinkling of science, hockey and whatever crazy thing dave's got going in his basement.