cover of episode Episode 363: New Macs, and On the Road Again

Episode 363: New Macs, and On the Road Again

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The Dalrymple Report

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#ai product innovation#artificial intelligence and machine learning#apple ecosystem#ai integration in product development#biotechnology and neuroscience#product design People
@Eric : 本期播客在科隆录制,介绍了其高效的移动录音设备设置,包括麦克风、外部SSD和MacBook Air等。该设置简单易携带,与在家中的设置几乎相同,方便快捷。唯一的区别是额外使用了一个盒子来抬高麦克风。 Eric 还分享了使用Apple Watch设置多个计时器的经验,并建议使用Siri语音指令提高效率。他认为Apple Watch的“抬腕唤醒”功能设置因人而异,需要找到适合自己的使用方法。 @Dave : 本期播客主要讨论了苹果公司新发布的Mac电脑产品,包括iMac、Mac mini和MacBook Pro。Dave对新款iMac的屏幕尺寸(24英寸)略有微词,认为略小,但对于大多数用户来说足够使用。他认为新款Mac mini性价比很高,入门级配置即可满足大多数用户的需求。他还详细分析了苹果公司公布的Mac mini性能提升数据,并对这些数据保持谨慎态度,认为需要实际测试才能验证。 Dave还分享了他使用Apple Watch计时器的经验,并介绍了一种高效的设置多个计时器的方法。他还讨论了新款Mac mini电源按钮位置设计以及Magic Mouse充电接口设计等细节问题。 在MacBook Pro方面,Dave认为M4 Max芯片的性能非常强大,可以长期使用。他同时对苹果公司提供的性能提升数据持谨慎态度,认为需要实际测试才能验证。他还提到了苹果公司已经将MacBook Air的内存升级到16GB,并认为这是苹果公司为Apple Intelligence的推出做好硬件准备的体现。 最后,Dave还分享了他朋友使用AirPods Pro第二代作为助听器的体验,并对AirPods Pro第二代作为助听器的优缺点进行了分析。

Deep Dive

Setting multiple timers on the Apple Watch is easy using Siri. Just press the digital crown and say something like “five-minute timer” followed by “ten-minute timer,” and Siri will set two separate timers. You can even label each timer for better management.
  • Multiple timers can be set on Apple Watch via Siri.
  • Timers can be labeled by adding names, such as “five-minute steak timer.”
  • Siri can be accessed quickly by holding the digital crown or using the raise-to-speak feature.

Shownotes Transcript

As expected, Apple released a lot of new Mac models this week. iMacs, Mac minis and MacBook Pros were all refreshed with the M4 chips in additional to other changes. Just when you think I’m home, I show up in an expected location to record this week’s podcast.

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Show Notes:

Shows and movies we’re watching

  • Angel of Death, Max
  • Bruce Springsteen, Road Diary, Disney+