cover of episode SN 1001: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - Gmail Temp Addresses, Russia's Internet Off Switch

SN 1001: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - Gmail Temp Addresses, Russia's Internet Off Switch

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Leo Laporte
Steve Gibson
Leo Laporte 认为 Sam Altman 对 AGI 的预测可能更多的是一种商业策略,而非对技术发展的客观评估。他指出,虽然 AGI 的发展势头强劲,但目前仍存在许多不确定性,难以准确预测其出现的时间。 Steve Gibson 则对 AGI 的发展持谨慎乐观态度。他认为,当前的 AI 技术,例如大型语言模型,虽然在特定任务上表现出色,但距离真正的 AGI 还有很长的路要走。他强调了 AGI 所需的常识推理、情境意识、处理不确定性和持续学习等能力,这些能力是当前 AI 系统所欠缺的。他同时指出,当前 AI 技术的进步可能无法直接转化为 AGI 的实现,AGI 的发展可能需要突破性的技术创新。 Steve Gibson 深入探讨了 AGI 的技术挑战,指出当前 AI 系统缺乏实现通用智能的必要组成部分,仅仅依靠统计学习可能不足以实现 AGI。他还分析了训练限制和规模挑战,认为在虚拟环境中训练 AGI 系统以应对现实世界中的复杂情况,包括人类的欺骗,存在巨大的障碍。此外,大型语言模型在不同世代之间的改进率可能呈现递减趋势,这进一步增加了实现 AGI 的难度。 他还强调了对 AGI 的定义和衡量标准的模糊性,指出目前尚无公认的测试方法来判断一个系统是否达到了 AGI 的水平。他认为,AGI 的实现可能需要几十年甚至更长的时间,而不是像 Sam Altman 预测的那样在短期内实现。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a discussion on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), its definition, and the current state of AI technology. The hosts explore the differences between AGI, narrow AI, and artificial superintelligence, and discuss the challenges and predictions surrounding AGI development.
  • AGI is defined as AI that matches or surpasses human cognitive capabilities across a wide range of tasks.
  • Current AI systems, like ChatGPT, are examples of narrow AI, which is limited to specific tasks.
  • The timeline for achieving AGI is highly debated, with some experts predicting it could be achieved by 2025, while others believe it may take decades or longer.

Shownotes Transcript

  • How Microsoft lured the US Government into a far deeper and expensive dependency upon its cybersecurity solutions.

  • Gmail to offer native throwaway email aliases like Apple and Mozilla.

  • Russia to ban several additional hosting companies and give its big Internet disconnect switch another test.

  • Russia uses a diabolical Windows flaw to attack Ukrainians.

  • The value of old Security Now episodes.

  • TrueCrypt's successor.

  • Using Cloudflare's Tunnel service for remote network access.

  • How to make a local server appear to be on a remote public IP.

  • How to share an 'impossible to type' password with someone.

  • How to find obscure previous references in the Security Now podcast.

  • What are the parameters for the expected and widely anticipated next generation Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? What do those in the industry and academia expect? And is OpenAI's Sam Altman completely nuts for predicting it next year? Is it just a stock ploy?

Show Notes -

Hosts: Steve Gibson) and Leo Laporte)

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For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site:, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6).
