Glenn Fleishman returns to the show to talk about Elon Musk's impending acquisition of Twitter, Apple's credibility problem when arguing against being required to allow sideloading on iOS, and Glenn's new (and much-needed) book, Take Control of Untangling Connections).
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“Take Control of Untangling Connections)” — Glenn’s new $10 book that explains everything there is to know about USB-C connectors and ports and adapters.
Glenn’s personal website), with a fun new URL.
Elon Musk is probably going to buy Twitter and take it private).
Matt Levine’s excellent Money Stuff column/newsletter for Bloomberg).
Ryan Broderick’s Garbage Day, another outstanding email newsletter/column).
Apple Newsroom: “Apple TV+ Partners With Idris Elba on New Thriller ‘Hijack’”.
My quip).
Tim Cook’s speech stating Apple’s opposition to mandatory sideloading).
Matt Stoller’s response, which is even more deeply cynical than Biddle’s).
This episode of The Talk Show was edited by Caleb Sexton.