cover of episode Episode 34 - Universities in the Climate Crisis with Aaron Thierry

Episode 34 - Universities in the Climate Crisis with Aaron Thierry

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Life From Plato's Cave

Shownotes Transcript

Dr.Aaron Thierry) has a background ecological scientist, science communicator and environmental campaigner. He received his original PhD in Ecology from the University of Sheffield and went on to a position as a postdoc on a project researching climate feedbacks in the Arctic. Aaron subsequently left academia to focus his efforts on environmental activism and become a youth campaign coach working for a leading UK environmental charity. His past experiences have led him to become fascinated by the question of how to accurately convey scientific warnings of environmental risks in ways that help wake the public to action. To better understand this crucial conundrum, he has chosen to return to research and has begun a new PhD examining the interplay between reason and emotion in the communication strategies of organization’s in the climate emergency movement.   Sources: Aaron's website:  Scientists for Extinction Rebellion:  Capstick, S., Thierry, A., Cox, E. et al. Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 773–774 (2022).

Gardner, C. J., Thierry, A., Rowlandson, W., & Steinberger, J. K. (2021). From Publications to Public Actions: The Role of Universities in Facilitating Academic Advocacy and Activism in the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Frontiers in Sustainability, 2.    Sabine Winters interviewed me for her podcast Scientific Imagination:  I published my first article as an independent researcher. It is about my vision on the climate crisis, and you can read it here:  This is the Dutch column I refer to in the episode:

  This is an independent educational podcast.  

I hope you enjoy the episode! Mario   

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Illustration © by Julien Penning, Light One Art: