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The Miracle ‘Me’ Morning
I want to talk to you about my miracle ‘me’ mornings.
They’re a little different and potentially more achievable than you might think. They’re also less about checking off a list and more about feeling into it.
There’s so much out there around ‘miracle mornings’ and ‘5am clubs’ with lists of things you need to do before a certain time and it can become overwhelming for people.
Then what happens when we’re overwhelmed is we do nothing instead.
I’m always talking about small incremental changes over trying to totally change something with an all or nothing mentality. Your nervous system needs time to catch up and time for it to feel ‘safe’ to make changes.
We might WANT to start our day differently but when you have people saying you have to do this AND this AND this AND this then of course it’s going to feel overwhelming.
Now you’re being told you need to do the journaling, the exercise, the meditation, the breathwork, the yoga, the reading….all before some crazy time.
It really doesn’t need to be overwhelming because we have to think about what it is we’re really trying to achieve.
And then make it fit for YOU and YOUR life.
There’s a reason I'm always talking about putting ‘you’ back into things. It’s because when you don’t, it makes everything more difficult.
Because we read a book or take a programme there can be a mentality that if we don’t follow it to the letter that we won’t get the results.
I believe it’s about taking what actually works for you and leaving the rest.
I’ve done programmes before and paid high ticket for them where the majority wasn’t going to work for me but I might take that one golden nugget that could lead to a huge change, making it all worth it!
So, what are my ‘me’ mornings and how did they come about?
Back in January you might know I had the dreaded covid, which turned into labyrinthitis and long covid.
It wasn’t the most fun i\ve ever had, I'll be honest.
But there was a big surprising positive that stuck.
It showed me how much I could slow down.
It completely redefined my days and my mornings.
I was your stereotypical high achiever type when I was in corporate, and it followed me into my business. I had the idea that you had to work certain hours and a particular number of hours. I’d feel a little ‘on edge’ if I hadn’t started work around 9am.
Often we don’t know something is problematic until we experience the other side of it.
That’s why it’s so important to make the unconscious conscious and approach life with curiosity, because that’s where you find all these incremental shifts that lead to huge changes in your life.
So this leads me nicely onto how that one shift has led to a total life change that has been, quite simply, glorious.
Being ill and trying to recover meant I was forced to adjust.
I’m a big believer in listening to your body and what it needs. Which, in itself, is a skill that can be learned. I certainly had to learn it. What my body needed was rest, rest and more rest.
So that meant slower mornings for me.
I would aim to start work at about 11.00. I’d sleep until I woke up, let go of my alarm.
I’d go make my cup of tea, wake up the dog and give him his breakfast.
I’d stay off my phone until I was getting ready when I'd listen to a podcast or watch something while doing my makeup.
I went back to the gym but took it super slowly to start with. Yoga, swimming, a walk on the treadmill to try and build up my energy.
Now I either work with a personal trainer or I do an hour in the gym followed by a swim and then sauna, steam room, hot tub….the reward piece of the puzzle.
It has made a profound difference to my life, and increased my focus and productivity.
Now, the important thing for me to say here is that I absolutely acknowledge my privilege here. Your ‘me’ morning won’t look the same as mine and it absolutely doesn’t have to.
What could you do to have even 1% more ‘you’ time or focus on you every day? What is just one thing you could do everyday to make you feel at the top of your list?
Start small and increase over time.
It’s really not about what my morning looks like either. I’m not advocating you take my exact routine, or anyones! Far from it.
It’s far more about what it stands for and what it wires you for.
Your worthiness.
A life you love living.
Allowing you to look after yourself and put yourself first.
You don’t have to look very far to see entrepreneurs who have bought into the hustle mentality and are exhausted and burnt out. That isn’t a measure of success. Personally for me it’s the opposite.
It wires you to respect yourself. To take care of yourself. To listen and respond to your own needs. To believe you’re worth taking care of.
You might notice an increase in confidence and self worth. You’ll notice your day goes better. You’re able to start your day outside of ‘stress’ mode, feeling calmer. You might notice your productivity and focus increase, even if you’re physically working less time.
Now, it’s important to say all of the things that are listed previously, the exercise, the journaling, the meditation etc, are all hugely important. More than you may think they are. But they don’t HAVE to be done in the morning and it needs to be based around you and what you enjoy.
As an example, if you were raised in a chaotic environment when you were young, it’s likely you might find many forms of meditation difficult because your nervous system might be wired for chaos. Meaning calm registers as a ‘threat’. There are MANY forms of meditation that WILL be hugely beneficial to you but it’s trying them out and not trying to force yourself into a box.
Allow yourself to try things out and see what fits and intentionally look for the physiological shifts that occur in the moment, but also over time.
Time has a funny way of bending to our will.
If you follow me on Instagram @imfranexcell you’ll often see me posting stories from the gym/spa/manor house where I'm a member and I can honestly say that investment is the gift that keeps on giving. Physically and mentally.
I aim to start proper work at 11.00, sometimes 12.00. Then I head up to the manor for uninterrupted work time and I can get so much more done in 4-5 hours there than I would in the whole day at home. AND i’ve spent the morning looking after myself, my needs, my health. I also feel super abundant when I'm there too. So it’s a winner all round.
So what could your ‘me’ morning look like? Is it even in the morning? I just encourage you to think about the things that really make a difference in your day. It might be better for you to do certain things as a pick me up at lunch time. Or maybe as a destress in the evening.
Just think about what you’re wiring your brain for with the little things you do in your day.
You deserve to have time for yourself, no matter how small that pocket might be. You deserve to know that you’re worth it.