cover of episode 146. 名字是一道跨越时空的魔法

146. 名字是一道跨越时空的魔法

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美西园:从小到大使用过多个英文名和网名,每个名字都代表着人生不同阶段的自我认知和态度。英文名选择受限,中文名排列组合更多。在国外,不用英文名可能会被忽略,这是一个现实原因。坚持使用拼音名,因为名字难念只是因为对方懒得学习。中国人更习惯在网上用网名,外国人更习惯用真名,这可能与语言习惯有关。名字像一件衣服,代表着想呈现的形象。 东方巨龙:从小到大一直在寻找最适合自己的英文名,但始终没有找到。小时候因为喜欢电视剧《我为歌狂》里的角色Maggie,所以给自己取了这个英文名。后来意识到Maggie这个英文名与自己气质不符,所以决定换一个英文名,甚至自己造过英文名。英文名选择受限,而中文名排列组合更多。自己取网名比较乏味,在匿名平台通常取无意义的名字或字母组合。取网名取决于想呈现的形象,以及是否希望被看到。自己取英文名Iris,但后来发现这个名字与自己没有关系。自己不会再取英文名,想用本来的名字。给四只猫取了中文名,每个名字都代表人生的一个阶段。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the speaker decide to change their dog's name from Aubrey?

Aubrey, the dog's original name, was given by the guide dog organization but felt culturally mismatched, as it carries a stereotype similar to 'Karen' in English-speaking contexts. The speaker wanted a name that better suited the dog's personality and appearance.

What challenges did the speaker face when choosing an English name for themselves?

The speaker found it difficult to choose an English name that truly represented them, as the selection felt limited and often disconnected from their cultural identity. They also experienced issues with pronunciation and cultural relevance, leading them to eventually abandon English names in favor of their Chinese name.

How did the speaker's childhood TV show influence their choice of an English name?

The speaker's first English name, Maggie, was inspired by a character from the TV show '我为歌狂.' They admired the character's cool and rebellious personality, which led them to adopt the name as a way to express their own aspirations during childhood.

What societal issues are highlighted by the speaker's discussion of names in professional settings?

The speaker discusses how non-Western names often face discrimination in professional settings, with individuals sometimes needing to adopt Western names to gain recognition or job opportunities. This reflects broader issues of racial bias and cultural assimilation.

What trend in Chinese naming conventions does the speaker observe among younger generations?

The speaker notes that younger generations in China often have names inspired by popular culture, such as '子轩' or '子涵,' which reflect contemporary influences. These names are distinct from older, more traditional names like '建国' or '卫国,' which were common in previous generations.

Why does the speaker emphasize the importance of names for pets and plants?

The speaker believes that naming pets and plants is a meaningful way to connect with them, reflecting their personalities or characteristics. They share personal experiences of naming their pets and plants, highlighting how names can carry sentimental value and represent different stages of life.

How does the speaker view the relationship between names and personal identity?

The speaker sees names as a reflection of personal identity, with different names representing various stages or aspects of their life. They emphasize that while names can change over time, they often carry deep personal significance and can evoke strong memories of past experiences.

  • 英文名选择受限于词汇量和文化背景
  • 使用英文名是为了融入西方社会,获得更多认可
  • 拼音名更能体现个人文化认同

Shownotes Transcript









[00:42] 开场白

[04:57] 独一无二的Franny诞生记

[09:01] Maggie,我的童年女主角

[13:36] 英文名限制了大家的发挥!

[20:23] 中英文名来来去去互为变体

[26:16] 网名、火星文与非主流岁月

[32:26] 也有人真心想用僵尸号冲浪

[36:32] 游戏名,请你不要离我太近

[40:23] 遇到好名字,未必就是合适

[47:05] 名字有自己的年代与性别感

[52:43] 给植物和玩具取名超级有趣

[56:17] 拭目以待,小奥的新名字!

[01:02:36] 结束语


Shinichiro Yokota - Momiji






