cover of episode 【美人局07】她说这个红尘要策马要轰烈要潇洒|了不起的琼瑶


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@雨尘 :我从自身经历和对琼瑶作品的解读出发,探讨了琼瑶作品的时代影响和价值。首先,琼瑶剧深刻影响了几代人,其作品中对爱情的刻画和对女性形象的塑造具有独特的魅力,尽管在某些群体中存在争议,但其影响力不容忽视。其次,我分析了琼瑶独特的选角眼光和审美,认为其对“琼瑶女郎”的打造是其成功的重要因素之一,至今仍难以超越。再次,针对琼瑶作品中常被诟病的“三观不正”问题,我提出应理性看待,不能简单地以当代价值观去评判,而应看到其作品中体现的女性成长和对爱情的探索。最后,我结合自身情感经历和对琼瑶作品的理解,阐述了琼瑶作品带给我的启示:对爱情的认真投入,以及拥有爱与承受伤害的能力。琼瑶作品的价值在于其对情感的真挚表达和对女性成长的关注,而非简单的道德评判。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Qiong Yao considered a significant figure in Chinese literature and media?

Qiong Yao is a significant figure due to her prolific literary and media contributions, including nearly 70 novels, 55 TV scripts, and over 500 episodes of TV dramas. Her works have generated approximately 1 billion RMB in copyright revenue, and her personal wealth exceeds 2.5 billion RMB. She is one of China's most influential and well-known writers, with a lasting impact on popular culture through her unique portrayal of love and female characters.

What distinguishes Qiong Yao's female characters in her works?

Qiong Yao's female characters are distinguished by their depth and diversity, often embodying strong, independent, and complex personalities. She was known for her unique aesthetic in selecting actresses, often referred to as 'Qiong Yao girls,' who were chosen for their distinct beauty and ability to portray nuanced roles. Her characters often navigate intense emotional landscapes, reflecting both the joys and pains of love, which resonated deeply with audiences.

How did Qiong Yao influence the portrayal of women in Chinese media?

Qiong Yao revolutionized the portrayal of women in Chinese media by creating strong, multifaceted female characters who were central to the narrative. Her works often highlighted the emotional and psychological depth of women, challenging traditional stereotypes and offering a more nuanced view of female experiences. Her influence is evident in the lasting popularity of her characters and the continued relevance of her themes in contemporary media.

What is the significance of Qiong Yao's 'Qiong Yao girls' in the entertainment industry?

The 'Qiong Yao girls' are significant as they represent a unique aesthetic and talent selection process that Qiong Yao pioneered. These actresses, often discovered as unknowns, were chosen for their distinct beauty and ability to embody the complex characters in her stories. This approach not only set a standard for casting in Chinese media but also highlighted Qiong Yao's keen eye for talent and her commitment to showcasing diverse female beauty and strength.

How did Qiong Yao's personal experiences influence her writing?

Qiong Yao's personal experiences, particularly her own romantic relationships, deeply influenced her writing. She often drew from her life to create authentic and emotionally resonant stories. Her ability to channel her personal joys and sorrows into her work allowed her to craft narratives that were both deeply personal and universally relatable, contributing to her widespread appeal and enduring legacy.

What legacy does Qiong Yao leave behind in Chinese culture?

Qiong Yao leaves behind a legacy of transformative storytelling that redefined the portrayal of love and women in Chinese culture. Her works continue to be celebrated for their emotional depth, complex characters, and the unique aesthetic of her 'Qiong Yao girls.' She inspired generations of writers and filmmakers and remains a pivotal figure in the evolution of Chinese literature and media.

  • 琼瑶作品影响了几代人
  • 琼瑶作品在鄙视链底端
  • 对琼瑶作品的偏见

Shownotes Transcript





后期剪辑制作:Swan Choice 工作室

小助手:Msswanheart (添加微信并备注听友群)

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00:40 奇妙的感应

04:20 不能因为情爱主题就弱化她的才华

07:35 琼瑶的女性审美至今内娱无代餐

16:36 三观正与不正都是别人说的,她不过在写女性在写爱情

24:25 没有经历就没有故事,不要谴责正在经历故事的主人公

25:45 为自己负责,别恋爱脑怪琼瑶

26:57  对一个人抱有激情这件事并不常有,你要为你能拥有这种激情而珍惜