Wenhao decided to cut ties with his mother due to a combination of factors, including her inability to accept his sexuality, her dismissal of his childhood trauma, and her continued emotional manipulation. The final trigger was when his mother planned to give his clothes to her ex-boyfriend, who had abused Wenhao as a child, leading to severe anxiety and emotional distress.
Wenhao was deeply hurt and angry when his mother dismissed his childhood trauma as 'imagined.' He felt betrayed and invalidated, as his mother refused to acknowledge the abuse he endured from her ex-boyfriend, which included being held underwater and threatened with a knife. This dismissal further solidified his decision to cut ties.
Wenhao's mother reacted with resistance and disapproval when he shared his relationship with her. She refused to listen, called his relationship 'unhealthy,' and showed no willingness to accept or understand his life choices. This rejection deeply hurt Wenhao and shattered his hopes for a supportive relationship with her.
Wenhao started sharing his story on social media to seek feedback and validation from others. He felt isolated and needed external perspectives to help him process his experiences and emotions. By sharing his story, he aimed to connect with others who might have faced similar struggles and to encourage open discussions about difficult family dynamics.
Wenhao advises others in the LGBTQ+ community to prioritize self-love and not feel ashamed of putting themselves first. He emphasizes that caring for oneself is not selfish and encourages people to live authentically without being overly concerned about others' judgments. He believes that life is too short to be consumed by external pressures.
Wenhao's relationship with his mother severely impacted his mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and even physical symptoms like insomnia and difficulty breathing. The constant emotional manipulation, lack of acceptance, and dismissal of his trauma created a toxic environment that left him feeling trapped and emotionally drained.
节目主播 | 斯坦尼Rainbow
本期嘉宾 | 文豪
节目制作 | 冠声播客Vocal Supreme
制作人 | 樱木星
后期 | 樱木星
封面 | 樱木星
故事投稿 | [email protected])
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Show notes|时间轴|
00:52 前情回顾结束,本期故事的开始~
03:23 与母亲分享自己获得认可的喜悦,她说:“我不想听你这些不健康的事”
10:17 我选择断亲,出于很多原因
13:38 袒露我的童年疤痕,她告诉我这一切都是我想象的
20:00 努力承受家庭和外界的压力,我逐渐的焦虑躯体化
23:56 我做自媒体的初衷是我需要得到反馈
27:27 我们要学会去爱自己
33:26 不去担心两小时和八公里以外的事情