cover of episode 沈阳啊沈阳02上.听鑫仔聊东北澡堂


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鑫仔:在东北经营大众澡堂的经济效益并不理想,收入仅能维持基本生活,性价比低,因此不太建议东北人从事这一行业。 大众澡堂是许多东北长辈重要的社交场所,他们会在这里喝茶、聊天,待上一天,形成一种社区归属感。但对澡堂老板来说,这并非一项高利润的生意。 东北澡堂使用的水源通常是温泉水,但一些低价澡堂可能会使用廉价的工业废水,虽然成本低廉,但这种水可能会对皮肤造成刺激,含有难以察觉的金属物质。 经营澡堂的经历是人生中一个阶段,虽然谈不上开心,但现在回想起来也还好。 东北人喜欢去澡堂,不仅仅是为了洗澡,更是为了放松和社交,澡堂是东北人的一种独特的文化体验,可以类比为东北人的‘迪士尼乐园’。 作为澡堂老板,虽然表面上会扮演热情好客的角色,但私下里并不热衷于与顾客过多交流。 建议南方朋友去东北澡堂体验时,务必做好脱光衣服的心理准备。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does running a bathhouse in Northeast China not yield high profits?

Running a bathhouse in Northeast China is not highly profitable due to the high operational costs and long working hours, often equating to a regular job's income. The consumer level in the region also limits the potential for higher earnings.

What type of water is commonly used in Northeast China's bathhouses?

Most bathhouses in Northeast China use natural spring water, which is sourced from local springs. However, some cheaper establishments might use water from industrial sources, which can be harsh on the skin due to residual industrial substances.

What is the social significance of bathhouses in Northeast China?

Bathhouses in Northeast China serve as significant social hubs, especially for the elderly, who often purchase season tickets and spend entire days there, engaging in activities like drinking tea and socializing, thus fostering a strong community atmosphere.

How does the experience of bathhouses in Northeast China compare to those in Beijing?

Bathhouses in Northeast China offer a more comprehensive and culturally immersive experience, often compared to Disneyland for locals, featuring various activities like dining and entertainment. In contrast, those in Beijing are more akin to resort hotels, focusing primarily on spa and relaxation services.

What advice is given to first-time visitors to Northeast China's bathhouses?

First-time visitors to Northeast China's bathhouses are advised to be prepared to fully undress, as it is a standard practice in both small and large bathhouse facilities in the region.

  • 东北澡堂盈利能力低,只能维持温饱
  • 澡堂经营成本高,工作时间长
  • 大众澡堂是社区社交场所,具有社区意义

Shownotes Transcript

沈阳啊沈阳系列,这回我们聊在沈阳到底去哪洗澡! 本来这期邀请了前澡堂老板鑫仔哥哥回沈阳录制,但由于他太忙了,最终未能成行,于是厚颜无耻的宁家宇在录制结束之后专程回北京登门拜访,把鑫仔哥哥堵在家里强行补录了以下内容。鑫仔哥哥微笑着说了很多心里话,也提出了非常重要的建议,最关键的是,他的金句振聋发聩!醍醐灌顶!简直让人从头热到脚!更让人迫不及待想马上听到02下,听听大家怎么聊东北澡堂哈哈哈哈哈哈 Shownotes 01:06) 干澡堂子到底挣不挣钱 02:57) 澡堂子里的水是不是温泉水 04:36) 鑫仔老板温馨提示 05:46) 感慨 06:25) 不爱泡澡的澡堂老板 07:48) “我觉得洗浴就是东北人的迪士尼” 09:15) 回忆 10:13) 思考 11:03) 爱演 11:38) 对外地朋友最贴心的建议 BGM When You Wish Upon a Star (From "Disney 100") - Sara Bareilles