cover of episode 【人间杂谈】大家一起来玩海龟熬的那个汤!


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@老三 :通过层层设问,引导@小葱 逐步推断出故事的真相。老三先提出故事背景:张先生生日收到一封邮件,附件是一个视频,内容是他妻子和一个陌生男子在一起有说有笑。然后通过小葱的回答,一步步引导小葱排除各种可能性,例如:出轨、谋杀等,最终引导小葱得出结论:张先生的妻子在手术中去世,而张先生因为妻子失聪无法说话,误以为妻子和陌生男子在一起,错过了救助妻子的机会,因此后悔莫及。 小葱:通过老三的引导,逐步推断出故事的真相。一开始小葱也误以为是出轨事件,但在老三的引导下,逐步排除各种可能性,最终推断出张先生的妻子因为失聪无法说话,在录制表达爱意的视频时遇害,而张先生因为误解而没有及时救助妻子,最终导致妻子去世,因此后悔莫及。 小葱:通过与老三的互动,逐步理清故事的脉络,并最终猜出故事的真相。小葱的提问和猜测,体现了其缜密的逻辑思维能力和对细节的关注。 老三:通过引导小葱,逐步揭示故事的真相,并最终解答了小葱的疑问。老三的引导方式巧妙地利用了小葱的回答,逐步缩小了答案的范围,最终引导小葱得出正确的结论。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the 'Turtle Soup' game and how is it played?

The 'Turtle Soup' game involves participants being given a story background and then asking questions that can only be answered with 'yes,' 'no,' or 'irrelevant.' Through these questions, players aim to piece together the complete story.

Why did Mr. Zhang cry bitterly after watching the video in his email?

Mr. Zhang cried bitterly because he misunderstood the situation. He thought his wife was having an affair and killed her, but the video revealed that she was actually preparing a birthday gift for him with a doctor, teaching her to speak as she was deaf. He realized he could have saved her when he heard her cries for help but didn't act because he thought she couldn't speak.

What was the shocking discovery made by the daughter's father regarding the damaged ball?

The father discovered that the damaged ball contained hair, revealing that his daughter had killed the man who had assaulted her years ago. This discovery showed that beneath her seemingly innocent and mentally disturbed exterior, she harbored deep-seated hatred and vengeance.

What led to the young man's suicide in the story involving the green teeth?

The young man, an embalmer, accidentally consumed part of a corpse. To verify his suspicion, he painted a corpse green and later found green paint on his teeth, confirming his act. Overwhelmed by guilt and horror, he committed suicide.

What was the horrifying realization of the female celebrity regarding her sofa?

The female celebrity realized that her sofa, a gift from a fan, was made from human skin. This horrifying discovery came after she watched a news report about a person found dead without skin, leading her to understand the true nature of her sofa.

  • 海龟汤游戏规则:只能问是或否,或不重要
  • 张先生收到一封邮件附件是视频,内容是他妻子和陌生男子在一起
  • 通过提问,逐步还原故事真相:张先生的妻子已去世,邮件是妻子生前录制的生日礼物

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